Aria Cromwell




Aria Cromwell


Full nameAria Annette Cromwell

GenderWoman (Transgender)
PronounsShe / Her
Teacher of demonology
Specializes inDemonology
Height168 cm / 5'6"
Zodiac signLeo
LanguagesCommon, Elvish (can understand some words and phrases)

RelativesBella Norwood (Fiancée)(Deceased)

Gabe Norwood (Daughter)

Dahlia Cromwell, née Wolf (Mother)

Calder Cromwell (Father)


Kyklooppilesbo (Design)

Gifted at relatively young age, Aria was shunned by her parents who tried to turn her away from her interest in demons, which eventually lead to her moving to live on her own.

Not being an adult yet, living either on her own or sleeping at her few friend's apartment, Aria eventually met a fellow witch by the name of 
Belladonna Norwood, and the two of them quickly fell in love.

The duo had planned their future ahead for many years to come, but the hand of fate had other plans for them, so Aria had to make the difficult decision to leave and cut ties with her late pregnant wife and their soon-to-born daughter, 


Aria in her youth was known as a bit of a hot head that most people had a bit of a hard time getting close to. During her school years, she often found herself spending most of her time with the girls, despite at the time not yet knowing that she was in fact one herself.

Aria has always portrayed herself as someone tough and this is something that has persistent even to her adulthood. This is still true, despite the fact that deep down Aria is actually very sensitive.

As she has grown older, Aria has matured a lot. Despite living on her own for more or less half of her life without being in touch with her fiancée and their daughter, Aria has done her best to keep up her positive attitude and talkative spirit, finding solace in her calling; teaching.


Aria comes from a wealthy and well known family of aristocratic witches. She had grown with high expectations placed upon her, only for her parents to try and shape her to be their ideal predecessor.

Aria on the other hand, had other plans for her life. Her coming out as transgender was something her parents did begrudgingly accept, hoping it would be just a trend or something that wouldn't get in way of potential grandchildren, but it was Aria's interest in demonology that truly drove a wedge in between them. Ultimately, Aria was given the choice of having a life of luxury, but not a life that she could live on her own terms, so in the end, she chose to abandon her past life and cut her ties with her parents; leaving it all behind her in order to start living her own life.

Aria lived on her own for a few reasons, staying with some of her friends that she had made over the years. One fateful day, however, as she was flying on her broom, she lost the control of it and crashed, injuring herself fatally. Were it not for a fellow witch who saw her laying in midst of a forest unconsciously, she would have died that day.

When Aria woke up, she was told by Bella what had happened to her. Luckily for her, Bella just so happened to be a skilled healer and being the kind natured woman that she was, she took care of her, insisting that Aria would remain living with her, at least up until she was able to walk. It didn't take long for the two of them to bond and fall in love, so Aria never left, but stayed by Bella's side.

That was up until a gruesome murder case happened within the town of Crowbog, as the one openly gay couple had met their end. Deciding that they weren't willing to risk the health of their soon to be born daughter, Aria and Bella made the decision to be apart and wait for things to calm down, vowing to live together and have the family they had been talking about once they'd be reunited.

Moving to live in secluded town for witches of minority groups, Aria settled down and found her new calling in life: teaching. As being the only person in the town who knew extensively about demons and demonology, Aria started to teach both witches and their children alike about demons, doing her best to dismay any old beliefs of how evil and scary they might be.

It was only up until very recently that Aria's life truly changed, when she was reunited with her daughter Gabe once again, seeing and getting to know her for the very first time. It was during this time she also learned of what had happened to Bella as well. Despite being devastated, Aria has vowed to support her daughter and to be by her side, doing her best to make up for all the years the two of them have lost. 



Aria met Bella when she rescued her after she fell down during a broom flight, fatally injuring herself. When she woke up, Bella told her what had happened to her and how it would take her months to heal. Despite her wishes of not wanting to be a burden, Bella wasn't having it and insisted that Aria would stay as both her patient and her guest. Not really being in a position to negotiate nor did she actually want to leave, Aria agreed. It didn't take long for two of them to bond and eventually realize that they had madly fallen in love.

After a few years of living together, the topic of family and children started to come up more and more frequently. After they had finished their journey to find ingredients in order to create a potion that would Aria to live in the type of body that she wanted, they settled down once again. They started to work on getting their family started and soon enough, Bella was pregnant with their first and only daughter: Gabe.

Despite wanting to be open about their relationship and soon-to-be family of theirs, they kept their relationship hidden. During these times, there was a lot of persecution for same-sex couples in wider societies, so both Bella and Aria pretended to just be close friends to keep attention away from them.

When death of an openly gay witch couple happened in the same town as they were living, the two of them made the difficult decision to live apart from one another up until the situation would calm and societal views would change for the better. With Aria living now elsewhere, she didn't have a proper way to contact Bella, not wanting to draw any attention to her and their newborn child.

Aria lived for many years not knowing what had happened to Bella, only to later find out after meeting their daughter Gabe for the first time that she had died to the same illness that had taken her father's life and prompted her to pick up the path of medicine and healing in the first place. Heartbroken by this news, Aria now waits to see her beloved back in the Underworld.


Gabe is Aria's first and only child. When Aria first saw her, she couldn't help but to cry, as she saw a lot of similarities in between her and Bella, even if ultimately Gabe inherited more of her looks from her human mother rather than her elvish one.

The two of them have recently been reunited, after Gabe learned the truth about Aria, which had been something Bella hadn't told her in order to keep her safe. Now that they are together once again, Aria is doing everything she can to help her daughter out on her quest to mend the relationship between the land of the living and the realm of the death known as the Underworld, while also simply getting to know and spend time with her.


Helga is the pet cat of Aria's daughter Gabe. Despite never having cats of her own, Aria still likes them, as she used to having them around when she was still living with Bella. Aria can't help but to pamper her, especially as she happened to be pregnant at the moment of meeting her.


Risyss is the girlfriend of Aria's daughter Gabe. As someone who is well versed in demonology, Aria doesn't see their relationship as anything that out of ordinary. She's happy for her daughter, that she has found someone who makes her happy and to be with.

Aria also appreciates how Risyss is helping not only Gabe, but her as well by working together with Yserlith and Melina in order to communicate with Bella's spirit, which lead Gabe and Risyss to Aria in the first place.


Szur is Aria's imp companion and her first summoned demon. The two of them have been together ever since, with Szur helping Aria out, but not getting too deeply involved in her personal life, knowing when to stay out of her hair and give her some time.

When Aria was living together with Bella, Szur helped the two of them out a lot, as pregnant Bella wasn't able to take care of all of her  duties and tasks. This lamented their bond and Szur has been irreplaceable companion to Aria ever since.


Ayla and Aria met one after Aria had moved to be a teacher in Sleethill. Being interested in demonology, Ayla found themselves eager to learn more about demons and with but one teacher in town, they found Aria and enlisted as one of her pupils. The two of them have been close ever since.

With Ayla also being transgender (non-binary), it was one of the first topics alongside demonology that they and Aria bonded over, with Aria helping and supporting Ayla to figure out and come in terms with their identity.

Unknowns to Aria, Ayla happened to know her daughter, as the two of them went to same school. Given that Gabe didn't back then know about Aria, Ayla never made that connection either up until now, despite knowing that Aria had a half-elf child she had never met. 


Rida Torlily is closest to what Aria would have to a rival. Being a thorn in her side ever since she had met Bella, the two of them had never really seen eye to eye. Even after all these years, they still don't like each other, even less so now that Aria knows that Rida is still waging the same war that she had started up against Bella, only now continuing it with their daughter Gabe.


Yserlith and Aria have uneasy friendship, as Yserlith happened to have one sided crush on Bella by the time two of them got into their relationship. The two of them have since mended their friendship and are starting to see more eye to eye, even working together now for both Bella's and especially her daughter's sake.


Lukki is an imp Aria has met so far only once. Not knowing anything about them, Aria gave Lukki a safe place when she saw them wandering around Sleethill aimlessly. Aria was quick to take liking to them and fed them, only to find them gone the following morning, alongside good chunk of Aria's food reserves. She's still baffled by this encounter, but hopes that Lukki is at very least safe.


- Aria's favorite color is orange, as it reminds her of her wife.

- Her favorite flower is belladonna. It is poisonous nightshade, yet it shares a name with her late wife.

- Aria is one of the few witches in Mirtalese who is professionally knowledgeable about demons and demonology, enough to teach about it and them on a professional level. With it being notably more dangerous than most schools of magic, this is a rarity, as inexperienced witches aren't allowed to teach it or often even study it.

- Aria's family doesn't know about her whereabouts nor do they know that they now have a grand daughter.

- Aria has presbyopia. She mostly needs glasses for reading.

- Aria's most priced possession is a silver necklace with B+A (Bella + Aria) engraved on it.

- Aria has a flock of ravens as her pet, but she also uses them as her messenger birds.

original design by realtense
code by zodia