My Worlds

My Worlds

OCs specific to an original universe

As of right now I'm keeping it to 'world info' because none of my active OC worlds & projects have enough characters or written lore to justify getting their own folder... yet. Though for a few that might get them;

  • DoverHill - A more goofy comedy universe taking place in a alternate universe New England, centered around a few friend groups trying to exist. I have plenty characters for it, but i'm just not sure how i'm gonna go about sorting them since Jade & Iri (two main characters) are still considered 'sonas & it'd be weird not having the mains with the rest of the cast.
  • Fang and Iron - A Sci-fantasy, post-apocalyptic world building project about earth and a demon realm merging. Humans, demons, and androids alike learn to thrive together in this new landscape. This is a worldbuilding project in a very early stage, and there's not enough lore or characters to give it it's own folder yet

Featured character

HTML by Jade-Everstone // Layout by Togo

retired gore ok fan character robotic wip to be mirrored main artfight doverhill monster hunter art needed sona needs overhaul patapon adopted not an oc art wanted splatoon joke oc might revive suggestive ok megaman x fang and iron animal jam fancharacter code update needed warrior cats not a character cookie run animaljam godrealm