Familiar Tides


Brazen and outgoing

"Streamclan are known for their bold, rash and outgoing behaviour, this clan won’t hesitate to meddle in the matter of others, occasionally participating in battles that broke out between other clans. Cats in this clan will do anything to prove themselves as the best in anything; this can cause quite a lot of small fights to break out within the clan itself as cats challenge each other to small dares that can go from friendly and playful to outright harmful and code breaking. Quite a lot of the clans view Streamclan with scorn because of that behaviour and many suspect it of harbouring quite a lot of rogue spies due to it being the clan from whom the rogue leader originated and the fact it’s the only one of the four that has accepted the most kittypets, loners and rogues into its ranks in its past."


Loyal and Proud

"Lakeclan is renowned for being fierce in battle; these cats are very protective of their kind and won’t hesitate to attack any stranger they catch on their territory, no matter the intent. These cats spend most of their time around a small lake where they camp is, they rarely stray further than the pillars and only approach borders during patrols. Lakeclan is quite self-centred and boldly view themselves as the clan to withstand the most, rarely backing away from a challenge and are willing to declare war for the faintest of scent caught on their border. These cats show pride in saving their own, even at the cost of their life and any new member of the clan is cherished no matter the build and strength. Lakeclan takes the matter of the Rogues as a real offense and unlike for any of the others clans a traitor caught among their midst is not exiled, instead Lightningstar had put down a rule to kill on spot without pity any cat conspiring with the rogues. This rule was removed by Shimmerstar not long after she took charge, however it has created tension throughout the clan itself as many have come to openly questioning their leader and deputy."


Swift and Brave

"Shallowclan is the most secluded clan of the four, they tend to be withdrawn from most clan matter other than the rogues and rarely participate in large scale battles. Do not mistake these cats for the peaceful kind, Shallowclan will never start a fight unless challenged, they will occasionally back down from a battle if it’s not worth it BUT when it comes to fighting they will use anything at their disposal to win. While they may stay away from other clan bickering Shallowclan is renown for having a lot of drama inside it's clan and is usually far too busy dealing with internal issue than anything outside. These cats are reserved and usually calm in tricky situations around other clans due to having faced many worse situations involving their own clanmates. They do not take well to any form of hysteria that occurs during gatherings and won’t hesitate to speak up coldly, this has earned them the title of peacemakers during Leafstar’s reign due to the constant breaking up of fights. Shallowclan cats can be quite prideful and boldly brave nature, they won’t hesitate to stand up for what they think is right even if it’s against the warrior code."


Fierce and Undaunted

"Stoneclan is famous for being the toughest of clans, competing quite often with Lakeclan over a long ago argument about who was strongest that has now lasted for lifetimes. These cats are known for having gone through a series of bloody leaderships that usually resulted in animosity between them and other clans, even now clans are constantly expecting a skirmish with Stoneclan and at the very beginning of the rogues it was them who were unjustifiably blamed for all the random deaths. These prejudice have lead to Stoneclan cats being quickly misjudged and constantly having to prove themselves to others. Cats in this clan tend to be hot-headed and stubborn, speaking up for their rights and resiliently living in one of the harshest land of the four."


Wily, Kith and Kin

"Despite still not following the warrior code like its predecessor, the League has changed a lot since Thornheart's leaving. Starting with what is similar, the League still is a group who’s ideals center around the whole prospect of freedom and liberty. The group accept cats of all kinds, whether they are clever or not, crippled, blind, deaf or in good health, sane or completely out of their minds. The group is nothing other than a large family that allows the freedom of opinion and speech, and most importantly no cat is bound by the warrior code and are not forced to believe in Starclan even though quite a few prefer to believe in their ancestors.

However this is where the council leader League's similarities to its predecessor end. The League has lost its anti-code feelings that had pushed it to strike out against the clans. Many still hate the warrior code, but if they are caught harming a clan cat because of this they will immediately be taken to trial before the council. Instead the League is now its own group of cats, welcoming those who flee the code but aren't driven by revenge against it. It now serves as a peacekeeper group, having involved itself greatly in the modifications already made to the clan's warrior code. It is expected to step in whenever a code is broken, playing a key role in case of fights/wars among the clans. A mediator division has been created for that purpose, lead by Thornheart's daughter "Brightsoul". In addition to that, any cat exiled from their clan brought before the council where they are given a second chance- a new home."

The Borough

House Cats and Street Cats

"Cats in the Borough either live with Housefolk or on their own on the streets. These cats have a lot to offer and will gladly give shelter to those in need. Many of them are intrigued by the local wild cats, but many choose to keep away due to the violent stories they have heard."


Just and Fair

"The Haven was set up with one goal in mind, and one only: Justice.

It was created to be a place of safety for those who have suffered at the paws of another. Abuse is in no way tolerated by cats in the Haven and they aim to cleanse the world of it. These aims and rules were set down by its founding leaders, Venomtooth and Indigospirit who called themselves "The Guardians of Justice". During their time in the original league both ex-lakeclaners had taken notice of the abuse many cats had suffered, some cats had even joined the league to run away from that abuse or to carry it out under a shared banner. Using the League as a cover up both cats had decided to carry out actions against those cats who committed acts of abuse, including their own League-mates if they could get away with it. When the League was disbanded both cats were disgusted with its new set up. There was no way they could carry out their justice now. Leaving the League the two founded the Haven, a place where cats who suffered from injustice could go to. Now they travel the land, carrying out acts of punishment in the name of justice to cats from League and clan alike."


Lawless and Unruly

"The True ones was a collaborative creation between Shrikethorn and Rouge. Shrikethorn being the one and only apprentice of the original League leader Thornheart, it was assumed that he would take charge when the leader would fall. This however did not happen, as Shadowstrike stepped up and changed the League for good. Intending to carry on his vision of his mentor's legacy, Shrikethorn followed Rouge's advice by creating the True Ones. This group follows the ideals of the original league, keeping its law on killing to earn freedom of the warrior code. Despite saying it is a big family like the original League, the True Ones has further focus on creating trouble for clan and league cats alike rather than creating a safe place for cats outside the warrior code to stay. As a result, many who join it are here seeking power and an outlet to do terrible deeds under a share banner. "


Wild and Free



Beyond the Clans and League

"Travelers mostly keep to themselves and occassionally happen upon the territory of the Clans and the League. They're a generally peaceful lot, merely wanting to see more of the world around them."


Those Who Are Gone

"StarClan, the Dark Forest and the Borderless are the places a cat will go when they pass from this world. Most will go to either StarClan or the Dark Forest while those infected with the Borderless curse will walk the grey forests, never to pass into another territory of the afterlife."


Those Yet To Come

"Cats born after the events of After the Tide. Too far in the future to count towards another folder."

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