Pepper (Experiment 0-58)





"Quote here..."
Name Pepper
Nicknames 0-58, Pep
Jackal X Snow Leopard X Bat X Snowy Owl
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Straight
Occupation None
Residence Unknown
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • He has a Jackal shaped face, snowy owl front paws, snow leopard back legs and bat wings.
  • Has little brown tuffs of fur on the tips of his ears.
  • He has one snaggled tooth on the right side of his face.
  • Always wears his brown leather collar with gold name tag which has 0-58 engraved on it.
  • His eyes have slightly different shades of brown at the bottom of them

Pepper's main personality traits are - Defensive, Loving, Gentle, Warry, Unsocialised, Timid, Worried, Paranoid

However, when his mental disorder takes over he's - Aggressive, Blood Thirsty, Angry, Emotionless, Psychotic, Ruthless 

  • Pepper was the first creature to be successfully created combining the DNA of various different animals
  • He was actually seen as a failed attempt due to his positive and kind nature, he was not the weapon of war the government wanted.
  • Nia helped free Pepper and in a haze of fear Pepper attacked her giving her her facial scars
  • During one of his aggressive episodes he ends up killing a load of his blue butterfly companions 
Blue Butterflies 
He has a connection to Blue Butterflies, he can summon them and communicate with them
Pepper can use his wings to fly and glide. After he is freed he learns quickly how to fly and becomes very skilled at it. It actually ends up being his preferred way of travel and he uses it to escape danger as well. 

Sharp Talons 

Pepper's talons were genetically enhanced to be extremely sharp and tough, they cannot be broken or be blunted down significantly 

He was a lab experiment which was created to see if it was possible to merge aspects of several different animals together. He was the first successful outcome of this type of experiment, before him there had been many failed attempts. If the experiments were a success the scientists had agreed to create more to form an unstoppable army. However, Pepper was not what the scientists or the army was hoping for, he didn't appear strong enough to actually take on wars. He also still contained a soft and friendly side in his personality which wasn't ideal. So they locked him up in a cage and continued experimenting to make better and strong versions of Pepper. Whilst being locked up Pepper forms an obsession about wanting to be free and experience the outside world. He has a tiny barred window in his cell which he would spend hours if not days just staring out of it. During this time he is also experimented on more to try and make him more of the successful outcome they wanted. These experiments lead to Pepper developing a very aggressive and ruthless streak which is unpredictable and dangerous. Knowing he is ultimately a failure for what they wanted they leave him locked up in a very high security cell.

Pepper does get freed accidentally, however he gets out he can't remember everything for him goes into a blur. He is in fact freed by Nia when she escapes but his other personality takes over and attacks her before fleeing the lab. When he gets loose he flies to the nearest forest to hide, in the days that follow he gradually moves further and further away so it's harder for him to be tracked down. He ends up living in the forest at the foot of a mountain range so he can escape up the mountains if necessary. 

In the wild Pepper ends up realising he has no survival skills what so ever and has to try to learn and adapt as quickly as he can so he doesn't die. He ends up finding Bagel who lives in the mountains and he teaches him a lot and helps him learn how to be independent.



Karma - Mate