

The southeasterly continent, primarily badlands, mountains, tundra, and a few scattered pine forests. With its closest neighbors being Chellabra and the Isle, it has remained isolated for most of its life, with only its coastal nation taking advantage of its gentle waters. 

However, the Holy Empire's growing power and embracing attitude towards Flames have made Lacraya a hotspot of powerful Flame refugees, fleeing prosecution, regulation, or abuse on the other continents. Such a host of individuals have brought international attention to its borders - especially as the newest Emperor's twin Flames are akin to a deities'. 

Country Folders

Important People


The Holy Emperor,
God of Time Reborn


Patron Flame, life-bringer of the mighty Savalla River


Retired warrior-king and liberator of Verebriva


Living robot, forger of the Source, seeking destiny


A mysterious traveler seeking out Peaches....

Refugees / Independents

Those who seek the safety of Lacraya without pledging themselves to any one nation, or who hide in its empty expanses. 

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme flame a c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile lacraya t immortal v i f bivve l o harmonic b beaut mag frag Seleighe hantel e dragon g base pony r demigod pegasus n main moondown alicorn j unicorn h behemoth soleil iron pony gladar shark dragonhost k dullahan dragenmire true baby chellabra underworlder wellofcreation harbinger d q chaotic rhino throne w pronghorn wetdragon citiesofash robot theisle x dolphin zlimi u bee hotdragon z sona kirin arcanas favwhore Lesser God fusion babby mag y drydragon giraffe glory cadava colddragon seleighe herald whale tempdragon lelikki okapi bat pony pink ardor chilopoda dewclaw puppet draunity pygmy behemoth fervor gray peryton wings reindeer pillar wisp pony miras yellow deer eurys thehouse infinity servant oprofile antelope tentacula zebra OLDPROFILE onager wasp Unicorn pokemon light gray sheep dark pink blue ferrohome Purple midworlder mermaid uft coldragon swan Gray demon dark gray purple furry wet dragon guardian red earth pony green umbreon anthro fragment orange Dragon zorua zombie cow feral eggshell shaine no design lux