The Chimera (modern au)



2 years, 9 months ago


In the au Chimera is still a Frankenstein’s monster type creation, their father was a university professor who used his position to find “material” for them. They are better-built but still retain a few quirks from the process. In the au they were the one to alert authorities to their father’s crimes in their 20s after he left his phone at home by accident. He is alive and currently in prison, Chimera has no contact with him. There was an insane media blitz about it because not only was it one of the most high profile serial killing cases in national history, but using people for and succeeding in creating a living thing was entirely unheard of. Many people thought it was a hoax, some still do. Theres so many conspiracies about what “really” happened. Chimera is something of a true crime celebrity and they detest the attention. Since their case is so unique Chimera is a ward of the state, most of their utilities are taken care of and they do not leave their one bedroom apartment unless its absolutely necessary. Its been about 20 or so years since the trial ended and folks recognize them less and less but theyre sick of people harassing them or asking them to go on podcasts or do book deals so they try to stay out of sight. They have a successful (anonymously ran) universe equivalent of an etsy shop for their textile work, particularly clothes. Fashion is a big deal to them and they alter everything they own, they have an emotional attachment to objects and like it when theyre “cobbled together” similarly to themself. Chimera is a lot more isolated than their counterpart despite being closer to people physically, the nature of an interconnected modern world means they know without a doubt that nothing else like them exists and it’s a very lonely feeling. They are also significantly more anxious and jumpy, they keep a beanie baby in their purse as a comfort item, her name is Pinwheel. They like cute things and make up, though rarely use it since they wear a face mask in public anyways.


Hunter- They lost their bus card and their phone ran out of battery and they were entirely stranded without a clue how to get home on foot, resorted to flagging people down to try to ask for directions. They happen to run into Hunter who looked them up and down and asked if they just needed a ride. They had probably one of the most awkward and stressful car rides of their entire life that started in Total Silence, and then a weird misunderstanding, and then MORE total silence. They left the moment they got near their apartment and.. also left their phone in the strangers car. The next day they found a small box on their doorstep with their phone inside of it, along with a map with the route he went down marked on it and other shortcuts through the area, and a crumpled piece of paper with a number written on it and a brief note that if theyre ever stranded like that again to call it. Chimera was a mixture of fascinated and offput by this and it wasn’t until months later that they would actually attempt to call it after finding a sick cat and needing a ride to the veterinarians, only to have an entirely different person pick up. Eventually befriends him and enters a relationship with him after warming up to his mannerisms.

Cook- The.. person who the number belonged to. Terrified Chimera at first when he didn’t recognize who was calling him but quickly changed his tune remembering something Hunter told him. Cook was amicable and made arrangements to show up, was super easy to talk to, made the vet process more bearable, and helped them with finding a place for the cat to go in general (since they cant keep pets). Cook joked that the man who Chimera had met has a habit of picking up “strays” too. Chimera really liked Cook and tried to see if there was something they could do in return for him in exchange for the rides since he wouldn’t take cash from them, Cook let them help with some clothing alterations for him and the two became interested in befriending one another. Chimera starts semi-regularly hanging out with Cook and also Hunter because the two live together. Has a lot in common with Cook, they share hobbies and both have or had insane horrible parents that put them in the public eye when they weren’t ready for it, and have had very little control of their own lives but are still doing their best. They eventually end up dating him.

Their father- Cut off all contact with him after they tried to visit him ONCE and he immediately tried to manipulate them into recanting their testimony and filing for an appeal for him. Hates his guts and wont be upset when he finally croaks, which is drastically different from their counterpart’s complicated emotions on the subject. Doesn’t like to talk about him. Doesn’t want to be on your goddamn podcast episode about him.


-loves to sight see but is scared of travel so theyre a big fan of things like streetview and livestreams of wildlife sanctuaries

-has a surgeons skillset but never uses it, has a phobia of medical settings and imagery

-keeps their arms crossed in public so people cant see how long they are

-has a slight underbite

-they like to use scraps to make clothes for their stuffed animals, and likes to repair them

-cannot cook, no one ever taught them how and they just never bothered to learn

-still sees ghosts, has nightmares of other peoples memories, and is filled to the brim with fantasy radiation but its ok