The Commune

Demigod Commune


Nestled in the Morelle Mountains, a tiny, secretive commune has staked its claim, curled in a lush valley. Comprised only of Demigods, they have shed their former lives within colonies to live out their days among their peers, tending to a small flock of animals and living off the land. Disinterested in war and regarded as selfish by Ant standards, they have kept their existence a secret for years and years.

Though, regular communication with Rain Colony's territory, the City of Palorme, supplements their existence. Refined goods and inaccessible materials pass into their hands, part of a hearty trade between the two smaller locales. However, the news of Tsakik's destruction - and the realization that Palorme has become the only remainder of Rain - shakes the commune to its core. It seems the war will never hesitate to follow them - with bloodshed and violence on its heels.

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme flame a c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile lacraya t immortal v i f bivve l o harmonic b beaut mag frag Seleighe hantel e g dragon r base pony demigod pegasus n main moondown j alicorn unicorn h behemoth shark soleil iron pony gladar k dragonhost dullahan dragenmire true baby underworlder chellabra d q harbinger wellofcreation throne w chaotic rhino robot pronghorn wetdragon citiesofash x theisle dolphin u bee hotdragon zlimi z favwhore arcanas sona kirin fusion Lesser God giraffe babby mag y drydragon herald glory cadava colddragon seleighe okapi whale tempdragon lelikki dewclaw chilopoda bat pony pink ardor gray puppet draunity pygmy behemoth fervor deer peryton pillar wings reindeer wisp pony miras yellow zebra OLDPROFILE eurys thehouse infinity antelope tentacula servant oprofile ferrohome Purple midworlder pokemon onager wasp Unicorn light gray sheep dark pink blue lux zorua zombie cow feral eggshell shaine no design mermaid uft coldragon swan Gray demon dark gray purple umbreon furry wet dragon guardian red earth pony green anthro fragment orange Dragon