Jules Bailey



3 years, 4 months ago


Notice: This character is a WIP and information may be incomplete or change.


Cool • Motivated • Blunt • Honest     21296214_voOJiz6XSkIqAiy.gif

Name:Julian David Bailey
Birthday:10th April 1993 ♈

Julian is an easygoing young man who likes to live each day as it comes. He doesn't get stressed easily and tends to approach things with a very rational perspective.
This can make him appear aloof and sometimes, even a bit cold. He's stubbornly independant and self-sufficient, and goes through life mostly detached from the worries of society and his peers.

If you treat Julian well, he'll return the favour, but he has little tolerance for bullshit and doesn't like feeling taken advantage of.
He is a good lad and a pleasant friend to have, but he's not the ride or die type, and he could even be considered a bit of a lone wolf. He's happy to let other people get on with their lives, always respectful of the privacy of others and their decisions, even those he disagrees with. He also considers his own privacy very important.

'Hey, mate - don't worry about it so much. You've done what you can.'


  • Julian is 6'1".
  • He has facial piercings, including his eyebrow, and his septum.
  • Julians face is strong and handsome, and most people consider him moderately good-looking.
  • He has a long, straight nose.


  • Julian cannot stand shopping, and majority of his purchases are online orders.
  • All his life, Julian was known for his messy mop of hair that covered his eyes. He shocked the people who knew him when he shaved 90% of it off.


Julian was born in County Cork, Ireland, where he was raised by his mother and father. He grew up with his older sister, Ashley.
Julian always found his parents and the upbringing they gave him stifling, and as a teenager, he was prone to rebellion. Music had been a passion of his from a young age, and his affinity for guitar and bass guitar only grew.
Throughout secondary school, he played in nearly a dozen different bands. He enjoyed how much his parents disapproved of this - especially his father, whose relationship with Julian was becoming increasingly tense.

He loved to hop around, making spontaneous and sometimes inadvisable decisions, collecting experiences as he went. But Julian still felt trapped. He wanted to travel.
After school, he moved around the country, staying with friends, living in house shares. Eventually, he moved to Northern Ireland, where he lived for nearly a year. But in another spontaneous decision, Julian eventually travelled to England. He was attracted to Liverpool and it's music culture, but fate resulted in him drifting considerably.

By this point, Julian had made quite a name for himself. He had a lot of music experience under his belt now, despite his young age. He was staying in Stoke-on-Trent for a few nights when he first saw Snake Bitez play. Finding their energy intoxicating and loving every second of their performance, Julian's interest was piqued when he heard their frontwoman, Iona Jacobs express her desire for a permanant bassist.
Julian thought Iona was great. Her ambition inspired him, and her passion was like nothing he'd really seen before. It was an obvious choice - Julian joined their band. Almost immediately, he met lead guitarist, Kai London, and drummer Matthew Navarro.

Julian's family began to miss him. His mother in particular sorely wished that he would come home, but Julian was having the time of his life in England.
He soon began to learn more about his new bandmates. Iona was just nuts, and Julian loved it. His drastic hairstyle change when he said goodbye to his shaggy blond 'do marked a new era in Julians life. This, coupled with him coming to terms with his bisexuality made his life feel new and exciting. He settled in Snake Bitez's hometown, Denman.

Julian was close with Kai and Matthew, too. Music and parties with them, Iona, and his other friends, such as Abigail Shepley were what Julians life revolved around now, and he had a boring dead-end job to pay the rent, too. Everything fit together very nicely.

Time passed, and Snake Bitez continued to perform a series of memorable shows, but their popularity never quite reached Iona's expectations, and this was something she began to take out on the band. Julian slowly began to open his eyes, and it wasn't long before his opinion of Iona was quickly plummeting. Julian had always considered it important to stay a little detached from the bandmates and friends he made on his adventures. He wasn't there for emotions, and he certainly wasn't there for the drama. In fact, the faintest whisper of drama usually resulted in Julian packing his bags and moving on. He was private, he was fuss-free - but Iona's treatment of her peers was beginning to sit wrong with him. Kai, in particular, was someone that Julian felt that Iona was greatly taking advantage of, and her behaviour towards Kai's now-girlfriend, Abigail, was setting off alarm bells, too.

But Julian didn't say anything. He tried to ignore it, he wanted nothing to do with it - but he didn't leave Snake Bitez either. He genuinely still really loved the music they made together, and he felt the slight need to be around... to just keep an eye on Iona. Nobody else was. Kai was firmly under her spell and Matthew was too busy drinking.

It really wasn't long after this before Julian started to properly clash with Iona. Arguements about pay became arguements about Abigail, who Julian was convinced Iona made an addict intentionally. He was really starting to get tired of Iona and the endless trouble she caused, but the band was starting to raise in popularity. Julian debated on many occassions whether he should jump ship, but he felt as though he was in too deep now. He genuinely cared about Kai, about Abigail, about Matthew, and so he found himself staying put, but things were only getting worse.
Kai and Abigail broke up after her drug addiction became too much, and Matthews declining mental health was definitely cause for concern, too. Kai was getting hurt worse and worse as Iona became more involved in crime, and it was really starting to get to Julian - to see his good mates struggle like that.

Abigail died in 2018, and Julian couldn't help wondering if there was something more he could have done. He concluded that there definitely was. Julian's guilt turned to anger. His relationship with Iona was horrendous, now, but that same year, they released their first EP - which officially put them on the radar.

Next year, came their second EP, and yet more shows to go with it. An album was in progress. Their dream was finally on the horizon, especially when they got themselves a record label, but the band was a mess.

2020 was a crazy year. Every night was too much, every night stepped over the line. One night, Julian was arrested for running from the police, but released the next day. Rumours began to float around, about Iona's dodgy dealings. She behaved unhinged, Matthews drinking was out of control, and Kai constantly seemed to be sporting a black eye or injury of some sort. Julian was stressed, and he was done. He left the band at the start of 2021, just before Snake Bitez began touring their new album. Iona was furious. They had a terrible arguement that ended in Julian storming out.

Julian stayed in the area. He finally felt settled in Denman, but he was done with the wild nights out every other day. Julian felt that he was more mature than that now. He adopted a cat named Quinn and got a well-paying job in an office, with co-workers he meshed well with.
Julian drifted apart from Snake Bitez and their drama, but he missed Matthew and Kai. He tried to keep up to date with what they were up to by checking social media, but months soon passed without him speaking to either of his friends.

One night, in the early hours whilst out on a date, Julian found Matthew collapsed on the pavement. Concerned, he called an ambulance for him, and he was taken to hospital with alcohol poisoning. Things had only gotten worse after Julian left, as it happened.
Months later, Julian was shocked to find out that Iona had gotten in a serious fight with Kai's current partner, Addison Ellis, during which she'd nearly killed them. This truth coming out was the final push that Kai and Matthew needed to turn their backs on Iona and Snake Bitez, and soon, Iona was hit with a heavy prison sentence, too.
Julian couldn't believe it. He knew that Iona had done some violent, illegal things, but he never realised she could do something like that.

Years later, Julian has a long-term partner, and he's back in touch with Kai and Matthew, too. They're both in a better place, and so is he. The three men jam together sometimes, but nothing more. They've had their fill of fame.



Iona Jacobs

[ Ex-bandmate ]

Iona's chaotic energy and ambition drew Julian to her, but it was only a matter of time before Julian realised how dangerous a person she was. Julian and Iona have had many, many, angry arguements, about just about every topic you can imagine. Put simply, he thinks she's evil.


Kai London

[ Ex-bandmate, friend ]

Kai is one of Julian's closest friends. Julian feels a little protective over him, actually. He's one of the few people who realises how soft and vulnerable Kai can be at times, and he doesn't plan on letting anyone else take advantage of him the way that Iona did. Sometimes they go months without talking, but they'll always be very close.


Matthew Navarro

[ Ex-bandmate, friend ]

Julian always liked Matthew, even though he found him a little difficult at times. Julian feels protective of him, and would likely go out of his way in order to ensure his safety. He also thinks he's hilarious.


Abigail Shepley

[ Friend ]

Abigail was a friend of Julians before she died of an overdose. Julian desperately wishes he'd done something to avoid this outcome, and he certainly feels a decent amount of shame about having not done more. He has a lot of good memories with Abigail, ones that he'll always hold close to his heart.

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