❤️ Red (self inserts) (🚀 mea ♡)



5 years, 13 days ago


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Andromeda - Wyes Blood
female (she/her)
xenophile (bi)
mid 20s
jan 27 (♒︎)
human pathfinder
infp, chaotic good
 [  R E D  ]  RYDER. pathfinder.

The oldest of the Ryder Twins, she specializes in biotics and weapon power and is a beast of a Vanguard Front Liner.
She is a skilled gunsmith and is constantly creating new upgrades and new weapons and is really passionate about what she does, get her going about guns and she'll never shut up.


She's quite bold and assertive, very loud and in your face. She is sarcastic and tends to use dark humor to get her laughs, she loves making people laugh.

She's incredibly impulsive and really had to learn how to cut it back after becoming Pathfinder, a role she was nowhere near ready to take on. She believes and often rants about how much of a terrible leader she is but others would say otherwise.

She was very free spirited when her mother was still alive and retracted it a lot when she passed, letting anger and bitterness show through which she'd never let anyone see before, this resulted in her losing a chunk of friends who only knew her as a social butterfly.


  Is a Xenophile, and is not sexually attracted humans (but does feel romance towards them sometimes). Has a particularly strong preference for Turians.

  lost all voice ability, and has to rely on a voice box connected to her brain that her father made for her.

  chopped all her hair off after leaving her abusive relationship because that was one of his favorite attributes about her appearance.

  Diagnosed with NSSID, unconsciously hurting herself often and it peaked as her and her ex's relationship escalated to its worst. This only stopped when she got SAM, as he is able to calm her before she goes through with it.

hot aliens
music & dancing

mentions of her past
tryhards (like sloane lol)
c h i l d h o o d   /   g r o w i n g  u p

blah blah childhood shit wip

p r o l o g u e

Met "Servitus Salviso" at her old job where they both worked entry jobs, which was pretty much at a citadel grocery store lol and what can she say... She's into... Bad boys 😉 (WHY DO GOOD GIRLSSSS LIKE BA-AD GUYYYSS)

They started dating soon after they met, and went on to date for several years (around 8) making it her first alien relationship, (aka she tried dating humans only before and didn't feel shit).

She was blinded by adoration of him, and she did a lot of things she shouldn't have done for him. Such as: packing her shit and leaving to Omega after only around four years of dating, where he essentially cut her off from most contact to her family.

Cracks began to form as she slowly realized how fucked be and their situation was, and when it got to the point when she wanted to leave him and omega, he threatened her life. (real type of "IF I CANT HAVE U NO ONE CAN dude lol). Her main income for them both was creating and modifying guns, something she is passionate about, but not like this. Never like this. She was essentially forced, threatened and blackmailed by her partner to supply guns with illegal mods to various gangs, making her not only a pretty high profile criminal but also making her a target to some real nasty people you dont want to be on the list of. Not only did this affect her greatly mentally, but it broke her in an entirely different way when her mother, who she hadn't contacted for months, died.

The extreme turmoil escalated the series of events that ended with Servitus attempting to murder her by slitting her throat, only to be given a second chance at life when a Salarian she saved the life of in the past, returned the favor, by having his hired muscle break into their apartment to hold him back and keep him distracted long enough to hoist her out of there before she bled out.

She woke up in the hospital days later, surrounded by her family, and she was finally free. She went into witness protection in hiding when her ex stalked her and her family to finish the job. Her vocal chords were damaged beyond repair, and she couldn't speak whatsoever anymore, and can only make noises. Her father designed a text to speak kinda device thingy connected to her brain which plays back what she thinks, which is as awkward as it sounds sometimes lmao...She's able to train herself to not let rude intrusive thoughts come out, but stuff will always get out of her control lmao, always turns it down (comically theres a little....nob located behind her ear she can turn it down with) if she catches her brain slippin. Her and her brother were already close growing up, but these experiences humbled them and they became inceperable.

She does however, wish she could say the same for her relationship wih her father. Joined the Andromeda initiative not only because her family were all going, but to get away from her ex who just wouldn't let up on trying to find her, and hoping for a fresh start after so much of her life was taken away from her.

a n d r o m e d a

Badaboom babey she wakes up in Andromeda and a lotta shit starts going wrong. Brother in a coma .. how much worse could it get... Wait. WAIT A SECOND.

Crazy old man died for her huh.

Alec "has never spent time with his kids" Ryder saved her instead of himself huh? To say she was furious was an understatement. To say she was unprepared was an understatement

Bring thrust into the position of pathfinder sucked ass. Yeah, that was a pun.

She was NOT ready to deal with the politics when they finally made it to the nexus, and Addison was especially nasty towards Ryder for her criminal past, you know it's bad when even Tann has more understanding than she did, and needless to say, they aren't friendly with eachother.

But seeing the Angara for the first time really made it all worth it, and she was smitten instantly with them, they took her breath away. Which is ironic, because judging by the amount of laser sights pointed at her when they landed on Aya, they wanted to take her breath away too.


  Primary armor set: Heleus Defender Armor, with various tweaks added from other armor sets.

  Uses primarily Shotguns and Melee (with Biotics mixed in) for the front line, but will switch to a Sniper (a collaboration weapon created by her and Jaal, heavily modified with both Heleus and Milky Way parts, she is very fond of it) when it's too risky.

  peepee poopoo

  peepee poopoo

Faroang Star System: Havarl
"𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘆."
Onaon Star System: Aya
00:12:29am   | 09/01/2819   |   78%