


3 years, 10 months ago



Caius Deidreson

Goat-person • Male • 6'4" • Unknown orientation • Grumpy demeanor


   Caius has little to his name other than being a loving father.
As a goat-person with endless freedoms that most humanoids do not dare imagine, he has lived a very enjoyable life. Despite this, he is actually quite aggressive and easily spooked, due to being out in perilous nature without respite. There is an aspect beyond his worry of danger (and protecting his son) that takes up a large portion of his life, and that is eating with gusto.

He tries to act like he has a sturdy head on his shoulders, but more often than not his solution is to headbutt or kick things... It can't be helped, it's in his nature. There is one thing he is good at, and that is being assured in himself, even when he may be wrong. It's almost everyone else that he has to question intentions and actions for.

Outside of his personage, Caius is not very adventurous, or even daring. He is territorial of his glen that has been generationally bestowed to each of his ancestors, and now him. He does his best to prepare Ran to take over when he is gone from his mortal coil, but something tells Caius that his bumbling spawn is not exactly prepared (or perhaps that Caius should coddle him less-- alas).


  • He can, has, and will attack someone for attempting to eat something he wants
    ...This does not include his son, to which he will defer his share to if he is looking less lively than usual
  • Does not feel the need to wear clothes, as he was not raised to be so human-like, but will from time to time allow Ran to drape that favored scarf of his across his shoulders
  • The most outrageous thing he has ever done was mate with someone not of his kind, though he has little regret now that his son is all grown up and has proved to be just as goat-like as any other of their kin.