
  • Full name
    Naina Milada
  • Lives in
    Ike Kora
  • Age
  • Pronouns
  • Job
    Waitress, moonlights as an assassin

To those who know her at her day job at the Summer Fields restaurant, Naina is exceedingly sweet, patient, and endearingly frantic about getting orders right.

To those who have been on the other end of her blade, she is confident and wastes no time.

In either case, she does only what is asked of her, no more and no less.

It's not that she is exacting or stingy by nature: she just has too much going on to waste any time on what doesn't need to be done.

She has a powerful sense of right and wrong, and a way with changing people's minds. To her there is no contradiction between her wildly different occupations: she takes to both with the same sense of necessity and responsibility.

When news comes that the king of Anikora is seriously ailing, Naina is paid by an anti-royalist sect to take his daughter out of the picture.

It should be easy. She's done this many times before abroad—Irgaedera is a place intrigue, always some merchant or politician who needs taking care of.

But the night she trespasses on the palace of her hometown, she finds herself facing the newly-appointed head of the royal guard (who, by the way, is a bit of a celebrity for her skill in duels) one-on-one. Her mask is removed, and the guard gets a proper two-second look at her face before she can flee. Perhaps she has just spelled the doom of her career, and the sect she has pledged her allegiance to...
