(2-B) Hakuzo Kyukon



3 years, 7 months ago


Hakuzo Kyukon
Basic Info
Name Hakuzo Kyukon

Alias Trickster Hero: Reynard

Birthday August 18th

Age 17 (Currently)

Gender Male

Height 182cm (6'0)

Hair Color Rose Red + Dark Grey

Eye Color Rose Red

Blood Type O+

Quirk Kitsune

Occupation Student

Affiliation UA High School - Class 2B

Status Alive

Fighting Style Long-Range

  • Zoos
  • Kitsune Folklore
  • Making Tsuta smile and laugh
  • Comedy
  • Foxes
  • Playing Prants
  • Animal cruelty
  • Seeing Tsuta sad and unhappy
  • Mamoru
  • Overly serious situations
  • Horror Movies
  • Unfunny comedians
Quirk: Name

Hakuzo's quirk allows him the traditional abilities of stereotypical Kitsune allowing him to produce 'fox fire' in the form of fire or electricity as well as illusion projection and the enhanced physical strength of a Kitsune however, strangely enough not speed. Hakuzo also possesses the ability to transform into a fox.

  • Inhuman Strength - Due to his kitsune physiology, Hakuzo can display a great amount of physical strength being able to lift 10x his own weight easily.
  • Inhuman Durability - Due to his natural kitsune physiology, Hakuzo boast a great amount of durability beyond that of an average person.
  • Stealth Expert - With his fox like appearance and abilitiy to transform into a fox, Hakuzo has an acute sense of hearing allowing him to listen through the thickest of walls to hear another or use his ability to turn into a fox to prowl around a location under the guise of a wild animal to gather intel from villains.
  • Tactical Intelligence - Despite his trickster persona he's fairly cunning like a fox and can often use this to his advantage to put on a face of defeat or helplessness to gather intel on villains and cases to help heroes rather effectively.
  • Fox Fire - Hakuzo can create, shape and manipulate fire which has applications of being actual fire or semi-sentient flames that move and act as he wishes for searching areas at long distance and gathering intel.
Super Moves
  • TBD - TBD.

Hakuzo is a tall young man at around 6 feet with long rose red colored hair with white color tips in the bottom half which extends to his tail and ears that are the same color as hair givnig him the resemblance of a humanoid red fox. When at schoo, he wears the standard UA High School uniform, though unlike most students and When not on school campus, Hakuzo's outfit changes on the season. Hero Costume.Noah's hero costume consist of specialy made blue sweatpants and a black sweater that's insulated to prevent him freezing and withstand the heat the fluctuating temperate of his body from his quirk.

Like a fox, Hakuzo has a playful personality being fond of playing tricks and pranks on his peers for amusement. However, despite his goofy persona like foxes, he's fairly cunning boasting high intelligence that allows him to make use of his prankster nature to outwit villains or gather intel for missions fairly effectively. Though he may be a trickster by nature, he is capable of being serious should a situation call for it.

Hakuzo was born in Tokyo Japan, 17 years prior to the series where he grew up alongside his cousins Inari and Yami Zhao and later his childhood best friend Tsuta Hayashi. Even as a kid prior to his quirk manifesting, Hakuzo was always a zany person who loved the thrill of going out on adventures and playing pranks with his friends often being the target of his antics with Inari generally being the only one to truly enjoy such actions that usually got him hurt, making Tsuta sad and cry in the process. Over time as he grew older he became Tsuta's protector of sorts and immediately began training on how to master his quirk upon it manifesting, wanting to be a hero who can make others smile and comfortable as they're being rescued.

  • Hakuzo's name comes from the popular kitsune character Hakuzosu with his surname "Kyukon" being a reference to the Pokemon "Ninetales" who's Japanese name is also "Kyukon".
  • Hakuzo is the 3rd strong Quasar BNHA OC behind Lucien and Miki. He'd be 4th strong if Noah were to remove his scarf for a fight.
  • Hakuzo loves comedy anime with some of his favorites including: D-Frag, High School Rumble, Gintama, Daily Life of High School Boys, and KonoSuba.
  • Hakuzo feels that the most shameful thing he's ever done is make Tsuta sad without realizing it..
  • Hakuzo tends to use comedy and laughs as a way of escaping the harsh reality of world.
Tsuta Hayashi Childhood Best Friend -> Crush -> Girlfriend/Love Interest

Tsuta is Hakuzo's love interest and best friend from childhood, having met some time after she obtained her quirk. In their youth Hakuzo quickly found out that Tsuta is sensitive taking things to heart after inadvertedly making her cry from a simple prank leading to him to be more careful around her. In their childhood, Hakuzo took it upon himself to be Tsuta's protector of sorts which has disappaited since they began high school. Though throughout their childhood, Hakuzo has always had a crush on Tsuta which he never told her being too shy to do so and when try to hide his feelings with different pranks and jokes to avoid any suspicion of his feelings for Tsuta. Though prior to beginning high school, Tsuta would gain a boyfriend in 3rd year Mamoru leaving Hakuzo heartbroken but tried to hide that with his usual humor and would still do the best he could to support Tsuta's relationship with her with the only person knowing of his feeligns for Tsuta being his cousins Inari and Yami.

Following Tsuta's break up with her boyfriend causing her to lock herself in her dorm to cry for hours on end, Hakuzo spent all of that time sitting outside of her room repeatedly texting her and waiting for her to come out so he could know if she was alright. After she eventually did so, Hakuzo immediately rushed to take her in his arms to comfort her and be her support system, though despite his wishes, he didn't tell her how he felt not wanting her to think about him and his love for her but focus on getting better. In the weeks following Tsuta's break up with her boyfriend, Hakuzo would spend most his time with Tsuta never leaving her side to ensure she was alright and to be sure she stayed as far away from her ex as possible. During that time, Hakuzo regularly told her a bunch of corny jokes and sent her stupid text messages regularly for no other reason than to make her smile and laugh just to know if it was even for a second she was happy. This would go on until Hakuzo accidentally slipped her a hint of his feelings by telling her "I love your smiling face most of all." clueing Tsuta on to his feelings for her.

Not long after this slip-up, Hakuzo would be put on house arrest by the school and not allowed to leave his dorm to be with Tsuta after starting a fight with Mmaoru after hearing him dress down Tsuta insulting her and her abilities to be a hero. Upon hearing of Hakuzo fighting with her ex, Tsuta would try to get in touch with Hakuzo and sneak into his dorm to find him and talk to him about what started his fight with his ex and why where he told her, one thing he loathes more than anything is seeing her unhappy and hearing her ex mock her, calling her weak and that she didn't belong in Class-A sent him over the edge and he had to knock his lights out for saying those things about her after breaking up with her. After being asked why he'd go so far for her and risk getting expelled, Hakuzo finally let it go and told Tsuta he did what he did because he loves her and always has since they were kids. Hakuzo told her about the slip up text was from the heart and if ensuring she's never sad again because of her scumbag ex of all people means risking his opportunity to be a hero, than he'd do a thousand times over for her if it meant she'll be happy. Tsuta didn't know how to respond to his confession due to them being friends for so long and never thinking he would feel that way about her, she needed time to think about it before realizing her own feelings some time later.

After realizing her own feelings and talking to Hakuzo about them, Hakuzo and Tsuta formerly begin dating where the two of them went through some awkward phases in the beginning due to them not quite knowing how to be a couple after being such close friends for years beforehand. Outside of the general awkwardness there was insecurity with Tsuta still recovering from her breakup with her ex and her own shyness while Hakuzo would occasionally question if he should've confessed to her during a tender time where he wondered if she really felt the same way about him that he did her or he's a rebound to make her feel good after ex. Though it would take time for them to settle, Hakuzo later learns that Tsuta's feelings for him really are genuine and she does like him as much as he likes her. Though after talking their way past the awkwardness, Tsuta still remains shy when it comes to things such as physical affection which Hakuzo will occasionally do to her just tease her and make her flustered, to Tsuta's annoyance.

Inari Zhao Childhood Best Friend/Older Cousin

Inari is Hakuzo's older cousin born a little over a week before himself. Despite their relationship as siblings, having spent their days secretly playing together despite Inari's parents disapproving of their relationship due to Hakuzo not being wealthy and 'worth her time'. Hakuzo and Inari have a relationship as close as siblings with both of them having the same prankster personality resulting in them often getting in trouble a lot in their younger years and even now into their adolescent years remain "Trickster Buddies" as they call themselves. The fun generally can be found goofing off together playing pranks on their peers or each other but in more serious situation will show the two will do almost anything for the other. Hakuzo is well aware of the strained relationship Inari has with her family with them disapproving of her desire to be a hero and her sexuality as well as their relationship due to Hakuzo not being from a wealthy family. Despite that, Hakuzo still supports his cousin in her endeavor to be a hero wanting to team up with her and her brother when they graduate, as well as not thinking any less of Inari for her sexuality and attraction to women, jokingly believing they can be each other's wingman.

Two have also bonded from having the same quirk but slightly different with both being able to manipulate fox fire (although Hakuzo has no limitation on how to create it) and the ability to turn into foxes which the two generally do when trying to escape from the public. Though they talk about their difference with Inari being able to turn into a full fledged kitsune fox while Hakuzo can only turn into a regular fox but can project illusions. They will spar together when they have the time to do so.

Though despite their relationship, they do have their moments of not getting along with Inari being stubborn and not wanting to accept help from others including Hakuzo generally offering Inari and her brother the opportunity to stay with him and his family if they want to escape their parents which tends to anger her from time to time due ther not wanting to accept help and be annoyed with Hakuzo 'pitying' her. Despite the occasional strain, Hakuzo still loves his cousin as though she were his actually sister and is always willing to be at her side.

Yami Zhao Childhood Friend/Cousin

Like Inari, Yami is also Hakuzo's older cousin by a week though he and Hakuzo aren't as close as Inari and Hakuzo are but despite that, they still tend to get along well being partners in calming down Inari when she's angry. Hakuzo remains one of few people who accepted Yami, never looking down on him inspite of his monstrous appearance, generally treating him with respect and love with his reason being "I don't care if he's some werewolf, dogman, or Native American monster, he's still my family and the most down to earth guy I know, so why would I treat him so callously?".

Like with Inari, Hakuzo would got to Yami for his relationship issues with Tsuta and was one of two people he trusted to tell about his feelings for her and generally felt he was better to go to with advice on what to do feeling as if he'd give better advice than inari..

Mamoru Maki Rival

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Lucien Esperer Best Friend

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Leilani Wistaria Classmate/Friend

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Okami Kelly Classmate/Friend

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Jackie Frost Friend

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Mawata Fuwa Friend

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