Skylight Blue



3 years, 5 months ago


Skylight Blue

Cis-Male | Pegasus

Nickname(s): Blue, Bluey

Cutie Mark: TBA

Talent: Painting 

Parents: Surprise, Wave Chill

Siblings: Tidal Clover

Future Spouse: Cloud Climber

Future Children: Tropical Thunder, Cerulean Cruise, Nightlight Zip, Apollo Sunbeam, Nimbus Hail, Sirocco Speedtrail, Thistle Whistle, Sandy Cirrus, Seaspray, Glass Wing, Derecho Echo 

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager

Occupation: Student

Hometown: Cloudsdale

Current Residence: Ponyville

Voice Claim: TBA

Short Bio: 

Skylight Blue is the firstborn child of the Wonderbolt couple Surprise and Wave Chill. To say he was a egotistical brat in his colthood would be an understatement, but in a world that laughed off his behavior, he was allowed to remain as he was for far too long. It's only when the world around him forces him to change that he actually takes the strides to grow up. And grow up he did, he gets into painting, finds friends and opens his heart. This comes to a huge surprise to his colthood....acquaintance Cloud Climber, but he never imagined that their reconnection would change his life so drastically.