The Chimera



3 years, 5 months ago


Name: had a name but no longer has a taste for it, generally is called "you there" or eventually "the hunter's companion"
Age: around mid 40s
Pronouns: they/them
Species: its complicated but for all intents and purposes, human
Height: 5'11"

An incomplete patchwork person, created by an unraveled surgeon obsessed with perfection and uncovering the secrets of the anomalous substance that has leeched into the Earth since its discovery. Chimera grew up relatively sheltered but had brief but meaningful contact with the unfortunate "material" their father enticed to their isolated forest laboratory/home, which is where most of their socialization comes from. They tend to be intense in their mannerisms, staring heavily at things and having sort of a wild bear-ish quality about them. Despite this they exude a haunting sort of elegance, speaking in short, soft, wavering sentences. They are well versed in academics but are ill equipped to navigate the intricacies of daily life, this alongside their unique physiology causes them to be fatigued easily, often generally operating with at least some brain fog. 

While they find discomfort in being thrown into unfamiliar situations they enjoy one on one interaction as well as listening to others with different point of views and life experiences. They are attracted to philosophical concepts and enjoy discussing them, but can sometimes be troubled by hypotheticals and tends to live in their own head a bit too much. They think heavily about their creation and the implications of it, causing them great amounts of turmoil which is not eased by the fact they experience brief out of context memories, emotions, and visual fragments from the people, animals and beasts that they are created out of reminding them of what was lost and the reason why. Due to living with their father during his declining stability, they tend to avoid conflict and will go with the flow so to speak even when it hurts them. It can at times be difficult to tell when they are uncomfortable with something and they are adapt at bottling and concealing their desires and emotions(and earnestly struggling to register them to begin with), and often does not act on their own accord, they assume a more passive spectator role in their own life.

 After leaving, they have been growing more comfortable with asserting boundaries and maintaining their values. Something new they realized they are fond of is skinship, oftentimes draping themself over those they are comfortable with. Chimera is someone who is sensitive and gentle and seeks to understand themself through others. They are slowly becoming comfortable with being more demanding and can at times be a bit pushy but not obnoxiously so. usually. Much of their personality is under layers of self protective behaviors but if given the right climate they are playful with a dry sense of humor, inquisitive, and is a passionate individual. 

The Hunter- The two had a dramatic and strenuous meeting, with Hunter laying waste to their home and father, as well as granting a merciful death to the experiments who had been imprisoned within the laboratory. Doing this left the chimera utterly and entirely alone in this world. Once he realized someone was left, he took them from the flaming wreckage of the place they had resided for their entire life and it was gone in an instant. Afterwards, he offered to employ them if they did not want to stay in the town nearby, and the two began to travel together. He kept his distance from them but chimera grew interested in the peculiar man and the two began to have talks, eventually clearing up some misunderstandings between them, and allowing them to grow closer. After spending years with one another they've become deeply important to each other and find comfort in their similar natures. Chimera enjoys his lack of grace and tact and finds his mannerisms refreshing.

The Cook- They similarly had a rough beginning with Chimera being seemingly terrified of Cook but with time (and with the aid of good food) they grew to be interested in him. During the months they periodically spent with Cook, he and Chimera grew close. They enjoy his expertise and learning about his passions, as well as having someone who is easy to talk to and is accepting of them. They keep a journal filled with experiences, questions, observations and other conversational topics to bring up with Cook during their stays with him. They are the only person Cook has ever confided in about his situation, and they are an excellent secret keeper. The two have an understanding most others dont because of their tumultuous upbringings, mannerisms, skeletons in the closet, and care about one another greatly. They are more similar to one another they they expected and find comfort in this as two people who have been left entirely alone in the world.

Their father- Their father and creator was a man of passion and ambition, never diverting from something once he set his mind to it no matter the cost. He had a taste for elegance and very strict ideas on what is and isn't proper. When Chimera was a child they had a fantastic relationship, he doted on them and made sure they were healthy and comfortable. He took utmost care in administering anesthesia during every revision operation, and he made sure the recovery periods were spaced far enough apart that they were not overwhelmed. He read to them and played with them, and they admired him and mimicked him which he adored. He was so proud of them, and they were unaware of how they were created. Once they were gifted their human head, they noticed things they would have never registered before. They were allowed to explore more of their home. It left them conflicted and confused. The once inseparable parent and child began to drift apart. Chimeras father took their withdrawal as a sign he needed to curate their influences more, and he became increasingly controlling. He genuinely loved them and wanted them to only be influenced by things he approved. He began to forbid them from contacting the people he planned to use for their parts after they tried and failed to assist escape attempts. Fearing him, they conformed to his view of them and did everything he asked of them, but they could never feel safe with him again. They began to understand their lifestyle was not tenable, and someone would find out eventually, or Chimera themself may be forced to act against him. Ultimately though, they were spared the confrontation and he now only exists within their dreams and memories, including the ones that werent originally theirs. Despite everything, they miss him.

-they have a tail but its literally extra chunk of spine that has skin and a little fat covering it, no muscle, so its incapable of movement

-most of their eye is a pupil, which is why its so dark in color, and why theyre so sensitive to lighting changes.

-they have no outer ears, instead having an inward one similar to a birds ear

-they do not smile, and are stressed out by other peoples direct eye contact and visible teeth, as well as those taller than them

-they have fancy handwriting thats difficult for others to read

-growing up they were not allowed to have "junk" food, but since leaving they have discovered their current favorite food is pemmican and they adore fatty salty things

-they see "ghosts", and cause supernatural phenomenon to manifest around them, they are unaware of this, it is caused by the unnaturally huge amounts of polychirium, the anomalous substance, their body holds due to how they were created

-they are skilled in medicine but has never told anyone this, and does not use their skills unless they have no other choice, its something of a sore spot for them

-is weak to the cold, and cannot handle snowy environments

-their dress is a modified surgical gown that their father made for them from his own clothing, it was supposed to be a night gown only

-is not a fan of water as it causes their seams to ache

-they frequently have bodily "misfires" where certain senses or limbs just do not work, they also deal with tremors and mild seizures usually brought on by nightmares and memories that arent theirs, but they just wait them out and carry on with what they were planning to do that day or the next 

-has been practicing how to draw things other than medical diagrams and has been cataloguing the species of animals plants and creatures they have encountered

-laughs through their nose, without smiling

-is fairly strong and can pick up Hunter but cannot hold him for long, is not very toned and has poor stamina

-has insomnia 

-has issues with face blindness (which is why i draw their father without one) 
