Hati Hróðvitnir



7 years, 17 days ago


Hati Hróðvitnir

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 16 years old

DoB November 24

Canon Voice Legoshi from Beastars

Class The Druid

Species Bestia [Wolf]

Branch Animus

Alignment Neutral Good

Occupation Brave Vesperia Guild


My Hero Academia/Ama Lee

The wolf’s clear, intelligent eyes brushed mine. The wolf is gentle-hearted. Not noble, not cowardly, just non-fighting.


  • Flowers. He has a little mini garden near his home that he enjoy tending to.
  • Physical affection. It makes him feel more at ease when he has it.
  • Reading. Honestly, he loves learning in general since he loves knowledge!
  • Companionshp. He just really enjoys being around people.


  • Perfumes. It messes with his nose.
  • Being treated like a kid. Yeah, he's 16 years old, but that doesn't mean he's a kid!
  • Being reminded that his dad isn't his biological one. It's complicated.
  • His dad shutting himself away from others. He wishes he opens up.


  • Gardening. It's a nice way to relax after a long day.
  • Crafting. It's nice to study magic through the use of crafting magical items.
  • Reading. I mean...he is a book nerd. The man has a whole section of his room dedicated to it.
  • Singing. He uses it as a means to bond with his father.


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf




DOm. hand



The Fool


The Explorer


The Wisdom


City of Dawnmere

Home Town











Hati is a modest, reserved and polite young man that has his moments where he can overreact to things in a exaggerated matter. While he does have his moments where he can come off as vulnerable and insecure, those are occasionally offset by the times he experiences confidence and bravery when facing off against things/people that harm those he cherishes. Over time, he slowly starts to develop strong leadership skills that, combined with his passion, turn him into a central character when Fenrir leaves the party. Regardless, Hati is diligent and strong-willed Bestia that can be extremely enthusiastic about topics related to Ferox, the kingdoms within it, Imperial Knights and guilds. He always finds himself mumbling about the little things pertaining to them as well as magic, leading to situations where he occasionally zones out if he's not too careful. However, this is something that led to Hati having quite a great analytical mind and led to him forming complex battle plans in a few seconds. It's that level of thinking that leads to him rivaling Rita in terms of her intelligence.

Hati is a caring and emotional guy that never hesitates to help or rescue someone in danger. It doesn't matter if he knows that he might not be strong or qualified enough to do it. He refuses to ignore someone in need. This leads to taking a more careless approach than the usual overthinking he goes through and putting himself in peril in order to protect someone. Hati is known to help people with personal and emotional problems, regardless if it's his business or not. An interesting thing to know is that he has a strong fascination with heroes to the point that the first time he saw the TOV gang...he nearly cried out of joy of seeing them and the simple fact he's worried about embarrassing himself in front of them.




Apple Juice













Time of day


Clothing item








Height 5'9"/175.26 cm

Weight 143 lbs/64.9 kg

Humanoid Form

Hati has short, red hair which he keeps brushed over one side of his face (typically his right) that covers his eye and a taper fade. He carries a slim build with a spherical yellow tattoo that can be interpreted as being either the sun or the moon with its glow. Some scars can be found on his hands and some parts of his arms. His eyes are as red as his hair. In terms of his attire, he is seen wearing a dark gray turtleneck sweater with a crimson vest over it. Light gray lining is seen throughout the vest with a star shaped symbol attached to the bottom of it and similar colored tendrils at the top with dots at the side. His sweater is tucked into his dark red pants. His pants cover his black boots with a black fur trim along the edges. Often seen dangling around his neck is a sun necklace that he received as a gift from his father.

Therian Form

Hati's Therian form transforms the male into a bipedal wolf that towers over his humanoid form at an impressive 6'4"/193.04 cm. The black pupils of his eyes are slitted while the iris is primarily black. His sclera are shown to be yellow. The male is shown to have a dark gray body with a lighter gray underbelly, a dark brown nose and eye dots just above his eyes that glow yellow. His body is shown to be slightly bulkier in this form and have functioning paw-hands that are capable of grabbing onto things and doing things that normal hands are capable of doing. A large, fluffy tail flows behind him with a light gray tip, and his ears are shown to be a bit pointed in terms of appearance. His paws have a red tinge in the palms of it and crimson hair akin to the ones found on his humanoid form. A rainbow colored flower crown is strangely found on his head. Oddly enough, his clothes are shown to be strangely intact despite this transformation. His Feral form takes his therian form and translates it more into the shape of an actual wolf with the only difference being the spherical symbol being more apparent on his back and his lack of hair.

Unbound Form

Hati's Unbound form resembles a hybrid of a canine and a draconic creature with his body being shaped like a canine with elements of a dragon in some parts of his body. With light green scales with a red tinge on all of his paws, Hati has a short blond mane trailing down his head to his back with a turf of fur found on the tip of his tail. He has a lighter green underbelly with a short horn above his nostrils and bat-like ears that alternates between a light gray and a light red within the inner ears. Specks of green scales laid scattered below his eye with a larger one above it. The iris of his eyes are orange while the sclera are yellow. His pupils remain black in color. Two short, wing-like ridges can be found on his back with the male's appearance being complete by light green paw pads. He towers at the height of 5'11"/180.34 cm.

Design Notes

  • The spherical marking on Hati's back is his familiar summoning emblem. It is meant to be a moon, but can also be interpreted as being the sun as well.
  • At some point in Lunar's Gaze, he ends up getting a nasty scar on his shoulder from his father losing control in his Unleashed form.
  • At some point, Hati end up receiving a orange neckerchief from Karol to keep as a gift.


What Could Have Been

There was once a wolf bestia named Kiera. Coming from the Atraena kingdom, Kiera was one of the top knight captains that served under the Hawthorne family. Under the Animus branch, her familiar was a draconic creature that went by the name of Sköll. The two of them were inseparable and were one of the strongest pairs around within the kingdom. They were very close to each other to the point that they trusted the other with their life. At some point, Kiera fell in love with Hoshi (a slightly lower ranked knight that was also a wolf Bestia), and the two would get married. Eventually, Kiera would get pregnant, and things would go well through her pregnancy to her son's birth.

Then the Hawthorne incident happened.

Not much is known about the incident outside the family. What we do know is the following. It was revealed that the previous rulers of the Hawthorne became involved in an incident where they forcibly transformed humans into Bestias and tried to forcibly change the branch Bestia is on. This led to abominations being made that ended up running rampage throughout the castle. Even while she was drained from giving birth to her son a day ago, Kiera, Hoshi and several knights fought to deal with these abominations. It was there that Kiera realized just how unsafe the capital was for her son. After talks with Hoshi, she sent Sköll off to get her child far away from the kingdom while she focused on getting the young princes to safety. Sköll assumed it was only going to be temporary until he felt a pain in his chest, and an image flash in his mind.

It was the sight of his owner being killed.

Sorrow filled Sköll's heart, followed by the wave of exhaustion that grew stronger and stronger for every minute that passed. It was not shocking as he was connected to his owner. As such, he was going to die. Eventually, he will land in Yurzorea in front of a house. With the child in his wings sobbing, he nuzzled the baby. He had considered the idea of fading away, but the fear of losing the last thing that had connection to his master was something he couldn't stand. As such, he gradually fused itself into the familiar that laid dormant within the baby. He was determined to protect the child to honor his partner's wishes. As he slowly changed into a a new form while humming a soft tune to soothe the cries of the baby, the door to the building he laid in front of opens to reveal Fenrir.

What We Have Now

Fenrir wasn't expecting dealing with raising a baby a few years into his new life. The fact that the baby was a Bestia added to his confusion. Remi (the new name of the familiar) explained some bits and pieces of what occured before pleading with Fenrir to raise the kid as it was growing more dormant since the child hasn't officially unlocked him. Despite not wanting to raise a kid, Fenrir decided to at least raise the baby until Cael came to take him to an orphanage. Cael wouldn't come back for months. It was something that Fenrir continued to curse him out about as Fenrir ended up growing attached to the child and even gave him the name of Hati. By the time Cael arrived, Fenrir couldn't give Hati away and ended up adopting him as his own. It was the one thing that Remi was so thankful for.

Many years would pass and the two would end up having a decent life together with Fenrir teaching Hati all he needed to know. They pay no mind to the shenanigans that were the events of Tales of Vesperia since frankly, Fenrir would prefer not to involve his 12 year old son (at the time) in something that would be considered life-threatening. That and he refuses to put himself into the position of being a hero since that would attract the eye of other Bestias. If only that would continue four years after Tales of Vesperia, where Fenrir and Hati finds themselves in a position where they have to to work together with the TOV gang to understand why Bestias are attacking the cities in the continents and why the other kingdoms aren't doing anything about it. No one told him that would lead to him going on some wacky adventure that would lead to some political drama, family drama, shenanigans and romance between someone that was an idol to him.








Tactic Takes Advantage of Environment

Attitude Focused

Fighting style

When it comes to fighting, Hati's magic is something that should be noted in regards to how he fights. Rarely will Hati use his fists to fight as he is not much of a physical attacker despite his raw strength and the fact he is shown to be quite tanky ( at least his magic defense is shown to be higher than his physical defense). In the group, Hati takes the form of elemental mage, where his magic draws on the power of the elements to fuel his abilities. He picks up on a good chunk of his magic from watching Rita, Flynn and the other magic users of the group using their respective magic.

At the cost of his MP, the male is able to transform into his Therian Form. This form increased Hati's power, speed, and endurance, thus making Hati quite a worthy opponent to fight while in this form. His fighting style becomes more animal-like and harder to predict. Of course, there are some disadvantages of this form. He develops a bit of an alpha mentality the longer he stays in that form. It's nothing to the level of his father. He tends to mostly use this form for dodging and evading.


  • Comes with a nice diversity of magic
  • Serves as secondary healer of the party
  • Takes the position of a strategist
  • Can fight seperatively from Remi


  • If Remi gets hurts, Hati gets hurts a well
  • Prior to a specific arc, isn't willing to kill
  • Can gets flustered when things fall apart
  • Not the best tank around compare to father
Wolf Bestia Physiology
racial skill


All Bestia carry different abilities based on the creatures that they are based on. For all, their abilities are enhanced under a full moon to a certain degree and they carry the same ability mentioned about that allows them to go into their therian form. Looking at wolf bestias, they possess superhuman strength with some being able to toss aside a tree and being able to leap across a decent amount of ways in the air due to that strength extending towards their legs. Wolf bestias can move faster than a good chunk of non-supernatural creatures and have a high amount of stamina. Their agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete with their bodies being physically tougher and more resistant to injury than the body of a normal human. Much like their canine counterparts, they do come with enhanced senses with most of them being centered around sight, smell and hearing.

Animus Branch
Racial Skill


Under the Animus branch, a Bestia’s anima (beast half of their soul) takes on the form of a guardian spirit to the Bestia in question as typically these Bestias are weak by themselves. It is a power that Eos is said to have. In most cases, they tend to be in the same species as the Bestia in question, but there are a few cases where the anima ends up being a completely different species when outside the body. The anima (often called familiar) carry a similar level of intelligence as the one they are bound to with Bestia outside of their branch citing that they have more of an “identity” solely because they are capable of vocalizing their thoughts. It is a common mistake as familiars and anima have a similar level of intelligence with animas simply not particularly seeing a need to vocalize their thoughts due to being in sync with their “host”. An important thing to note is the fact that Bestia can fuse with familiars to take on fused forms known as the Unbound form. Hati's familiar takes the form of Remi.

Strategy Adaptation
Learned skill


Hati is able to automatically adapt to different tactics and strategies and formulate the most optimal course of action. With this power, he can adapt to a strategy or trick used against him, so that the same strategy and trick does not work on them twice. He can adapt mentally to any situation and instantly reacts to new situations. He instantly and automatically analyzes and understands any environment or situation, and deduces the most optimal course of action, allowing them to make the right decision in all situations. His intelligence allows him to come up with ways to tweak and modify magical items.


Books [Weapon]

Being a mage, it's no surprise that Hati relies on book as a means to fight.It's nice to have something to remind you of what spells you have. His books are themed after mythical creatures. Outside of his Fell Arm [Yuki Onna/Book of Deceit: Yuki Onna], Hati final book end up being Tome of Ragnarök. This weapon is one that he found through looking to his mother's things.

Scrolls [Sub Weapon]

As opposed to Rita, Hati uses scrolls as a sub weapon than a main weapon. While it may not be often, there is a bit of use in using scrolls compare to a thick book. It should be noted that Hati does share scrolls with Rita so there's no set theme in what scrolls he tend to have. His final scrolls ends up being Aspion. This was a gift that Rita forged for him.

Mystic Symbol

If you're a resident video game protagonist, you need the equipment neccesary to survive. This take the form of various mails, guards, charms and what not. In the case of Hati, it takes the form of a symbol. Hati often has a Mystic Symbol . This is a useful item for Hati as it decreases spell casting time, allowing Hati to quickly fire spells.

Sun Necklace

If you notice on Hati's neck, he is often seen carrying around a sun necklace. This is a item that was given to him by Fenrir as a gift for his 3rd birthday. This is one of Hati's cherished gift as it constantly reminds him of his bond with his father. He will stop at nothing to ensure that nothing happens to this accesory as he likes wearing with great pride.



  • Hati name is based on the mythical being of the same name. I chose his name to compliment his father alias being Fenrir.
  • Hati originally started off being a lot younger than how he depicted now.
  • Legoshi and Deku was a inspiration for his personality.


  • I will admit it took some time to figure out his fighting style.
  • I had considered the idea of giving him a rod as a weapon.
  • It was only when I came up with the mystic arte Light's Annihilation that I figured out what I wanted for his combat style.


  • When working out his behaviour, I took inspiration from wolf pups and Legoshi.
  • Had Hati's biological parents lived the Hawthorne incident, they would have called the young man "Hati" much lke Fenrir.
  • Hati is meant to embody both the traits of Hati and Skoll from Norse mythology with his familar being Skoll and Hati being...well Hati.


  • I considered getting rid of the moon symbol on Hati's back but decided against it and use it as being the summoning emblem for Hati's familiar.
  • Much like his father, I had Clow redesign his outfit to be more Tales of-esque.
  • Whenever he gets flustered, Hati accidentally ends up partially slipping into his therian form.



It would take a long time for Hati to learn that Hati was once his mother's familar pass down to him to ensure he stayed alive. Perhaps that's why the two are very close and see each other as brothers. Hati cares deeply for his familiar to the point it didn't take long for Hati to awaken him from his slumber. Most of the time, Remi is often hovering over Hati, glaring at anyone he feels could hurt the young man. While Remi can be aggressive at times, Hati knows that it's mostly out his desire to keep Hati safe at all. It's something Hati cherishes.

Adopted Father

While Fenrir might come off as being a bitter, snarky asshole, Hati will always tell you that Fenrir is a good man (and father). He knows the reason why he acts comes from years of nonsense that he dealt with and never holds his attitude against him. He knows that deep in his heart that he's a good person no matter what he says. Whenever he sees his father upset, he will do everything he can to bring a smile on his face or make his life a tad bit easier in some way. He hates the idea of disappointing or upsetting his father in any way since he feels he deserves the world.


The moment that Hati saw Karol in the Hot Springs with the rest of party after hearing all the things they done was the moment that Hati gained a crush for Karol. Since then, he has done his best to try to follow whatever adventures he went on while supporting him on whatever task he wish to accomplish. Whenever he's around Karol, Hati gets flustered around him especially when he compliments him. However, with Karol, he feels a sense of ease when rambling about the things that he like that his father may not be interested in at all.


Ignoring the fact that Yuri seems to really enjoy convincing Hati's father to commit crimes, Hati carries a fondness for Yuri. Well if you also ignore the fact Yuri really enjoys teasing Hati about his feelings for Karol alongside some other things. Other than that though, he does look up to Yuri as being an older brother/second dad (or would it be third considering Flynn?) to him. Upon learning the truth of what happened to his parents, Yuri was the first Hati could open up about his feelings regarding the whole thing and didn't make him feel like a monster for what he did.


Flynn reminds Hati of Cael, meaning that Hati is automatically required to like him as a result. After all, Cael is the closest thing he has to a mother with the constant back and forth between himself and his father. Hati admires how honorable, kind and lawfully good that he can be. To him, he's the perfect embodiment of what it means to be a knight and being overall a good person in general. He wants to be like him and often does his best to listen to whatever advice that he gives him. If his dream wasn't to become a Vesperia guild member, he would have joined the Imperial Knights.


Hati is no different from Fenrir when it comes to his interactions with Repede. As a dog lover, Hati enjoys sitting around with the canine by his side or occasionally sleeping next to him whenever he tires himself out from reading. It's one of the few times you see the puppy-like nature of Hati come out in full force as he tends to sometime act like a child when he's near the dog (ironic given the fact Hati is older than Repede). Hati cites this behavior is most likely a pack mentality and just something that comes from being around dogs.


If there's one thing that Hati loves about Estelle, it's their common love for learning and reading. Whenever they're together, they're usually chatting about whatever new book they find and discussing its content. Sometimes, these talks can last for only a few minutes to hours if no one is keeping a good eye on them. From Estelle, Hati has learned how to better his healing artes through her assistance. This allows him to serve as a secondary healer for the party in a situation where Estelle may be too busy or out of commission in some way.


Rita may be a bit rough around the edges, but Hati isn't bothered by her behavior. Then again, he has dealt with Remi and Fenrir for a number of years so he's probably used to dealing with people similar to them. He has been studying under Rita to learn how to better use his elemental magic since it doesn't hurt to learn under such a genius mage! He likes to show the various tailsman that he makes as they have been something that have interested her given the level of craftmanship, attention and care that he put into the magical items.


Raven is a very mysterious man. While he can be a bit too flirty at times when it comes to cetain people and complain too much about his age, his goofy and wise energy is something that Hati cherishes since he hasn't much of a grandfather figure in his life. I suppose the closet you can get to that is Fenrir's father...but that's a bit too complicated and messy for his taste. Even if Raven doesn't like it, he does a good job at fitting that role for Hati as it is something he desires. Then again, Hati is a very pack oriented person so it makes sense when you ponder it.


Judith's knowledge of Spirits is something that Hati is fond of. He always finds himself asking her questions relating to what she knew about a specific spirit and how they affected the world. Interesting enough, he doesn't really get all that flustered whenever she's being her usual flirtatious self. Then again, he could be completely oblivious to it and Judith never directs that energy to Hati due to him being younger than her. He seems to see her as a older sister in some respects and often listens to her advice when he needs it at times.


Hati has known Cael for all of his life and looks up to him as a mentor and an older brother. Other than his dad, Cael is the first role model that Hati had in his life and is one he always goes to whenever he's worried about his dad since he knows that Cael will be there for his dad. Cael is the one to teach Hati how to uses his familiar in battle and the art of fusion. Cael does somtimes take a motherly role for Hati as he has been lacking in that aspect. It doesn't bother him at all...but please don't tell Cael. Hati would feel awkward if you do that.