


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Clubstar

Series: Animals

Age: ?????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Star Being

Favorite Food: Soda

Element: Light

Powers: Wish granting, levitation, anti-gravity magic, language translation magic, shapeshifting into different forms (rabbit-creature, humanoid),  transformation imitation, light spell, shooting star attack, shooting star storm, healing magic, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Got any interesting treasures?"

Likes: Collecting stuff, gambling, and soda.

Dislikes: Missing out on a good deal.

Personality: Clubstar is very friendly and sociable, but is occasionally known to gamble and barter for random ideas. However, he has no actual need for money, as the main galactic currency is generally useless in the Star Kingdom. He has a love of collecting things, but has not reached hoarder levels with this hobby.

Home: Animal Planet: Star Kingdom

History: Clubstar was born and raised in the Star Kingdom, and befriended Latin sometime before the story started. He went missing after Glades' attack on the Star Kingdom, but is eventually found by Sketches and Lightning in the second part of the story. He then decides to stay in the Star Kingdom and help rebuild it.

Current-Bio: Clubstar currently lives in the Star Kingdom, and helped the others rebuild it after its destruction. As his name implies, he does own a club.

Meta-History: Clubstar was created in this 2013 drawing Star Prince Saga Concept Art and I did nothing with him after that. I was mainly trying to make some concept art for both existing characters and potential minor characters, but Clubstar is the only minor character to get a finished design in that picture. I even gave him another form, which was some kind of rabbit-creature. I don't want to let the concept go to waste so I decided to whip up a short bio for him.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Latin: Clubstar is good friends with Latin.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!