Flipside's Bulletins

Why do you follow me?

Posted 1 month, 7 days ago by Flipside

I would love to know! Everything has been really crazy IRL for me, so I'd love to talk about anything else.

My artwork? A dreamy adopt? My excellent curation of amazing designers? Maybe I'm your personal circus act ;3??

artfight me?

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by Flipside

Might do some art fight this year after I'm all done with commissions. :>


I'm team stardust ✦ ★ ⭑

Something I have noticed while perusing my collection, I have adopts that were credited before (either by me or the person uploading them to toyhouse). But now some of those adopts mysteriously have removed names or links to who the creators are, all because I own the adoptable design?

I'd prefer to just shrug it off and let it go. But someone mentioned to me it's probably intentional to try and get my account in trouble / closed down for miscrediting the art and ocs. I double checked the rules and sure enough??? I don't have control over them removing credits to ocs and their artwork. I don't receive any notifications when this happens so I can't even correct it if I don't notice it.

Do you know anyone who has been banned for not crediting their artwork or ocs? Do you have any adopts that had their credits removed?

Looking to join proship safe spaces like discord servers or maybe arpg? I'm still a bit nervous around other species communities but I'll try to give it a go.

Link me to the places you like to hang out! Or DM me!


Posted 6 months, 22 days ago by Flipside

Stop insulting proshippers.

Posted 8 months, 27 days ago by Flipside

Hey so I'm kinda sick of coming across insults against proshippers in every page warning, just??? Super not cool to openly claim to be antiqueer and xenophobic. Fucking cut it out. Be better.


I've even had some negative replies on Deviantart and frankly? It's disgusting that people are so openly pro-censorship. Read about the hayes code. Read about why dark art and kink exists. People have been exploring these topics for ages, this is not a new thing. Stop harassing people over fucking fiction.

How to stop online harassment?

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Flipside

Does anyone have any real advice on how to stop being harassed online? 

The only answer people give me is that I have to delete my accounts. I don't want to do that.

But I mentally can't take this much damage every day, month, years now.... People I do NOT know constantly harassing me or spreading false information about me to I'm blocked/isolated/not allowed to talk to anyone publicly.

I want this to stop.

Blocking and requests for unblocks

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Flipside

Hey peeps, I've had a couple people private message me politely asking if I could unblock them (or if they upset me or so forth).

Just wanted to make lil psa - I block very often for my own online safety. As soon as I see anyone with a "dni proship" or "dni kink/fetish" language I just block and don't look back so I don't accidentally run into them again. I have no ill will or bad feelings towards these people, just to keep us all safe and comfortable for our online browsing experience.

However because of the way I block people, I tend to accidentally block people who have confusing dni/warnings. So people who want to continue to follow me sometimes get blocked.

I know the general rule is that you never "block evade" as common policy. But for me and my personal boundaries? I do not mind anyone private messaging me and politely asking me why I blocked them or requesting if I could unblock them. As my personal rule everyone who messages me usually gets 1 no-questions-asked unblock. Works out really well for me!

So if you notice you don't have access to my pages like toyhouse/da/twitter/whatever, you are allowed to DM me and request for an unblock. 

Thanks so much for understanding everyone, and thank you to everyone who has DM'd me so far and have been very polite. I really appreciate it!

adopt tos questions

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Flipside

So one of my fav adopt artists updated their personal tos/adopt tos recently and I try to stay on top of it and give it a skim when artists do updates. And wow this type I was really surprised.

I own a handful of their designs and now I'm really worried. Their tos claims they plan to revoke designs from anyone who makes "harmful" or "problematic" art. You can't even make vent art with these designs without threat of revoke. Pretty much stated if you make anything gross they will take back the design.

Normal answer? Just get rid of the designs right? I can do that for a few I don't feel connected with and plan too. Buuuut.. I have a few I def... really love? And don't plan to get rid of? And if they revoke my purchased design I... plan to just keep using it because that makes zero sense to me???? 

I'm just lost. I don't want to upset the designer artist or argue about their terms, I won't be buying any more work from them since I can't support such harsh treatment of other artists. Just makes me nervous to think they eventually will look at my ownership of their designs and harass me/claim I'm stealing from them when I have already purchased these designs for.. well years. Already happened once with Pansy the wolf and that artist never cleared it up either. Big sighs.

( Not looking to name the artist or bother them at all. For my own comfort I have just unwatched. )

What do you guys think of revoke rules? If you can't handle weird strangers on the internet buying your art/designs... maybe don't sell it? Right?