


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Haspar Blackbow





Age (date of birth)





Aura vision


-Insert inside director position at Amber Road Inc.-



Theme song

"All About You" - WARR!OR


full time asshole. oldest of the blackbow brothers, mommy's baby boy

i'd say he's a CEO but he's like always on the run, more concerned about the illegal side of things than legal, so he'd be a shit ceo who never actually even is at the company

While mom's the outside world face, he's like the undercover world face, checking up on people with Lucian. master of aggressive persuasion and very imaginative threats

he's glad he has white-haired markings because he's also starting to grey. don't tell anyone

Viscon was supposed to be working on a similar level to his, but he got a bit of a slow start, so he's training his lil brother up a bit. Absolutely does not understand why Vis would ever despise him or feel hurt about what he's done, and why he's hesitant to work with Haspar - family comes first, and he wasn't using that wing *anyway*. He knows mom loves Vis the most and he'll be taking over the business with Maia when the time comes, and yeah he feels a LITTLE bitter, but at the same time he's tired of having to manage all of the brats, and is glad Vis is supposed to pick that up instead so he can be left alone to single-handedly managing things. Teamwork isn't really his thing, unless in a duet with Lucian, of course. It's just too much responsibility, he feels like he has to father them all, and he just CAN'T.

Was glad to see dad die. He was the first who had to endure the whole 'Oh. Your demon genes are showing' tirade, and so he was the ONLY one for a moment, and with his powers he could see and feel the intensity of emotion. The hate his dad felt towards this part of him stayed with him until the bitter end.

At the beginnings of his demon features showing up, his scleras turning black and his horns beginning to grow, dad wanted to try and 'fix' him. That's when him and Newi got into their first bigger fight, and Newi got treated with the holy water prepared for Haspar. Seeing her wounds stopped Sanajo from trying to torture his sons with it (although he kept trying different methods), but Haspar witnessed the entire fight.

he was also the one who had to stop his siblings when they got a bit too aggressive. Mom wanted dad more or less in one piece, at least bone structure/skin-wise, inner organs were *replaceable*, but he sort of forgot himself until he realised dad's head disattached and rolled onto the ground. But he's stitched up now! It's like, fine-ish.

because mom was protecting him from dad very intensely the first year, he's basically ready to die for her, and/or kill his other siblings for her. if she says it must be done, she must be right, and that's final

his powers manifest in many colours, some which regular eye can't see, which let him read the emotions and attitude of people around him. He can tell when they're nervous, in love, protective, suicidal, lying, all that sorta stuff. The lying part is especially useful, but the rest can be utilised just as well. It's also useful to tell if he's being followed or not, even by beings of pure energy, because that's just what an aura is.