


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Striga Sands

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first story arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Colors Dragon

Favorite Food: Curry

Element: Earth/Dragon

Powers: Can change the color of her skin to match the environment and also with her mood (yellow = content), spiky tail attack, dragon breath, the ability to use many different types of firearms/guns, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "This better not be what I think it is!"

Likes: Justice, following the rules, jewelry, the drums, guns/firearms, motorcycles and hover-bikes, romance novels, and competition.

Dislikes: Being asked about her love life, people who make her mad (although who doesn't this apply to?), disorder, cold climates, comedy movies, and Shadow-cat.

Personality: To say that Striga gets angry easily is an understatement. To many, it seems like the girl gets inflamed in rage over the slightest inconvenience and willingly pulls out whatever firearms she has on hand to silence her provokers. However, deep down Striga is aware of her violent overreactions and wishes to improve on expressing herself without getting angry. Unfortunately for her, she's surrounded by weirdos and jerks, so she hasn't made much progress. Striga does have a sweeter, romantic side to her that sometimes comes out when she's calm, but this rarely lasts. She gets particularly angry when asked any love or romance questions, even if they come from her crush in question. When she is calm, she's known to be serious and on-topic, and maintains a strong sense of justice towards wrongdoing. And despite her often angry interactions with her friends, if any villain gives any of them trouble she'll give them hell.

Home: Animal Planet: Spiky Desert

History: Striga was born and raised in Spiky Desert, and is something of royalty in her hometown where she is referred to as a "Pharoness". However, she rarely gives this fact the light of day outside of guarding a mysterious treasure chest she isn't allowed to open. Sometime before  the first part of the story, Striga met Jade and Melody and became friends with them. Since she lives in a different town than much of the main cast and thus goes to a different school, Striga didn't meet much of the main cast until the second part of the story where she hears that Jade was beaten by a bunch of kids in Miniman Town who were then heading towards her home. She initially attacks the main characters, but flees when she sees Colors and develops strange feelings for him. To her dismay, the main cast follows she home and opens the mysterious treasure chest to discover Maddy/Luna inside. Striga then declares herself their rival/enemy and antagonizes them several times throughout the arc. She later softens up after they save her from SAC, but then digs herself in a hole by asking Colors to marry her when he wasn't listening, leading to a long string of complications and misunderstandings.

Current-Bio: While Striga currently lives in Spiky Desert, she's often seeing in Miniman Town due to the  short distance between them. She's often see with Jade and Melody, and occasionally plays music with them in a band. Other times she's seen in town with the rest of the cast. While she doesn't always join during the start of the adventures, she often shows up midway through on her own terms and investigations, but the others often just see her as conveniently showing up where they were going on purpose. Striga ends up being a bit of an aloof ally to the others once she stops antagonizing them, and eventually stops being so aloof, but it takes her awhile to get there.

Meta-History: Striga, like Colors and his siblings, is based on an old creature my brother and I came up with as kids that was also named Colors, but they currently look nothing like the original. The original Colors was part of an evolution line of a dragon that started off as a spikeball that resembles the Gordos from the Kirby series. The second form Colors and final form Colors Dragon both featured the spiky ball on their tail, although the original designs always had a face on the spikeball regardless of what  form they were in. Colors current design is more or less inspired by the Pokemon Ampharos. Striga was created to be a rival character to the others as well as the female counterpart to Colors. Her nature of going from antagonist to friend and having a cool vehicle was inspired by Yamcha in the early Dragon Ball series, but Striga has always been more competent than him. Her character hasn't changed much over the years. Her more violent side was inspired by Bad Launch, also from Dragon Ball.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: At first, Striga was antagonistic towards Sketches and friends, but she later becomes a very aloof ally. However, not even Sketches is safe from Striga's temper, but she generally angers her less than the others.

Lightning: Lightning is really good at making Striga angry (which is pretty easy to do). Striga considers them rivals.

Sparky: Striga gets less angry at Sparky, but is aloof towards her.

Kitty: Striga gets along with Kitty for the most part, but the two are known to both bicker over Colors and gang up on him with complaints.

Racket: Striga is very good at scary Racket, but somehow the two are still friends.

Colors: Striga has a rather obvious crush on Colors that pretty much everyone but him sees. While she tries to be nice to him, she often can't help but become angry and frustrated with him. Him mishearing her marriage  proposal doesn't help their situation.

Sally: Sally is one of the few people Striga is consistently nice too.

Manx: Striga is mostly fine with Manx, but is sometimes annoyed by her constant questioning of things.

Veronica: Striga and Veronica don't seem to be afraid of going at each others throats.

Trixa: Striga doesn't have any beef with Trixa, but doesn't interact with her much.

Jade: Despite going against all logic, Striga and Jade are somehow best  friends. While Jade's trolling does get on her nerves, Striga cares deeply about Jade.

Melody: Striga and Melody are best friends. Melody is one of the few people Striga is always calm around and she's very protective of him.

Sicily: Striga does not like Sicily due to her being Colors' girlfriend and  finds her suspicious much earlier than the other characters.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!