Sky Blue



3 years, 9 months ago


Sky Blue

[WIP profile]
she/they/any • #87CEEB

  • Sky Blue is a defensive AI assistant created by Sea Green to help with some parts of her job e.g. recognising/detecting attacks, closing down endpoints, and alerting the heads.
  • Being fully virtual, HEX members can only interact with her through computer interfaces and by diving into the server that she runs on.
  • Xe is incredibly verbose; you have to interrupt them to get them to stop talking. They tend to be nice but aren't averse to cutting humour.
  • Occasionally, HEX enlists her as intel for espionage missions (especially when they need someone with her processing capabilities). She's terrified of getting involved in the action but also worries too much about her continuing existence to defy orders.
  • They think and fret about their existence a lot, and what it means that they obligatorily exist on an intranet server.


  • Sea Green: Sea Green is Sky Blue's creator, and she used to venerate them on the a level of a god, before they developed a more mutual dynamic. Sea Green is cool, outstanding, totally radical, badass, groovy...
  • Cornsilk: Cornsilk is so funny, totally nonthreatening, and easy to talk to! The truth is, Cornsilk just thinks Sky Blue (and the idea that they exist) is cute and likes to dive in to hang out for fun. Not everyone gets to see this nice side of her.
  • She programmed her own hair particle effects. I mean, her entire existence is virtual and she's rarely out on missions; she's allowed to have flashy effects.
  • Designed by emorbus - her design works perfectly for the character concepts I already had in mind...