
Good for nothing but being everything that's bad!»»

The Omega Antediluvians are demigods of the cardinal sins. Their directive is to bring out the best in someone by correctly utilizing their worst qualities.

No one is exempt from the odds of even.»»

The Alpha Antediluvians are demigods of justice and chaos. Their endless feud sparks meaning in the lives of those who are above strife.

Battlewinner, the ex-queen of the NightWings and once a comrade of the Red Army, has chosen a path of power over everything she stood for. It's up to five dragons to bring her back to her senses.

If tonight lasts forever, it won't matter if there's no tomorrow.»»

Within the universe of Theta-III, a trio of lab rats must fight for their freedom and escape the clutches of those who had experimented on them. Meanwhile, androids roam the world posing as regular citizens while serving dark needs.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

Character Navigation Guide

For informational documents about a type of OC or about the world they exist in, use the above About links.
Links below are to individual character profiles.

Icons are located under each character describing them at a glance. Hover over each icon for additional details as they relate to each character. Here's what each means:
Completion Status
   - These represent how much of a profile is finished.
Story Roles
 - Hovering over this displays the character's alignment or other form of role in their story.
Additional Comparisons
 - Hovering over this displays usful information that distinguishes the character from others.
 - If a character has this icon, they have a Stand. If the icon is a link, clicking it takes you to the Stand. If it is not linked, the Stand is on the same profile as the character.