


3 years, 3 months ago


Torvel Amatu
Curio / female / 27

Height 4'8"
Physique trim
Origin Yom Yura village
Occupation assistant
   Torvel comes across as a curio of serious disposition. She's always been the pragmatic type, putting work well before play as she ekes out a living. She's recently gone from a (dirt poor) community leader in her mountain village to the (handsomely paid) babysitter of one spoiled little brat, unfortunately, but ain't that just the way?

   Most of her time is on the clock, racking up those sweet overtime hours in exchange for work that is hardly demanding compared to her weeks-long hunting expeditions back home. But when she does get some proper off-time, it's not uncommon to find her spending just a bit of her cautious budget down at the bar, a guaranteed child-free space. Other patrons, beware: she's highly protective of her free time, and if you're going to waste or disrupt it, expect to face vengeance. It wouldn't be the first time she'd headbutted someone with those frighteningly long horns of hers....

   She struggles to make friends due to her hectic schedule, but isn't unfriendly so long as you don't embarrass her in front of her employer. She writes letters to home regularly with the money she sends back to support her family; although she takes pride in her home, describing her old life makes her self conscious in the metropolitan landscape of Seajewel, and she does make some effort to quell her rural accent.

   Raised in the unforgiving mountains of Scatterstar, Torvel has always known difficulty. The village of Yom Yura was an aged one. For any young curio looking for exciting new prospects, the only option was to leave for greener, more modern pastures. As its younger population has abandoned it over the years, the remaining residents were forced to tighten their belts further with every winter. But the Amatu family had held a leadership role in the village for the past few generations, and had yet to give up on their traditional home. As soon as she was able, Torvel was brought along to help with work; her family's main line of business was as fur trappers, but side gigs selling rare ingredients and tech scavenged on those long trips helped to keep the lot of them afloat. Torvel had the opportunity to learn every facet of the trade as the only child, with expectations resting heavily on her shoulders.

   As she marched into adulthood, however, Yom Yura declined further around her. One could bring in all the stock on the mountainside, but it was worthless without someone to buy it. The family had to search further and further for traders interested in the materials, stretching tokens in between as they subsisted on the less sellable parts of their stock. New mouths to feed cropped up, as elders whose children had moved away were left with no one to care for them as they aged, and tragedy left an orphan that needed looking after. The strain of the Amatu responsibility for the village was becoming overwhelming and expensive.

   If nothing else, Torvel was realistic. And so it was with a grim acceptance that she packed her bags, taking the long trek to civilization. She had a plan--find some work, send money home, support her family from afar until they could decide what to do next. They could operate the village without her extra paws. She bounced between villages, then to cities, job-hopping as she struggled to look for something worth the pay; and then it was by chance that she saw an ad in the Seajewel paper one afternoon as she was passing through, looking for an assistant with maybe a bit more resilience than usual. Interest piqued, she applied, and before long she was speaking to Gevaun Modesa, the wealthy hermit of an architect who was willing to pay far too much for an assistant who was willing to chaperone his daughter. It was easy money, right? Not suspicious at all? Despite her initial instincts, Torvel took the job.

   As it turned out, the young miss Shay Modesa was actually quite a handful. Arrogant and feisty to a fault, even, which explained quite a bit about all of Gevaun's warnings before. But the paycheck was too good to turn down.... so Torvel willed herself to swallow her pride. The work is only kind of infuriating. It's fine. At least she gets overtime. And hey, maybe she and Shay are actually starting to get alo--oh. False alarm.

Design + Notes
  • tail bead is matte, to reduce chances of being spotted when hunting.
  • always dressed in her formal clothes when on the clock.

  charge Shay
The young girl Torvel frequently finds herself looking after. They butt heads often, especially due to Torvel's competitive streak.

  boss Mr. Modesa
Torvel's employer. A strictly professional relationship, but not unfriendly. She must admit: she thinks he's weird.

  guest Janus
The boss's guest and, relative, of some kind?? She takes back everything she said before, this guy makes the other two look absolutely normal. It's hard to tell if he avoids her or if it's just chance ....

  irritant Kabaiel
He's called her "Towel" more than once now and the way he skitters away pisses her off, not gonna lie. What's with this dude. Why. Why are you like this.

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