alien ocs: WC AU

|| About ||

This is a warrior cats AU for these guys edit: 4/5/24 that folder is on hidden I think now lmao. this is an AU for a now nonactive group of my ocs. 

(that I accidentally got super invested in...)

|| Clan Map ||


|| General Premise ||

For over twelve moons, an epidemic of greencough has been plagueing the clans. Although the worst of it has passed, the epidemic still continues, and it's affects have been felt in all the clans. Each clan has had around half of it's population taken, if not more (the clans were in the 40-50 cat range during this time) ,but Hillclan was hit the hardest, as its territory is believed to be the origin of the epidemic. Prey has also been rather scarce, leaving the clans hungry and weak.

After the epidemic had died down some, the clans cooperated with eachother in peace to ensure survival. However, the loss of fellow clanmates and the continued absence of adequate prey has made many cats' attitudes sour.  Whispers have been circulating about certain clans (and certain cats)  wanting to take action, and all the leaders have been secretive towards eachother in gatherings. 

In addition, the medicine cats, particularly Sheepheart and Rabbitpaw of Ironclan, and Scorchpool of Hillclan, have been receving cryptic messages from starclan that no one knows how to interpret. All they know is that Marshclan has received no such messages.

Although the clans still reside in a tentative peace, they watch eachother warily. 

|| Other Things To Note ||

  • AGES cat ages confuse me so we're just going to pretend cats age like humans. kit=0-10ish, apprentice=10ish-20ish, warrior=20ish-65, elder=65+
  • SIGN LANGUAGE the clans have sign language because there's a couple mute/deaf cats who need to communicate somehow and if a group of cats can have an organized society, language, rules of law, culture, and religion, they can sure as hell have sign language. (most all of Marshclan knows sign language b/c their leader is mute and they have another mute cat and one deaf cat....some Ironclan cats know sign and there's one mute cat and one occasionally-mute cat, plus they like communicating with Marshclan....Hillclan has like maybe, five cats who know sign and they have no deaf/mute cats. It's mandatory for all leaders, medicine cats, and deputies to learn sign in all the clans.)
  • CLAN MAP the clan map is probably not geographically accurate or even possible, but idc because I'm here to have a good time, not an accurate time.
  • CAT DESIGNS this is warrior cats there has never been biologically accurate cats and there never will. Yes I have blue tinted grey cats and tortoiseshells with extravagent markings and cats with blue eyes that should not have blue eyes. Sometimes that's just how it is. 
  • CLAN CULTURES: I've given each of the clans more seperate cultures than what's seen traditionally in canon, cause I think that's fun. They all follow starclan, but some clans of seperate deities/spirits they also worship, along with different cultural norms, clan lore/history, and naming traditions. In addition, there's more physical differences between cats of different clans (generally more grey/blue cats in marshclan, more black cats in ironclan, more orange cats in hillclan, etc)