
The "Stellar" Group has 2 major storylines:

Genesis (blurb unlisted) in short: Pirates ruin everything


Original concept:

Stellar is a working title for a dystopian future science fiction crossover story I am working on

Most of Stellar doesn't take part in the same part of the world as much as it follows a few certain groups of characters.  

Stellar takes part in a rather large universe where it often takes years to travel from one end to the other.  Most of the planets in each Solar system do share trade regulations as well as levels of technology.  The farthest reaches of the universe are often very remote and 'uncultured' as far as the central Systems are concerned.  Short of being hub accessible they are rarely disturbed if only because the distance is substantial.  

The central 'hub' of the primary Stellar storyline revolves around a particular central planet with an extremely high technology rating.  The technology is far more advanced on this planet then the others around it and far above the technology of the surrounding systems.  They have an advanced system in general and spend much time focusing on the sciences of the world, including but not limited to biology.  They claim to sustain an evolved society that does not embrace war or violence but a world of arts and sciences.  They are the envy of the surrounding planets who often compete for the attention and deliverance from their 'primitive' ways.  Most of this particular solar system over the decades has evolved to be similar to Gradient I, the central planet.

However, many of the surrounding solar systems find themselves ill at ease with the recent happenings in and around Gradient I.  More recently, a flight lock has been enacted and the only flights going to or from Gradient I and most of the System are outbound.  There are still some surrounding systems who seek to achieve the living nirvana promised by the Gradient I system, however others are skeptical.  With the current scientific and sociological knowledge that Gradient I currently possesses, what is there to hide from the rest of the universe?   Why has the trade between the systems been cut off?  And what do the rumors and casket ships that seem to be in abundance actually mean?

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