Aster Luminescence



3 years, 7 months ago


Aster Luminescence Shy

Cis-Male | Draconeqqus/Pony hybrid

Nickname(s): Lumi (preferred), Aster

Cutie Mark: N/A

Talent: Unsure

Parents: Fluttershy, Discord (Bio parents), Dumbell (step-father) 

Siblings: Screwball, Unity (sisters), Nimbus Gale (half-brother)

Future Spouse: Pineapple Peaches, Party Animal

Future Children: Divine Justice, Monarch Mango

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Pre-teen

Occupation: Student

Hometown: Ponyville

Current Residence: Ponyville

Voice Claim: James McAvoy (Charles Xavier - X-Men Movies)

Short Bio: 

Aster Luminescence is the 3rd born and youngest child of Discord and Fluttershy. The younger twin brother of Unity, but always seen as the "baby of the family", Lumi was always a bit babied. Especially after he was diagnosed with autism at age 7. While Fluttershy (and Discord extent. When he was there) was accommodating and supportive, he still found it hard to feel understood completely. He hates being in large crowds and hates how fawned over he is, from touchy (but well-meaning) classmates to even his own family, so he's turned to a particular talent of his to escape: universe hopping. While his sisters don't share the ability, Lumi's power in the field is immensely developed and strong; leaving him able to create portals to places wherever he likes. When Lumi comes to realize that some of the places he's going are completely undocumented, it sparks a fire within him to understand his power and maybe understand himself more in the process. But he can't do it alone, and it'll take the relationships he's forged along the way to find answers, even if they're not the ones he's looking for.