Nimue Bronwen Addanc



3 years, 5 months ago


This character is a WIP awaiting a longer profile. Information may be missing, subject to change, or incomplete.

Personal Information

Nimue Bronwen Addanc
  • Gender

  • Age

  • Height
    162 cm

  • Birthday

  • House
  • Black Eagles
  • Crest
  • Class

  • Affiliations
    Kingdom of Faerghus

Extra Notes

Nimue appears as a Blue Lions student in White Clouds and the four main routes. She is revealed as an Emerald Dragon in Amber Scales

Personal History

Year Details
1164 Born one of triplets in a village between Daphnel and Galatea
1175 After her village is wiped out by plague she becomes a street performer.
1177 Hired as a dancer and Jester in the Royal Faerghus court.
1180 Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach. Almost Expelled.


  • Dancing
  • Forbidden exploration
  • Making costumes


Dimitri's personal Jester and entertainer
currently in detention due to fighting.
Now an Emerald Dragon student.


Close friends, upbeat music, birds,
sunny weather, flashy outfits, sewing.


Older men, being touched, the dark,
enclosed spaces, Cornelia, the past.

Other Details

  • Oldest of triplets who grew up between Galatea and Daphnel territories in a mountain village.
  • Both Nimue's siblings and her parents died due to the outbreak of Plague in Faerghus. Their village had tried to isolate by banning visits from outsiders but Lord Galatea overruled that for himself and brought the illness to their homes.
  • Orphaned she took to stealing as a street urchin to survive.
  • She taught herself to dance and would busk for money. Leaving her village she travelled to the capital of Faerghus.
  • Rose in fame until she was officially appointed court Jester. Became the personal entertainer for the young Dimitri.
  • Often inappropriately touched by men watching her performances and coerced into disgusting acts by them for more funds. She did what she could to survive but has left her scarred.
  • Nimue is severely touchphobic. She will lash out at anyone who touches her - especially older men. Incredibly tempremental and quick tempered.
  • After Duscur her services were no longer needed, she faced potential homelessness again.
  • Cornelia "saved" her by taking her under her wing. This, however, subjected Nimue to several experiments by the woman.
  • Her friendship with Dimitri lead to him inviting her to the Officer's Academy with him as an entertainer.
  • However she struggled to fit in amongst the noble students in the class. She got along with Ashe but even that was a struggle.
  • Due to fights, she faced expulsion from the school. She was taken in by Sephtis as one of the Emerald Dragons.
  • Since joining them Nimue has started to improve.