Cloud Climber



3 years, 7 months ago


Cloud Climber Dash

Cis-Female | Pegasus

Nickname(s): Cloud, CC

Cutie Mark: A piece of pottery with a starry cloud wrapped in front of it

Talent: Pottery

Parents: Rainbow Dash, Soarin

Siblings: Electric Zap, Spectrum Rain

Future Spouse: Blue Streak

Future Children: Tropical Thunder, Cerulean Cruise, Nightlight Zip, Apollo Sunbeam, Nimbus Hail, Sirocco Speedtrail, Thistle Whistle, Sandy Cirrus, Seaspray, Glass Wing, Derecho Echo 

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager

Occupation: Student

Hometown: Ponyville

Current Residence: Ponyville

Voice Claim: Hynden Walch (Princess Bubblegum - Adventure Time)

Short Bio: 

Cloud Climber is the firstborn child of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and boy does she know it. Cloud has always prided herself on being the most responsible and level-headed of her siblings, always having something to scold or refine about their rowdy behavior. But don't let this persona fool you, Cloud knows how to have fun. Even if she seems rather sure of herself, Cloud isn't immune to the sure cornucopia of fuck-ups that come with being in high school (no matter how much she tries to deny it). And the biggest one yet comes after she reconnects with her childhood rival, Skylight Blue. She's about to realize that her actions have consequences, two times the consequences in fact.