


3 years, 10 months ago



  • NAME Tyrant
  • AGE 5.6 years
  • GENDER Male
  • ROLE Brave
  • MTBI Unknown


Tyrant is a cynical and quiet member of the group. He is very introverted and prefers to watch others instead of participating. Because of this, others are somewhat uneasy around him, as they mistake his silence for malice. There is a very compassionate and caring side to him, but only Sadie sees that. He is guided by his head, often reserved in public where he is modest and conformist. He is somewhat narrow-minded and likes to avoid standing out.

Tyrant would do anything for his family. Sadie is the first dog he ever fully trusted. She pushed through his cold exterior and their friendship blossomed into love. He is very protective over Sadie and his son, Skipper. When Skipper was born, he wouldn't sleep for days because he was guarding his mate, not letting anyone see them out of fear that they'd be harmed. Overtime he loosened up a little but still keeps a close eye on Skipper.


  • Family
  • Quiet
  • Guarding


  • Bulwrinkle
  • Boulder
  • Sleeping

TRIVIA and stats

  • Tyrant is the brother of Dixon but you hardly ever see them together. He doesn't trust Dixon around his family and keeps him at a distance.
  • He has great respect for Hepling, but doesn't like Bulwrinkle or Boulder. Tyrant knows that Bulwrinkle will do anything Boulder says and despises the bulldog for having no spine or morals. As for Boulder, he sees how Boulder is constantly interfering with him and Sadie. He gets the feeling that she is up to no good, and keeps Skipper far from her at all times.
  • Sadie and him have been mates for two years, and friends for one. Tyrant was one of the first to join the Canis Yorks when he was 2 years old, while Sadie joined a year after. She slowly became close to him over the course of a year and that relationship built up until they eventually became mates. He originally did not want to have any pups, but his worldview changed after Sadie came in his life. He wouldn't give her up for anything.






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