


3 years, 6 months ago



Clothing Layers

  • Coat
  • Shirt
  • Accessories
  • Hat


  • Tempest has a number of tattoos—one on her chest, two on each of her arms, and a large one on her back. To look at these in more detail, please refer to this image.
  • If you set Tempest's hair to down and hide her shirt and coat, you can view the tattoo on her back clearly.
  • Additional references and further notes can be found on this page!
Small Ponytail


The Storm at Sea

wand.png wand.png


To mistake this for a wooden gun would be an understandable mistake to make. But for all its gun-like shape, it lacks a most key component — there's no trigger.

An elaborately shaped wand, but a wand nonetheless.

Crafted from brass, white quartz, and deepwood—a particularly reactive wood found only in the heart of the Deepweald—it draws magic into itself allowing Tempest greater control over where she is directing her elemental magic.

As magic courses through the wooden gun, the quartz begins to glow and the barrel spins rapidly. This is for absolutely no practical purpose whatsoever.

halberd.png halberd.png


Dual sided like a labrys, the head of this halberd almost evokes a trident...if a trident was capable of removing your head.

Etched into its surface are crashing waves amidst a storm — the mark of Rhodesma's followers.

Tempest's combat style is intimidate and incapacitate. She likes to keep distance between her and her attackers, and the sheer size of her halberd makes for a very imposing weapon, and makes Tempest very difficult to approach.

Most opponents will be incapacitated by her magic long before they get within range of her halberd, but should that not happen... Well, it's going to leave a mark.

hat.png hat.png


Seen on its own, it's a rather curious looking tricorn hat with deep notches in its sides.

Worn on Tempest's head, it becomes obvious very quick what the notches are there for.

An otherwise ordinary hat, people often wonder how exactly she gets it on her head.

However, the answer is very simple—it is not made of stiff leather, she simply gives it a little squish and slides it under her horns.

sword.png sword.png


The craftmanship on this cutlass is exquisite.

On its hilt is a beautiful — if a little gaudy — engraving of a leviathan, and carved into the blade in a delicate hand is a long series of runes.

With the right incantation spoken, the blade sparks to life with arcane lightning dancing across its edge.

Unavailable with this outfit

Clothing Layers

  • Vest
  • Coat
  • Shirt
  • Hat


  • This is tempest's "Arc 2" look! This is after she returns to the sea.
  • She does not use her wand anymore.
  • Although she now has a sword, her preferred weapon is still her halberd.
Small Ponytail


The Storm at Sea

wand.png wand.png


To mistake this for a wooden gun would be an understandable mistake to make. But for all its gun-like shape, it lacks a most key component — there's no trigger.

An elaborately shaped wand, but a wand nonetheless.

Crafted from brass, white quartz, and deepwood—a particularly reactive wood found only in the heart of the Deepweald—it draws magic into itself allowing Tempest greater control over where she is directing her elemental magic.

As magic courses through the wooden gun, the quartz begins to glow and the barrel spins rapidly. This is for absolutely no practical purpose whatsoever.

Unavailable with this outfit
halberd.png halberd.png


Dual sided like a labrys, the head of this halberd almost evokes a trident...if a trident was capable of removing your head.

Etched into its surface are crashing waves amidst a storm — the mark of Rhodesma's followers.

Tempest's combat style is intimidate and incapacitate. She likes to keep distance between her and her attackers, and the sheer size of her halberd makes for a very imposing weapon, and makes Tempest very difficult to approach.

Most opponents will be incapacitated by her magic long before they get within range of her halberd, but should that not happen... Well, it's going to leave a mark.

hat.png hat.png


Seen on its own, it's a rather curious looking tricorn hat with deep notches in its sides.

Worn on Tempest's head, it becomes obvious very quick what the notches are there for.

An otherwise ordinary hat, people often wonder how exactly she gets it on her head.

However, the answer is very simple—it is not made of stiff leather, she simply gives it a little squish and slides it under her horns.

sword.png sword.png


The craftmanship on this cutlass is exquisite.

On its hilt is a beautiful — if a little gaudy — engraving of a leviathan, and carved into the blade in a delicate hand is a long series of runes.

With the right incantation spoken, the blade sparks to life with arcane lightning dancing across its edge.

  • age 26
  • pronouns she/her
  • orientation lesbian
  • species cambion
  • flower tuberose
  • element
"I don't know about you, but I don't much fancy hanging tomorrow."

Tempest is a highly wanted pirate enjoying tenuous freedom of movement due to Rosalie's reputation and protection.

She and Callisto are the protagonists of Heart of the Storm. The comic is currently releasing, so there's only so much I can say here! They meet, go on some adventures, fall in love, she returns to the seas with a new first mate, and things are not all plain sailing. You'll have to read to find out more :)


Just a "Friend"

Friends with benefits to first mate with benefits and wife, depending on where you are looking in the timeline.

Tempest saved her life, and in turn Callisto has returned the favour and much more. Tempest challenges everything Callisto has ever known, and the life she leads is deeply alluring. Every glimpse she gets at the woman behind the image she projects only makes Callisto more curious—she wants to know her, she wants to know about magic, and she wants to know about the life she could lead living by her own choices and not someone else's.



Tempest was not always a pirate. Originally she worked on fishing vessels, and then as she got older moved onto cargo ships. She worked honestly at first, but it was rather dull and not the exciting life at sea she craved... That's when she met people like Debauchery, and fell into a life of smuggling—and eventually, piracy.

Tempest and Debauchery worked together "professionally" a number of times, and then when things went awry for her and Tempest lost her ship, it was Debauchery she turned to for support. A you help me I help you kind of deal—but they also quickly became genuine friends.

As a powerful wizard in her own right, Debauchery is one of the few people who has genuinely nothing to fear from upsetting Tempest, so they have a little bit of an antagonistic friendship. One of the few people Tempest feels truly comfortable around.



Tempest is no stranger to another woman's bed, nor are other women a stranger to hers, but Aquila truly believed that what she and Tempest had was different from the other women she slept with. First mate and captain, the sea and her storm, an unstoppable duo who take and do as they please!

But when Aquila began to see Tempest truly fall in love, she realised just how wrong she had been.

Rosalie Thorne


Listening to others, let alone working for them, is not something Tempest is keen to do. She values her freedom and her independence, but she must admit... not having to keep a low profile around town is a freedom she did not realise she'd missed. And she does love money.

So, for now at least she'll work with the woman. Whether she will or won't stay is entirely up to her own whims, let it be known that this is a temporary arrangement.

When she grows bored of the Rose House and leaves, she most certainly will not miss the way Thorne acts as if she knows her and what she's thinking.


Goddess of Life, Storms,
and the Ocean

Tempest has no piety, she is no woman of faith, but her body and her halberd are both marked with the symbol of the sea goddess. Indeed, even her name is tied to the goddess—her namesake chosen from Rhodesma's leviathan champion, the Tempest that twists its way across her back.

This is because, with her elemental cold and lightning magicks, it is rather easy for her to spin herself as an arm of Rhodesma's wrath. And sailors are very scared of Rhodesma's anger.

As such, invoking Rhodesma's name proves to be a very effective intimidation tactic for getting what she wants. And, besides, the only place she has truly ever felt at home is at sea. She's rather fond of the goddess and, unbeknownst to her, the feeling is mutual.


Goddess of Death, Secrets,
and the Moon

One might think due to Lume and Rhodesma's close relationship, that Tempest herself might be amiable towards her followers.

This really could not be any further from reality—it may be so that the ocean listens to nobody but the moon, but just because she carries Rhodesma's mark does not make her as easily tamed by the moon!

Indeed, Lume's followers tend to see Rhodesma's influence on her and take this as a sign of a friend. Tempest, who leverage's Rhodesma's name for intimidation purposes, absolutely despises this assumed friendliness and has a tendency to be especially rude to her followers.

As for the goddess herself, sailors are not scared of the moon who calms the seas, and as such Tempest respects her but finds her name to be of little use to her.

Currently, this code is not available for others to use. I do intend to release it, however, but that is an undertaking that will take quite a long time and I'm unable to give any estimated date for when I'll be able to release it, as I simply do not have a lot of time available to focus on TH coding.

The reason I can't just release it as it is, is that this is a very complicated and involved code that requires that you really know what you're doing to edit it, as theres a thousand ways you could break it. It's well above the average toyhouse user's comfort level, and is well above my own ability to concisely explain for beginners through my usual documentation method.

As such, I'm coding a custom editor just for this code, which means you won't need any knowledge of HTML at all to edit the code, and also means it will be modular and adapt itself to how much information you provide.

However, coding an editor like this is no simple matter, and making the code cleanly adapt to the information provided as well as adapting to different screen sizes takes a lot of work. I have commissions and a comic to make, so if you'd like me to have more time available for coding you can purchase my other codes, donate to my ko-fi, or support me on patreon. I hope you understand, thank you for your interest and thank you for your patience!