Angus Cadiearis



4 years, 2 months ago


Angus Cadiearis


sunflower blooming in the night

Angus Emman

24 (in 2020)
25 (in 2021)

May 18

man (cis)


bi.png bisexual




web designer

pear blossoms


Angus usually comes across as a laid back man with a friendly disposition. He's very approachable and sociable - those traits, combined with his willingness to help others, make him the kind of guy people like to spend time with. He's always found himself more a follower than a leader; despite that, others often find themselves seeking out his advice and opinion on things. He gives an impression of being very confident but he's got points which he's very self-conscious about: his inability to strategise, as well as anger management issues. His incredibly strong sense of duty makes him feel responsible for others' safety and well-being, which can easily lead him into lashing out when he sees them being threatened. He's prone to reacting in disproportional manner, and although his anger is usually of the righteous kind, he's still quite dangerous in such a state. He tends to mask his fear with violent outbursts, which is more often than one might think - he's actually constantly scouring the environment for danger, almost paranoid, which is a remnant of his time spent in the military. Due to his protective streak, as well as paranoia and his sense of duty, Angus sees betrayal as the ultimate sin - one that is absolutely unforgivable. It might look like it has to do with a strong moral compass. However, while he's very much set in his ways morality-wise, the more recent events have shaped him into a man, who views the world as a war between 'us' and 'them'. His issues, however, don't diminish his radiant smile, reassuring word or love for long walks in the fields. He really is a relaxed fellow with a heart of gold - or a hazard, depending on what one's intentions might be.

hot-headed. outgoing. stubborn.

Likes: autumn, calligraphy, clocks, coding, coffee, dogs, electronics, sunflower seeds, working out


Angus comes from a humble family of pear farmers. At a young age, he happened to meet, and then befriend, Axciss, the crown prince of Esear. Shortly after his friend's tragic death, the country was taken over by Tom Wilbur. His memories altered, Angus lived a rather turbulent life in the newly established Republic of Esear - that is, until his memories mysteriously returned.



He's right handed.
He speaks fluent Esearish and Quetlish. He can also speak Ovurpish pretty decently and read a few select Zemazhian characters.
He sometimes covers his forehead with a headband, other times his hair covers it up for him; a faint scar is visible underneath
In the past, he broke his nose bridge by falling off a tree. It didn't heal properly and thus, it remains crooked to this day.
Surprisingly enough, he blushes very easily.
He has a bachelor's degree in electronics. While people often think he's all brawl and no brains, he's actually very good at maths and technology-related things.
Has good handwriting due to his love of calligraphy - both modern and traditional.
Born in a year of the Fire Rat. According to the Western zodiac, he's a Sun Taurus, Moon Gemini, Scorpio Rising

Dislikes: arrogance, cats, having to wear formal clothes, lies, spicy food, Tom Wilbur

Aura sensibility
Aura usage

tawny, tan, warm tone

chin-length, mostly straight. red and quite messy.

a bit on the smaller side, squinty, black. parallel eyelids

168cm (5'6)

Style of dress:
Prefers clothing that is loose and casual. Sleeveless tops and hoodies are his favourite articles of clothing. Usually sticks to neutral tones, especially black and grey, occasionally red or blue. Doesn't wear skirts.

Associated imagery:
clocks and clockworks, dogs, guns, warm colours, pears, pretty handwritten letters


Angus's skin is tanned, with a warm undertone to it. His neck is rather thick but still quite proportional, his shoulders wide. His arms are toned and strong, capable of carrying many of his friends. His hands are a bit on the small side, covered in calluses and tiny scars. His chest and stomach are, like the shoulders, a little wider than most, feeling strong and sturdy. On his upper back, there's a tattoo - two stars and a dagger. Angus's legs look short compared to the rest of the body. His foot size - around 7.5 (40) - tends to limit his choice of footwear. His posture tends to be confident and open; whenever he's stressed, his whole body immediately tenses up.

His face is square-shaped and not very long. His forehead - not too tall, not too short - bears a faint scar with an irregular shape. He usually covers it up - either with his messy, red hair, or with a headband. His brow is soft in profile. Beneath his thick and bushy eyebrows lies a pair of round black eyes with parallel eyelids. They're a bit on the smaller side and seem to eminate warmth, giving off a pleasant vibe, despite being seemingly quite tired. They're always on a lookout for both signs of danger, as well as the small joys of everyday life. The big, round nose, has a crooked bridge to it - in the past, he broke it and ever since then, its shape has been slightly altered. His cheeks are round and surprisingly soft to the touch. He tends to forget to take care of his lips; they tend to be a bit dry but never chapped. His chin is a bit squared, the jawline - subtly defined, often described as attractive. Angus, overall, appears to be a well-built and well-intentioned man, with a lot of kindness in his heart. However, if met in battle, he proves to be an intimidating and formidable foe.