Dawson Baden



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Daws (Jack, Sam, Lacy)



Group Role

Strategist (Mid-Range)


September 2nd








A member of a six-man unit, dubbed the "Escapists". Dawson helps organize the team, along with Sam. He specializes in mid-range combat.






Books, strategy games, heroic stories, philosophy


Bugs (especially bees), cold weather (especially snow), going in without plans, wasting time


Dawson Baden and his six man unit fight their way through a deserted world on a secret mission to uncover the meaning behind their bloodshed.

He is a serious and somewhat pessimistic strategist, who sees little value in foolish games. It can be hard for him to open up, or take certain members of his group seriously.


Physical Description:


Dawson is a tall man with medium build. He's a little on the weakside, fitness wise.

He has black hair and an unknown eyecolor--since his bangs are so outrageously long it's impossible to see his eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Middle-Eastern.

Dawson is the older brother of Alfred "Al" Baden, two survivors of a lethal ambush that killed most of their cave complex. Dawson fights to find out if his older sister is alive or dead, and to avenge his family and relatives who died by Noir's hand.  

What Dawson lacks for in brawn, he more than makes up for in brain. He's a brilliant tactician, but tends to look on the dark side most of the time. Luckily, Sam balances him out.




Dawson is a blunt and suspicious individual who isn't afraid to hit you with the cold hard truth.

A natural pessimist and realist, Dawson often sees the bad situation before the good. He's got a serious case of black/white thinking, which can be hard to pull him out of. Although he thinks he's helping with his blunt advice, sometimes his "truth-bombs" only bring others strife, and he's easily exhausted by some of his more hyperactive teammates.

However, Dawson is very inteligent, and has a good grasp on the battlefield. He's dependable in a pinch, and more patient than one would expect--he's actually quite helpful when it comes to advice and his plans have lead the Escapists to victory many times. He just needs to watch his intensity a bit, especially around his brother. But it can be hard! The little idiot keeps trying to throw himself into the fire, and if he won't listen then who cares!

Dawson is hyper critical of himself most of all. When things go disasteriously, he can't help but take full blame. He delves immediately into himself, and cannot seem to deal with failure. This could stem from his own trauma, in which he feels like his failures are the reason he lost his sister. Whatever it may be, in his mind, Dawson's failures are immense and cannot be remedied.

Dawson hopes that in finding Noir, he can get back at the menace, avenge his family, and locate his sister--if she's even still alive. He fears that his failure in this mission will lead to the extinction of the human race, and end all hope of survival.


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Dawson's strengths lie solely in his brainpower. Out of all the Escapists, Dawson is by far the smartest. He is witty, intelligent, thinks on his feet and is a stout perfectionist. When it comes to planning and coordination of attacks, he's an expert, and he knows how to get the best out of everyone in his group.

However, Dawson's personality is a sticking point against him. He is harsh when his success is on the line, and his tough-love can come off as insulting to many. If he were to command on his own without Sam to filter, it would be an unhappy time for all. Also, Dawson is on the weaker side of the spectrum when it comes to fights, and has trouble staving off enemies that overwhelm him. 


Bonus Facts:


- Used to have a crush on Lacy Simmons when they were kids, but never made a move on her. He never thought he was good enough, and knew that she was more into women than men. He's very good friends with her now, and Lacy is really one of the only people who knows him. 

- Gets cold very easily, so he bundles up in a lot of clothes, even when it's summer!

- Really does care for his brother. His direction and harshness is out of love. Honest! It's just frustrating when your younger brother blatantly disregards your orders and seems to try and get himself killed.