Donald Codd



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Don (Everyone), Daddy (Idris)



Bottle Level



December 5th








The Don of the Codd Mafia, an underground network of crime spread out all over New Temp City.






Classic movies (black and white), machismo, jazz music, rum, cooking, fireplaces


Complication, modern trends, cold water


Deep within the bowels of New Temp City, a secret plot is unfolding right before the eyes of the general public. Under the shadow of justice, the dangerous Codd Mafia has created weapons of great power under the guise of simple water-bottles. Distributing them to the highest bidder, the mafia makes bank off their enterprise, and utilizes the money earned to slowly buy out sections of New Temp City; taking them over. Anyone who disagrees gets a face-full of their latest, inconspicuous technology. Local law enforcement are aware of the plot, but are either taking bribes themselves or just incapable of catching the slippery criminals affiliated with the Codd Mafia. A local vigilante by the name of the "Bottle-Necker" has recently arrived on the scene to put an end to the situation, but it seems like despite their best efforts, the hydra keeps regrowing its heads...

Donald Codd is the man behind the operation; the engine within the machine. The boss of the thriving Codd Mafia, Donald is a type who is strictly business; he sees no benefit or enjoyment in anything other than his work. Bent on growing his criminal enterprise and getting it global, he only recently came to the brilliant conclusion to disguise weapons of great power as harmless water Bottles. Due to his breakthroughs, the Codd Mafia has been harder to stop, and has been able to blend into society and wreak havoc without detection from authorities. Business has been booming now more than ever, and Donald has wasted no time in using his groups newfound power to gain influence and run competitors out of town. However, this revelation was not without its catches. Recently, a young vigilante going by the name of "the Bottle-Necker" has been using their newest Bottle technology against them, putting the mafia to task and stopping them in their tracks. Normally, Donald would ignore them, but their poking and prodding is proving much too annoying to let run loose any longer. They must be stopped, and just his luck it appears his men have inadvertently found their mark already. Theodosia Amphora, son of Mathias...of course it would be her. After all, Donald had gifted her father with a Bottle in the first place! The points add up, the traps have been set, and this little girl will rue the day she ever crossed the Codd Mafia...

Physical Description:

Donald is a short man with a boxy, squared build. His jaw is very squared, and his imposing stare is both intimidating and powerful. Despite his height, he is not one to mess with.

He has short, greying hair and narrow green eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian (Italian).

Donald is the current boss of the Codd Mafia, a massive criminal enterprise spanning the entirety of New Temp City, and soon the world. Monitoring and leading his criminal enterprise, Donald came up with the very idea of disguising weapons as harmless every-day items, with water bottles being his first and most successful test. Donald is a man whose business means more to him than his life, and he works day and night to expand the Codd name. He's got no time to deal with a pesky meddler using his technology against him, or a fallen out friendship with the city Mayor. These are petty things on his agenda, but boy do they nag at him...especially that rambunctious Bottle-Necker...

He has a scar under his left eye.


Donald Codd plays in the shadows, but that doesn't make him complex by any means. Rather, he's a very easy man to figure out. He's simple, straight to the point, and means exactly what he says. That's all. There's no point in frills; in extra detail; as long as the job is done nicely then that's all there is to it. He lives for his business (and his baby boy Idris) and is a well-oiled machine whose latest output is proving to be a real success when it comes to mob power and expansion...

Terse and stoic, Donald knows how little time he has left. He's getting older, slower, and soon the mob will have to passed on to his baby boy (of which he knows is nowhere near ready to take up the mantel just yet). For this purpose, Donald is filled with an unstoppable drive for power that is absolutely insatiable. He will use every method necessary to expand the influence of his enterprise, even if it means going with an inane idea--if it works, its worthy to be used by the mob. He doesn't care about style, or grace, the job isn't about that. Donald knows that the mob is about getting money, getting power, and getting status. He'll do anything to net those things for himself and for his family.

It seems he cares only for his personal family, to which he goes under and personality transformation that is downright frightening if you're there to witness it. Only for Idris and his wife, Della, will he soften up. Donald is a loving husband and doting father to his only son, and coddles him profusely in order to protect him. Donald's own upbringing was sour, and he didn't want Idris to undergo the same trials he did...but at the same time he's made his son absolutely ineligible to take over the business. Donald puts all his emotion into his family and his work, he's got little friends and doesn't give his enemies the time of day. 

And because of this, he has set up his downfall countless times. Donald pays no attention to detail, and often grazes over sound plans in preference for concise and quick options. He has no concept of tact, and although he understands subtly he isn't the best at using it. He uses fear to his advantage, his resources as his power, but by ignoring all danger and plowing ahead he leaves behind gaps to which enemies can crawl through. He's not the most considerate.

Consideration is hardly something he has to worry about now, rather, what he has to do now is act. In attempting to reclaim the bottle from Mathias Amphora's house, members of the mob were brutally beaten down and sent packing by the mayors young daughter, Theodosia. To Donald, it was a quick and easy conclusion to make. This girl is the only person not affiliated with the mob to possess a Bottle! Surely she must be the Bottle-Maker! The truth is out, the word has been spread, and Donald will use all resources necessary to finally remove this pesky thorn in his side...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Donald has no time for games. He works hard, thinks hard, and has trained himself to use his own technology. He's a powerful Bottle user with a world of experience behind him; he's not afraid to fight if you get up in his face. Donald is hardly a coward hiding behind his desk, rather, he'll use anything at his disposal to take a mark down if they present himself to him. Whether it be ordering a hit or getting the job done himself, nothing with hold Donald back when it comes to getting rid of somebody. He means what he says, and is a stoic straight shooter who will always do his hardest to win. He's got goals to accomplish with limited time left in the tank; he's got no time to bother himself with games.

This disdain for detail is what normally gets Donald into trouble. He's so task oriented and moves so quickly that he doesn't notice the little things. He's got advisors and family who do that for him. He wants things done when he asks them to be done, and his impatience can work against him as it has before in the past. He's not a perfect leader, and isn't the strongest in the paternal department. He's a distant father to everyone but Idris, who is his baby boy he'll do anything for. If anything ever happened to Idris, it'd sent Donald into a fatherly rage. He cares very much for his perfect boy, and the switch from domineering boss to doting father is downright disorienting. 

Bonus Facts:

- Used to be close friends with the mayor of New Temp City, Mathias Amphora. The two have only recently cut off their friendship, although it was unwanted on Donald's side. He even gave Mathias one of those's a slight that Donald doesn't take lightly.

- Received a scar right under his left eye in his youth, given to him as a lesson by his father. He wasn't ready yet. He should have listened.

-Is not at all a father figure to his men. He's only one to Idris because that's his beautiful, baby boy. No one else is worthy.