
Patrona Astronomica

"Scientifica’s Leading Proponents"


Patrona Astronomica (shortened as PaAs) is a sub-component of Scientifica Dimension Multiverse wherein the Celestial Objects in the mysterious universe are given life; furthermore, as stated in the name of this universe, the inhabitants represent the branch of science called “Astronomy”

The universe’s name is coined from the phrase “The Patrons of Astronomy” in which Scientificans here protects their universe by means of the traits they possess with the help of their created weapons for combat. It’s not only the characteristics for combat that makes them as “Leading Proponents” but also, they possess personality and talented traits towards Scientificans in other universes.

Being the leader of a specific group is really no joke: everything is in your hands of how will your group perform and your members are relying on your abilities and plans while stating their own knowledge and opinions. Most people, even in this universe believe that for being a good leader, you must learn how to be a good member first.


Among the Scientifica Multiverse, Patrona Astronomica is considered having the largest size and span that results to getting dubbed as “The Brobdingnagian”. Building sites and empty cosmic fields contribute the vastness of the universe that they live which they use for combat.

Aside from its size, this universe is characterized with futuristic variations of architecture that increases in complexity depending on the division of incarnates known as “Sectors” which is classified according to the object they represent. Although they mostly use modern techniques of architecture, they maintained some of the classical Gothic elements in their designs.

Inside of these luxuriant structures are of techy furniture and conflicting walkways they follow in their path. Sometimes, there are objects between them that human scientists can’t really explain.

Nature of Scientificans in the Universe

Although the actual nature depends on the actual trait of an individual, Scientificans in this universe possess idealism objectives wherein they think they make righteous decisions if it is more convenient to which they live. Moreover, they rely mostly on logic and accuracy rather than their feelings and emotions. Their mindset of the incarnates apply 54% Spartan (combative) and 44% Athenian (mind meditation) principles and the rest are of our current generation mindsets.

Despite of their mind-settings mostly for clash paraphernalia, they also inherit the cultural and quiet justice deeds, might be the influence from the other universes and how humans behave.

In terms of their interests, they are really futuristic and tech-savvy. They also even incorporate the technology they invented in their cultures in order to get more satisfied with their blessings; however, Scientificans who are living for a long time in this universe continue to “discourage” the use of gadgets in sacred rituals as they’re the cause of unwanted crimes and curses in the universe, especially, they believe it disrupts human communication for blessings. The idea of it is still in the air yet only a few groups practice the “traditional” ceremonies. 

When they are making speeches, they are mostly aligned of logical and direct sense; thus, you can’t really blame them for being indirectly offensive. Despite that, they manage to understand the idioms and other sentences with deep meanings, even though they’re really not using it.

Notable Deities

  • The Universe Incarnate--She is believed to be the “Mother” of all Scientificans in PaAs.
  • The Intergalactic Goddess--She’s believed to be the first Incarnate in the Galaxtica (Galaxy) Sector and mainly, protects the universe; also, she is rumored to be the Universe Incarnate’s daughter.
  • The Guardian of Life--She’s the one who distributes life in the universe and it dispersed into other Scientifica universes; she is also connected to the Taxa universe. 
  • The Celestial Angel--She maintains the “true” peace and order among the celestial skies mainly in the Stellaria (Star) Sector.

Backstory and History (Work In Progress)

The Birth of PaAs

Since the beginning of time where existence is created by The Creator, it has to be the way young Mana Materia and Spectra Electromagnetica incarnates and their deities together created this universe and they call it Patrona Astronomica which is made from intimate energy and light combined. It is once an empty space, void with no Scientificans yet nor deities living.

After 10,000 years, this universe is under control solely by Mana Materia Scientificans where they won against Spectra Electromagnetica at the heat of the Power War, the cause of this war is mainly by heated controversies and oppositions between them. There’s massive damage in all of Scientifica, various nuclear casualties and wasted light scattered all throughout the universe.

Human Interactions (Work In Progress)

Relationships Between other Scientifica Universes (Work In Progress)

Mana Materia (MnMt)

The Scientificans of Mana Materia are the one who mainly gives support and power to them; in fact, as more trading and sharing of every aspect of life happens to them, the more Patrona Astronomica incarnates becoming more powerful that accumulates drastically than all the efforts they exert alone. This results to their pride and greed for power that they involved in the Scientifica Enlightenment War between them and MnMt which “evaluates which universe is stronger that ended up in loss of both parties i.e. the large scope of cataclysmic destruction of both universes; they even affect the rest of the universes because of it in many ways. Afterwards, they maintained the communication but not as much MnMt incarnates did to them back then. 

Along with the relationship, they decide to make PaAs incarnates as the official leading proponent of the group because of their harnessed innovated things from MnMt and a fraction of other Scientifica Universes.

Spectra Electromagnetica (SpEM)

Along with Mana Materia, incarnates from Spectra Electromagnetica also contribute the strength of the incarnates of Patrona Astronomica since they distribute light and energy among the Scientifica Multiverse. Unlike their relationship with Mana Materia, their relationship lasted for a long time due to the nature of the incarnates in SpEM of being generous, patient and of pacifist types. As a matter of fact, PaAs incarnates asked them to have an alliance between them against MnMt but they refuse to join them as they believe that the war will make it worse. 

The Force of Nature (TFN) [Work In Progress]

Taxa (Work In Progress)

Villains (WIP, Work In Progress)

Focused Conflict (WIP)

Character Notes in this Folder

• The characters are sorted by their role on this universe (where the characters from the first page are the protagonists in every sector)

Personification Gijinka Science Scientifica Periodic Table of Elements Mana Materia Periodic Table Elements Chemistry Radioactivian Post-Transition Metal Astronomy Patrona Astronomica Life Essentials Noble Gas Non-Metals Metalloid Halogen Madoka Magica Alkali Metal