


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Shine Kamazi

Series: Animals

Age: 10,000 (9993 in the first story arc and 10,000 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Star Being

Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Element: Light

Powers: Wish granting, levitation, anti-gravity magic, language translation magic, shapeshifting into different forms (humanoid, Star Fox, Star fish, etc), transformation imitation, light spell, shooting star attack, shooting star storm, crystal star storm, healing magic, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Your wish is my command!" and "That's silly!"

Likes: Sweets, long naps, adventure, looking at the stars, granting wishes, being "cute", ice cream, making new friends, and space.

Dislikes: His royal duties, being rushed, bitter foods, people hurting his friends, and strict rules.

Personality:  Shine is an air-head. It's common for him to be completely spaced out and take a long time to remember details. He's very friendly and optimistic, even referring to his greatest enemies as friends while being completely blind to their insults. He'll almost always see the bright side of the situation, even if there isn't one. However, Shine isn't as clueless as he comes across and much of his empty-headed personality is a facade he puts on, and he has been shown to be quite aware of the true nature of the current events such as recognizing a disguised villain long before the other characters. Despite this, he rarely shows his serious side and tends to be more playful and casual with his explanations. He often overestimates his friends knowledge of  the current events, thinking that it's "obvious". Shine is also a master of making comments that are both assuring and condescending. He's also known to be a bit lazy, preferring to go adventures with Sketches and Lightning instead of being responsible for his royal duties. Despite it all, he still is a bit of an air-head though.

Home: Animal Planet: Star Kingdom

History:  Long before the start of the story, Shine was born as the youngest prince in the Star Kingdom, and has an older sister (Latin) and an older brother (Nytress). He led a mostly carefree life of naps, magic lessons, and skipping out on royal duties to get sweets for a portion of his youth. This changed when he found an injured girl, Luna, who he helped and befriended. When Luna warned Shine and the rest of the Star Kingdom about Glades's attack on her homeland (Lunaria), they offered to help her out. However, before the Star Kingdom could help Lunaria, Glades launched an attack on the Star Kingdom. Promising to help Luna, Shine fled with her down to Animal Planet. They managed to escape Glades for awhile, but were eventually found. Shine helped Luna escape from the galactic conqueror, but ended up in a deep sleep/coma for a few thousand years.

One year after Sketches and Lightning started their adventures, Sketches found the unconscious Shine and helped wake him up. Due to being unconscious for a long time, Shine's memory had become foggy and his magic had weakened, leaving him unable to shapeshift out of his star form. Despite this, he is grateful to Sketches for finding him and grants him three wishes without restrictions. When Sketches is unable to come up with any wishes, Shine decides to tag along until Sketches uses all three wishes, but he later decided to keep traveling with Sketches and Lightning because he enjoys their adventures. His memory becomes more clear as he reunites with Luna and Latin.

Current-Bio: Shine currently lives on Animal Planet and is almost always found tagging along with Sketches and Lightning wherever they go, but he and Luna occasionally hang out together without him. On rare occasions he returns to the Star Kingdom, but he's made it clear many times that he'd rather go on adventures than hang out there. He often provides exposition and explanations for magical occurrences, alien encounters, and even is known to randomly introduce the enemy of the week as "an old friend". In battle in often acts as a healer, but occasionally uses his offensive magic to help out when things get rough. After regaining his transformation magic, Shine spends much of his time in Star Fox form, finding it "cute and fluffy". Due to being unconscious for a long time, he uses magic to communicate his thoughts more often than talking, but also needs to translate much of his speech due to the main galactic language changing over the years. According to a random villain of the week, Shine's original language (Swavish) sounds very elegant and prince-like while his English sounds like he learned it from a bunch of kids/teens.

Meta-History: I'd estimate that Shine was created when I was 8/9 years old, but I'm not sure on the exact date. He was first inspired by Twink from Paper Mario 64, but later had some influence from Starfy from The Legendary Starfy series. Originally Shine didn't have any transformations and was just a star, but when I created Star Foxes in 2012 I decided to give him a Star Fox form. Around that time I was playing around with giving him and Luna humanoid forms, but was never satisfied with the result until recently. His personality really hasn't changed much over the years. His age is a bit difficult to explain, but he is a kid by his species standards and ages very slowly. I don't mean for it to be weird because I know it's a common trope for some anime kid to really be a 1000 year old vampire and people use that as an excuse to sexualize them. He is a kid though and time moves differently for him (he thinks a 100 year nap is short) so in a way the events of the story are probably moving a lot faster for him than the others.  

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Due to Sketches finding and waking him up after years of being unconscious, Shine is very grateful to Sketches and granted him three wishes. Since Sketches doesn't know what to wish for, Shine is more than happy to tag along on Sketches' adventures. The two get along well.

Lightning: Shine and Lightning are good friends. Shine usually is unaware of when he's annoying Lightning.

Luna: Shine and Luna are best friends and are rarely seen without each other  once reunited. The two get along very well and seem to always be on the same page.

Latin: Shine is close to his older sister and gets along well with her.

Flutter: Shine thinks Flutter is "silly" and overthinks things.

Nytress: Shine was close to his older brother.

Lopinny: Shine is friends with Lopinny.

Shao: Shine is friends with Shao.

Koro: Shine is friends with Koro

Chibi: Shine is friends with Chibi.

Bloom: Shine is friends with Bloom.

Blossom: Shine is friends with Blossom.

Shadow-cat: Shine doesn't seem to like Shadow-cat, but he isn't hostile towards him.

Glades: For some reason Shine refers to Glades as "an old friend" when she should be his enemy.

Nemmy: Shine is friends with Nemmy and wants to help him get more confidence.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!