tales of sosun: tahlor

In a world where humans and demons co-exist, Tales of Sosun: Tahlor tells the story of Ro'ark, Son of Gorgo; Swordsman Fido; and Ethel the Merchant, fighting to reap what they truly think is rightfully theirs. Tahlor is a competition held in Sosun, a world governed by demon gods, in which various races of humans and demons exist. It is a publicly acclaimed event that runs for six months, spanning across every corner of Sosun, as a part to celebrate Sosun's god and god of all demons, Beherit. Tahlor's objective is simple—every decade, Beherit will hide her talon (claw) somewhere in the vast expanse of Sosun. The first to find (or the first to touch) Tahlor would be crowned the champion, and be granted any wish the champion has.

Read: Tahlor World/Lore

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