
Contains designs that I consider to be fursonas or just general representations of myself. 

Main Fursona/Kinsona = Erema

nft nfs white original species tier x closed species pink brown tier 5 sugar yellow blue theme not recorded turquoise orange purple gold lavender red bunny tier 4 chocolate pokemon green cyan SHINY grey black icy blue pokemon oc teal inky blue SLIME flora pokefusion pokemon crossbreed pokehybrid pokemon hybrid pokemon fusion rainbow pastel sunny side up dragon mint strawberry milk avian indigo flower white choco magenta caprine crystalline mermaid theme autumn mocha edible Tier 3 luna terror bird celestial canine noodlebun viola raindrop water gastropod cetacean BunBlossom hot cocoa howl forest green RYB potion sipper serpentine spectral feline unicorn hammerbeak rose water coffee flufferbun Chocobo ufs fumi digimon genie theme piscine pink lemonade tier 3 levilarvae tier 1 nature demonic mint chip silver neopets extra terrestrial ichigo dino celesti humanoid mythril honey Guinevere lullaby neopet entertaining offers loam sakura erema cervid reptile orca fungi angelic remedy lapras Etherheim mount tier 2 ice cream eeveelution eevee faeble togetic suzu ice nessy togekiss fakemon pokemon digimon hybrid salamander mantibab vaporeon clover rodent clefable cupie tethid clefairy selkie theme giraffaroo for sale worm carbuncle marsupial turqoise togepi lepidopteran celestial snake lantern dragon mustelid fire plushie amphibian pokemon variant charter drake maralah roonie hybrid reptilian wind softku juice equine pikachu aetherling seabun altaria pokesona chocobo pacapillar gray finkx tide puppy dragonite indego meganium hatenna bunblossom zafara eeray fishbab Birdfolk nybian fauna dd bovine charmander mudkip mew aisha keepsake carbuncle semi-open species seagon Nixten Mothdragon Weaver garrox Akriri mogi dewgong azumarill arborling fusion Pokemon Sugarnix smoker earth faerumi dulce audino kacheek ren fair monster smok kelenken retired species dnd kelpie theme Ren Fair Monster magenta primary camelid slime goldeen Slowking Tier 5 jellicent mantafae sylori bruxish mimikyu swanna ditto fighting type swirlix virus wooloo cherubimon phanpy snowfumi serperior carnibunncle sharkray marill dragonair dreamy kanti corda sea slug draphibi strudel open species bokkudo miltank ghostmon umbreon closed original species candybal celistial snake Qibi Minkin read Vestibule prima ciel minosaur Frigate Chaser kebanzu blue primary seahorse goulong Amaura bepotelkh leafeon nebulon teir 4 vanillite clamperl archen reuniclus icy blue primary crossbreed swampert bayleef kerpymon mushroomi Togetic Aetherling sylveon puppy pikablu rhekore minkin dipling fooling arthropod snyail cybunny flaaffy gomamon jolteon espeon aljen lizard joker hound pocketbab spice glider luminah midilung faelidh Moana Levilarvae fandigi muuni crytsalline lugia zippercat politoed myst mishen doduo magnezone dratini wooper sadoma deoxys charizard marshtomp crossover ivysaur jirachi alien aisha muk pkmn axolotl slurpuff feebz self insert rhino scorplin draik novella browbird semi-closed species louxe ampharos Etherheim alchemy flareon electric yoshi Botaniak jolly monster reptillian chiropteran frozma spetral romper Kite gemnant pawbird doot doot Fen Coukyo levi fairytail pastels white chcoo zippurrcat frog mantashark mermaid corsola alien latias medical charmeleon chikorita lopmon furret theme not recorded Hattrem sentret digifake mudpuppy lickitung pokemon trainer tier straweberry milk seabean novellae esk faeshroom woolyne ulgogo weaver meramon pulsemon tagipoe orange primary coalcat flowergator genie plush beanura fluke Fishling snail snake