Vincenzo Faustus



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Vinny Cen (Lucy), Cenny (Lucy), Father (Cass)


Human (???)

Mutant Ability

What? Who told you that?


September 8th








A politician, and staunch supporter of Human-Mutant reformations. He pushes for a utopia, where all people live together once more under one roof.






Control, dominance, careful planning and putting those plans into action, sunglasses (particularly ones where you cannot see his eyes), cigarettes (he goes through packs a day), praise


Being called out or challenged, disobedience, deviation or distraction, Lucy Pending, ones who ask too many questions.


Mutants are not the only ones who fight for unification. Humanity may frown upon the existence of mutants, but certain humans fight in order to reach equality for all. These good-hearted people try to work around the system (or, work in it) in attempts to try and convince the world at large that mutants are not dangerous! Rather, they can help the public, they can make the human race more powerful, and most importantly--they are people too. It's a hard fight, and one that has been happening for years, but these good humans aren't about give up on all the hard work they've done over the years...

Vincenzo Faustus is a man of mysterious morals. He seems to be one of these humans, but smile says otherwise and his eyes remain hidden behind thick sunglasses. He's one of the few human politicians who goes out into the wasteland himself, accompanied by his daughter and a few bodyguards. He meets with groups and converses with them, using their information to try and pluck the heart-strings of his higher ups. Vincenzo has a dream, you see! A utopia. One that is shared between mutants and humans, one where every living being is united! But under who's rule...?

Physical Description:

Vincenzo is a tall man of medium build. His hair is professionally quaffed, and he has well-groomed facial hair.

He has tossed brown-black hair that is medium length, and striking orange eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian.

Vincenzo appears to be a human man. There have been many rumors about him, but federal investigation confirmed that Vincenzo was no mutant--just cursed with a rather unfortunate eye color. Vincenzo lets it all roll off his back, and would rather have a conversation with his critics than hate or resent blindly. He's a practical man.

Because of his "unfortunate minor mutation" of the eyes, Vincenzo wears thick black sunglasses--making it impossible to see them. It doesn't distract his fellow politicians, then, and they can converse freely without suspicion. He carries spares with him just in case.


Much mystery surrounds Vincenzo, from both humans and mutants alike. He rose to the top incredibly fast, at a point in his career where he was fairly young. He recovered perfectly from a scandal that /should/ have ruined him, without a second thought from anyone around him. Vincenzo cares deeply for the plight of mutants, and seems to befriend most of the people he comes across. Despite his wide social circle of human and mutant alike, no one knows who Vincenzo Faustus really is, or what he's like.

Calculating and detached, he's a noticeably quiet figure. He's relaxed, and has an untouchable air to him that can intimidate most who dare to attack him in political meetings. When he speaks, it is eloquent and well-thought out. He speaks in sentences that are crafted to have no holes, and no possible points of attack against it. He appears on a surface level to be incredibly brilliant, as well as impossibly persuasive. His disposition just seems to draw people in, no matter their background. Some people who talk with him once often report that their entire worldview has changed thanks to him. To many who fight for human-mutant rights, Vincenzo is a dependable ally.

Not only this, but his public image for humans is squeaky clean. Vincenzo gets elected to higher and higher positions each year, because he is seen a dependable man who is worthy of the people’s trust. He's proper, he’s primed, and anyone who speaks a word against him are attacked by his supporters. Nothing foul is believed about him, He seems like that mythical good politician that appears once every blue moon. He's a brilliant mind, an eloquent speaker, and a wonderful father...what's not to love about him?

However, not everyone buys into his hype. The Adela Mutant Group is one of the few groups that has yet to accept any partnership with him. Which is fine! Vincenzo doesn't seem bothered at all...on the outside. Like a shark, he'll lie in wait...but if he gets impatient he'll strike anyway. To the mutants of the Adela Group Vincenzo can be hard to trust. He's human, his smile is untrustworthy, his eyes are hidden from view...his daughter looks so sad. There's more to him than what he seems. He's two-faced.

Underneath the surface of it all, a strife is brewing. Tensions between humans and mutants are raising, in no thanks to the actions of that one troublesome girl, Lucy Pending. Vincenzo fears that he will not achieve his goals in time, and all-out war will break out. He's seen it coming, and he's got to act fast. There's a chance he can get what he truly desires, the probability is in his favor. He's just got to find him...he's got to find that boy...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Vincenzo always seems to be one step ahead of his enemies. His poker face is impeccable, and he has created such a layered defense for himself that any attempt to tear it down would be a waste of time, resources and money. His charm and wit win him countless allies, and his social circle grows each year to a point where it's begun to seem scary. How can one man win the favor of so many people? He really must play to everyone. He must be as adaptable as a chameleon, constantly switching colors to fit in and win over as many people as he possible can.

But he's just one man. He goes out into the wasteland; he's endangered; he's almost completely unprotected. He can't predict everything, and that's something that seems to really irk him right down to his core. Certain things are unpredictable, and those little things that catch him by surprise could be enough to ruin him completely. He aims high, but by doing so he never bothers to look out below...

Bonus Facts:

- Comes from a privileged family. His father and mother were both politician’s integral to recreating human civilization after the Robotic Revolution.

- He is currently divorced. His ex-wife does not think highly of him, due to their scandal, however all blame has been placed on her. No bad light shines on Vincenzo...

- He seems obsessed with the mathematical concept of probability. He believes in it like a religion.