Blue Spinel


The Federation is the most advanced of the Geodes, featuring excessively-high technology that the others can only dream of. It does not share its bounty with the others, instead keeping every drop of technology under such lock and key that the other Pegmatite leaders don't even know how far it's advanced. Its people live in decent conditions, although the tech is more geared for industrial purposes than for strictly pleasure. 

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme flame a c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile lacraya immortal t v i f bivve l o harmonic b beaut mag frag Seleighe hantel e g dragon base pony r demigod pegasus n main moondown j alicorn unicorn h behemoth iron pony gladar shark soleil dragonhost k dullahan true baby dragenmire underworlder chellabra harbinger wellofcreation d q chaotic rhino throne w wetdragon citiesofash robot pronghorn x theisle u bee hotdragon zlimi z dolphin favwhore arcanas sona kirin Lesser God fusion giraffe babby mag y drydragon colddragon seleighe herald glory cadava whale tempdragon lelikki okapi ardor dewclaw chilopoda bat pony pink draunity pygmy behemoth fervor gray puppet pillar wings reindeer wisp pony miras yellow deer peryton eurys thehouse infinity antelope tentacula servant oprofile zebra OLDPROFILE light gray sheep dark pink blue ferrohome Purple midworlder pokemon onager wasp Unicorn umbreon furry wet dragon guardian red earth pony green anthro fragment orange Dragon lux zorua zombie cow feral eggshell shaine no design mermaid uft coldragon swan Gray demon dark gray purple