Shiloh Deneron



3 years, 8 months ago



NAME Shiloh Deneron
AGE 24
GENDER Cis Woman
OCCUPATION "Librarian"
PLAYLIST Spotify Playlist

Sarcastic, brash and headstrong Shiloh is a handful of an academic who’s curiosity never fails to lead her into trouble. Shiloh’s desperate to understand what makes her different from other people, as apparently not everyone can move things with their mind. Her search leads her to occult readings, and her family history, the latter being far, far more terrifying.


Shiloh is a strange woman who rarely tolerates a dull conversation. She’s outgoing, curious conversational and kind, which on some level can make her very easy to get to know and fairly agreeable. However, Shiloh’s also prone to asking too many questions and lacking a good sense of boundaries. She also won’t hesitate to let you know if you’re boring her. She’s passionate and fierce about her interests which drives a lot of her motivation. She’s also impulsive, and will follow strong emotions without a lot of hesitation-be it excitement or anger.

While she can be a bit messy, at her core Shiloh is a well intentioned person who just needs to learn more about the world and people around her.

Well Intentioned • Inquisitive • Stubborn • Headstrong • Bitchy


ELLIOT GRAVES | ...Friend? Elliot is a normal human who seems to have experienced a lot of the ‘real’ world. Shiloh’s fascinated to learn about…normal people from him, though sometimes she fears she’s just further alienating herself by studying him so closely.

JACK DENERON | Half Brother Shiloh’s always had a hard time getting along with people her age, but she feels like she’s known her brother her whole life-not just a few years. He’s a stable, reliable force in her life who doesn’t seem easily frightened by their families quirks. She trusts him a lot, and is terribly protective of him.

ROBERT DENERON | Father Shiloh loves her father despite his faults, for the longest time all they had was each other. He made her the person she is today, and she used to be proud of the fact. But now she struggles with feelings of betrayal stemming from her fathers secrecy. He ‘just wanted to protect her’, but Shiloh doesn’t exactly feel better being left in the dark.

LAVINIA BATES | Mother Dead Mom, and kind of an imaginary friend in her youth. Dad and the Uncles rarely talk about her and it’s a notable hole in her life. She just wants to know more about her mother but no one seems willing to give her answers hoping it can explain… a lot of things that are wrong with her.

ATTICUS CALDWELL | Uncle Basically her second parent. She adores Atticus and is only mad that her dad didn’t introduce them earlier. While not family by blood, she’s bonded closely to him and trusts him entirely. He encourages her curiosity and education and is one of the only emotionally intelligent people she knows.

MATTHEW VALEREZ | Uncle Basically her third parent. While not family by blood, Shiloh considers him an important part of her life. The pair don’t spend as much time together but their conversations are usually very insightful when they occur. Matt’s the most reasonable person she asks for advice.