


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Al (Ivory)



Real Name

Albert Twain


June 11th








A special agent affiliated with a secretive organization with mysterious motives, called the UNDONE (Undermining National Dominion of New Earth)




Bisexual (afraid of commitment and sex. He's a huge flirt, but he can never deliver.)


Playing guitar (he used to be a musician), adrenaline, good old literature (something that makes him feel refined), fancy wines, wordplay


Needles, autotone, insects, being passed over/not recognized, Freudian slips, losing his cool, being bested in a fight


The SDONE doesn't get to everyone. Scouters can't be everywhere at once, and the organization doesn't keep a constant surveillance on the world. When people of interest are found, they are reported to the Boss, and the Boss decides if that subject is worth scouting or not. 9/10 times, it is, but this isn't about the SDONE. This isn't about that 1/10 time. This is about the ones who were overlooked, left behind, actively left by the wayside. This is about one who was picked up by another set on destroying everything the SDONE has worked for.

Albert Twain was in trouble, and not the kind that could be apologized away. He needed a place to run to, a place to disappear, a place to wash his hands of the blood that coated them. In this moment of need, the SDONE was nowhere to be found--why would they be? This wasn't a valiant act, but it was talent; talent that didn't go unnoticed. A strange old man was there at the scene of the crime. This man rescued Albert from his situation, and gave him the opportunity to disappear and start over...if and only if one condition was met. Albert was to join the old man’s group of underground agents, bent on dismantling the rotten devices of the world and uncovering hidden secrets. Their interests aligned, and Albert joined in, abandoning his full name and choosing to go by his stage name: Greaser. Now one of the top agents in the UNDONE, Greaser carries out the will of his boss, and plans to help bring the SDONE to the ground.

Physical Description:

Greaser is a tall man with strong, toned build. He spends thirty minutes each morning greasing back his hair, hence the origin of his code name.

He has black, slicked-back hair and brown eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian (Italian)

Greaser was recruited to the UNDONE five years ago, when he was twenty-one years old. To get back at his abusive father, Greaser snuck into his father’s office and stole government secrets from his computer as the old man slept. Then, using his position as an international superstar to his advantage, leaked out the government secrets into the lyrics of his songs. This drew the ire of his father, and after a heated confrontation backstage, Greaser found himself in a back alley with his father's bloodied body below him on the ground. Eulogy found Greaser then; protected him; offered him salvation from the law and a way to disappear... Greaser has never regretted taking up the old man on his offers.

Greaser has a mole on his right cheek. He has a five o'clock shadow that he grooms religiously.


The UNDONE is an organization shrouded in absolute secrecy. Their leader is dead to the world, their agents are unknown to everyone, and their agenda is clouded in mystery. What could they want with a nuclear device, and why target the SDONE? How do they even know of the SDONE's existence, and what are they going to do about it? This is unknown territory and the entire world is in the dark--including the one organization meant to uncover these sorts of things. All of this said, it can be confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the members of the UNDONE are just as ridiculous as the SDONE members, this one in particular.

A storyteller by nature, Greaser is a fast talker who acts suave around everyone he interacts with. Putting up a front of cool indifference, Greaser seems like the epitome of machismo. He's confident, dashing, daring, and knows how to attract a variety of people to his side. He's got a natural charm he can't deny--it's how his career in the music industry got started. Greaser can really spin a yarn when he's in his element, and his intelligent personality can make conversations with him range from actually genuine to downright pretentious. He doesn't hide how smart he is, how cultured he is. He may as well wear a sign around his neck that reads "i'm the best" at this point.

But Greaser is full of hot air, and isn't nearly as smart as he seems. He acts bigger than he is and puffs out his chest, because he really wants people to be proud of him and see value in him. He's got an alluring, charming quality to him, but is downright afraid of commitment that he'll never deliver on any promises he makes. Greaser is constantly putting up fronts, caring about his appearance in the eyes of those around him so much that he'll lie and stretch the truth to a point where he gives himself away. He's somewhat deserving of this shame, however, because Greaser is downright insufferable when he gets in his own head. He has a tendency to put himself up on a pedestal, and everyone else below him he treats like a child. It can be grating to many, and liberating to all when Greaser wins up bested or humiliated because of his own hubris.

But hubris isn't his only flaw, rather, Greaser covers up a massive part of himself that he's tried to keep under control since he was a child. Greaser has an incredibly short fuse, which gives way to an unstoppable temper that sends him into bouts of rage so powerful he cannot control himself. He can't be set off easily, but when he does he explodes and leaves behind a catastrophic mess in his wake. If he's bested, he's make excuses and lash out. If he's losing, he'll become beyond frustrated and fight back with even more gusto than before. His issues with anger have lead him into bad situations, and he tries to hide this side of him as best he can--preferring to come off as a gentleman rather than a brute.

But Greaser will have to utilize some of his brutal tactics if he's to get the better of his current opponents. Everything has gone according to Eulogy's predictions, and the die has only just been cast...Greaser is ready to play his role, and bring to SDONE to its knees before the strength of the UNDONE...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

One of Greaser's biggest strengths is his, well, strength. Greaser is great in a fight, and his combat sense and abilities are top of their class. He's fast, agile, and possesses incredible power in that body of his. He isn't afraid to fight dirty, and is very street-smart--he knows how to get the better of people in a fight and is scrappy enough to come out on top. As long as he's not ridiculously outnumbered or ambushed, Greaser is a genuine threat that must be taken seriously. He acts like he's too good to throw down, but really, he's one of the UNDONE's top physical fighters. He's very fit, and can do whatever you want him to do without complaint.

But his high and mighty nature is his true downfall. Greaser puts up a front like he's a gentleman--a stand up man with a sharp suit and vast intelligence. However, with this prideful facade comes an enlarged ego, and Greaser's buttons are hilariously easy to push. He is easily flustered, easily frustrated, and can sometimes enter bouts of rage that can tunnel-vision him easily. Greaser has had problems with anger since he was a boy, and although he's gotten more in control of it it still rears its ugly head when something annoys him enough. He gets knocked off his game, he becomes reckless, sometimes he becomes so enraptured in his rage that he loses recollection of the entire fight after the fact. To deal with Greaser, all you have to do is get him angry. It'll be difficult to get away, but he at least becomes sloppier.

Bonus Facts:

- Ambidextrous! Working on playing guitar upside-down, and failing at it but he's actually quite a talented musician (he made a career out of it, after all). He'll get the hang of it eventually! Then, look out people...he'll have something new to shove in your face.

- Loves to read, and fancies himself a real literature-expert. He's read all the classics, he knows every line, and he will definitely quote these books all the time to make sure you know that.

- Used to idolize his older brother Alvin. Alvin bought him his first guitar, and used to sneak books from his fathers' study for Greaser to read. However, Alvin "turned on" Greaser at the peak of his fame, and contributed to the event that lead to Greaser being recruited. Greaser hasn't seen Alvin since that fateful night, and doesn't want to see him ever again.