Tale of Rage

based on a ClanGen game run, where I decided to be mean on every patrol interaction and named my clan RageClan. The only character actually based on a ClanGen character is Redstar, whose design is definitely not the same as original Redstar's. I can't check, because he vanished in StarClan ages ago. ComfreyClan actually was one of the other randomly-generated Clans, and did become an "ally" toward the end of the game as Ashstar's profile says!

Minimal characters because I'm forcing myself to work on a story for them instead of!!! eternally expanding the world and characters!!!!


ComfreyClan, HeatherClan, MintClan, and DaisyClan live near the seaside. Every seven days, the medic of ComfreyClan travels to the old shipwreck on the beach, the shipwreck that no other cats approach. For this trip, Petalshade has enlisted an additional apprentice, Mosspaw, to help them and Yewpaw carry all of the necessary items to the ominous old shipwreck...

cat warrior cats oc dragon chimera open species crossposted on Artfight centaur wyvern crowndeertaur cometclan medicat human alien furry were-cat pokemon sona warrior cats au fakemon dragon sona warrior cat oc dnd oc self insert badger otter wc oc night fury pegasus basic wyvern classic centaur shadowclan dog snowy owl species ancient roman feathered fury deputy mlp oc half elf fanned wyvern disabled shapeshifter formless vulture dragons leader cougar dryad wc au wolf fox shiny pokemon warriorcatsoc