


3 years, 6 months ago




Full nameS'Zuur

Hairy bastard
(Aria Cromwell)

PronounsThey / Them
Age500+ (Immortal)
OrientationAromantic Asexual
Height61 cm / 2'0"
LanguagesDemonic, can speak and understand all languages

RelativesGoddess of Death (creator)



Much like most imps, Szur also enjoys socializing and staying more in the land of the living than in their own realm.

Being the first demon that 
Aria managed to summon, the two of them quickly formed a strong bond that had lasted to this day.

Just like most imps, Szur is willing to help with chores and any other tasks, for as long as they are fed, given place to rest and relax and overall treated with dignity and respect.


Szur is grumpy and prefers to be left alone most of the time. Much like with most imps, they tend to only trust and open up to those who have earned it. The older the imp, the harder it tends to be to win them over.

Szur tends to be a bit bratty when it comes to Aria, but when they met Bella and later her daughter Gabe, they were notably nicer to them, given how they often treated them as if they were a child or a pet; with lots of pampering and treats.


Szur has seen many generations of life in the land of the living; going from place to place, from house to house over their lifetime. Depending on the situation, Szur stayed either for a few days, years or even more, as imps tend to be loyal to people who treat them nicely and with respect.

Eventually, Szur found their way to Aria Cromwell, a young human witch first tipping their toes in the art of demonology. Being her first summoned demon, Aria immediately took liking to Szur. It took Szur a bit longer to warm up to her in turn, but as they quickly saw that Aria was kind hearted girl, they decided to stay.

This situation changed soon though, as Aria's parents discovered what their daughter had been up to. Aria was already on thin ice due to not fitting the gender norms and expectations, but it was her interest and experimenting with demonology that put her into a situation where she was given an ultimatum: To either continue on her path or live with them. Aria chose the former and moved away with Szur by her side.

Eventually Aria happened to meet an elf woman by the name of Belladonna Norwood and the two of them fell in love. Szur lived with them, helping out with chores, but also acting as training baby for Bella to get a feel of what taking care of a child would be like, as their size just so happened to be that of one. Szur didn't mind this pampering and learned to even like it over time, especially since it seemed to make Aria jealous.

When Aria had to leave her pregnant fiancée behind, Szur also left with her. Ever since Aria has been living in Crowbog, with Szur living by her side, just like before.



Aria is one of Szur's longest and deepest companions over their lifetime. Even though they tend to bicker a lot, they still trust each other a lot and always look after one another. Szur hasn't felt the need to leave Aria even once while knowing her and doesn't plan to as long as she's still alive.


Szur met Bella through Aria, as they were summoned back few days after Aria's almost fatal accident. It didn't take Szur very long to like and get attached to Bella, due to her motherly and nurturing nature.

When Aria had to leave her, Szur left with her. They have missed Bella ever since and were also devastated to hear that she had tragically passed away during all this time; dying very young for an elf.


Szur has only very recently met Bella's daughter Gabe for the first time. They can immediately recognize few similarities between the two of them both in terms of looks and personality. Much like Bella, Gabe too enjoys pampering and is in general fascinated by demons, so they are already good on their book.


The Goddess of Death is creator of all demons, Szur included. As they are an imp, Goddess of Death doesn't know or care much about them, as they are mostly working as messengers between the two realms, but are rather low in terms of ranking.


- Their favorite color is green.

- Their favorite flower is crown imperial.

- Szur's bond with Aria is their third longest one so far (41 years), with the other two lasting for 53 and 68 years.

- Out of their 500 years, Szur has spent over 450 of them in the land of the living, which is unusually high number even for an imp.

- Szur's actual name is 'S'Zuur', but as Aria kept on pronouncing their name as 'Szur' back when she was a kid, they've stuck with that name ever since.

original design by realtense
code by zodia