


7 years, 1 month ago



Aliases Niwatori Satsuki | Nishimiya Tsubaki | Kiane
Clan Kiiro
Position Leader
Era Momotsugi | Niji
Height 5'2"
Orientation Bi Ace


  • roasted pheasant
  • peace
  • people's faces
  • family


  • persimmons
  • long fingernails
  • violence as a first resort
  • corruption




As a reincarnated hero, Kiiro and her compatriates have stopped aging at their primes. This is also where her unnatural hair and eye colors come from.

Blessed by the Gods

Kiiro has the ability to manipulate light in all its forms. This would make her a terrifying enemy if she ever used it. Luckily she pretty much only blinds people to stop them from fighting.


She used to be a skilled saboteur, back in the day. She still has those skills but she's let them get rusty. They'd come in handy if she used them, though.


Kiiro wants peace, but she doesn't know how to get there. Therefote she continues ot act in what she believes to be a morally just way hoping the world will follow suit. Spoiler: it doesn't. She tries to maintain that kind, sweet, caring image of hers despite it all. She puts effort into caring about people but sits back as the world turns, only briefly protesting the use of force to no avail before giving up and going home.

The Hundred Clans Era

Satsuki was a child of the Niwatori clan, one of a hundred animal-totemed clans that hid themselves from the mainland and worshipped Lord Crow in exclusivity. She was raised by an uncle she wasn't close to. This society sadly met its downfall at the hands of the warlord Eki, who stole the power of the gods to oppress humanity. Lord Crow urged the clans to send their most formidable heroes to defeat Eki but ran their souls ragged in her distress and caused the exhausted souls of the clans to die out completely. Satsuki and her companions, known as the Iro, made it as far as Eki's castle gates before they fell.

Kiiro of the Iro

Then she was reborn as Tsubaki, the treasured child of a wealthy farmer. When her younger brother was born with ash-gray hair she recognized her former comrade instantly, but he had no memory of her. She realized then the weight of the war they had fought and dedicated herself to peace. She reunited with the others after her other passed and, with fresh bodies and new resources, they defeated Eki once and for all.

The Rainbow Era

Having accomplished their foremost goal, the Iro were asked by the deities to settle down somewhere they could not wield undue influence. As reincarnated people, they had been blessed and ordinary people would be helpless to fight against them. They moved to a remote corner of Shikoku and declared themselves a sovereign nation, staying entirely out of any affairs outside their small borders. Her brother founded the Kiiro clan and she served as his right hand. They later had a disgreement over whether pacifism or revolution was the best path and she took over the clan and the title of Kiiro, which she still holds today.



Gorotsuki [ younger brother ]

Kiiro's first-life friend and second-life younger brother. The loss she felt when he looked at her with unrecognizing eyes was acute and she spent a long time trying to protect him from the world. At this point, she no longer can so she instead has to stop him from doing something the previous him would regret.


Kin [ boss ]

Kin's been the leader of the Iro since he charmed his way into achieving a functionally cohesive party. Kiiro appreciates his idealism and willingness to listen to her philosophical ramblings.


Murillo [ patron ]

Although he maintains a disguise as Kiiro's subordinate, Murillo is a divine messenger who granted Kiiro her supernatural abilities in an effort to support her dream. She's immeasurably thankful to him for it, especially since she knows what it cost him.

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