


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Latin

Series: Animals

Age: 15,007 (15,000 in the first story arc and 15,007 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Star Being

Favorite Food: Fruit Smoothies

Element: Light

Powers: Wish granting, levitation, anti-gravity magic, language translation magic, shapeshifting into different forms (humanoid, Star Fox, etc), transformation imitation, light spell, shooting star attack, shooting star storm, crystal star storm, healing magic, explosions, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I have a new mission for you."

Likes:  Stars, fashion, helping her kingdom and people, shiny coins, star  fruits, supernatural occurrences, explosions, and acting over-the-top.

Dislikes: Celedons (these things: Manx's Great Space Adventure Page 1 ), long meetings, threats to her kingdom, overcooked vegetables, being a damsel, and curfews.

Personality: Latin is peppy and upbeat with a hint of grace. She has the kindness and politeness of a princess, but a rebelliousness rests inside her that manifests every so often. Similarly to her younger brother, Latin likes to sneak out from her royal duties in favor of adventure, but part of her does enjoy being a princess. She genuinely loves her people and wants what's best for them. Despite being kind, Latin isn't above teasing her friends, and is known to trick her "supernatural detectives" into investigating her latest "area of interest". There are some hints that a destructiveness lurks inside of her due to her specialty and love of explosion magic. She also has a slight obsession with money, gladly hording any coins she comes across.

Home: Animal Planet: Star Kingdom

History: Latin was born in the Star Kingdom as the sole princess, and has two brothers, Nytress (older) and Shine (younger). She was born long before the start of the story and lived a normal life until Glades attacked the Star Kingdom. Unlike Shine and Luna, who escaped Glades, Latin was captured alongside several others. She spend quite a bit of time as a prisoner, but did everything she could to make things hellish for her captors, such as blowing up their machines and attempting multiple escape attempts. It isn't until the second part of the story that she's finally saved thanks to Sketches and Lightning (and Shine's returning memory). Upon being saved, Latin had been reduced to a weakened state due to having much of her magic drained and remained in her Star form. However, it didn't take long for her to regain her magic and her other forms. Now with her freedom, Latin took it upon herself to aid in the rebuilding of the Star Kingdom as her fellow Star Beings were rescued. She also quickly became interested in the creatures that saved her and noticed how they seemed to encounter weird events/people/phenomenon wherever they went, and decided to make them her own personal detectives.

Current-Bio: Latin currently lives in the Star Kingdom, which she is working to build with her family and her fellow Star Beings. She's known to sneak away from her royal duties often and likes to appear to Sketches and Lightning and the others with new missions and things for them to investigate. Much of her missions appear random, but her ultimate goal is to improve life for everyone in the galaxy and to stop space conqueror Glades.

Meta-History: Latin's creation date is hard to pinpoint, but I'd predict she was created around the same time as Shine. She was definitely inspired by the kidnapped princess trope that is ever so common in media, but after she finally gets saved I decided that she needed a different role. Now she'll make any future potential catpors explode into ashes.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: After they rescue her, Latin is quick to befriend Sketches and Lightning. Latin sees Sketches as one of her "supernatural detectives" and is always finding new missions for him.

Lightning: Similarly to Sketches, Latin befriended Lightning quickly after they rescued her. She considers him to be one of her "supernatural detectives".

Shine: Latin is close to her younger brother and gets along with him.

Luna: Latin and Luna are good friends.

Flutter: Latin likes to tease Flutter, but the two are friends. She knew him before he got turned into a butterfly.

Nytress: Latin was close to her older brother, and wants to find him more than anything.

Lopinny: Latin is friends with Lopinny.

Malkite: Latin and Malkite are good friends with some history.

Shao: Latin sees herself as a mentor to Shao.

Koro: Latin sees herself as a mentor to Koro.

Chibi: Latin sees herself as a mentor to Chibi.

Bloom: Latin and Bloom are friends.

Blossom: Latin and Blossom are friends.

Shadow-cat: Latin personally despises Shadow-cat and has threatened to use her explosion magic whenever he gets close.

Glades: Latin and Glades are enemies. Latin wants nothing more to bring justice to Glades's crimes.

Nemmy: Latin often acts as an older sister-figure to Nemmy.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!