
Welcome To Keystone Park

Employment Available
Donations Accepted
Bird count 8
Other exhibits Work In Progress
Campsites Available
Bird Show times 12 p.m., 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.


Keystone park & recreation was founded by Robert Jones, who had purchased the 20,000 acre property in the year 1845. The land was originally going to be cleared and the materials collected were to be used in making, what would have been, one of the largest hotels within the state. Mr. Jones, before the land was to be cleared, had decided to take a walk through an old deer trail into the woods. It was here that his eyes were opened to the majesty and beauty of nature itself. The trees, the wildflowers, the deer, the birds. This was no longer just a piece of land. This was a home to thousands of plants and animals. His mind was made up right then and there. He could not possibly let such land be cleared, so he ran back to the men he had hired and told them to all go home. He, then, had the land declared a park and, therefore, public property. He proceeded to build three small buildings onto the property: The main office, the aviary, and the Rescue Ranch. Unfortunately, Mr. Jones died shortly after the Rescue Ranch was complete, but by then he had a team of recreational enthusiasts to keep his legacy living on. A century later, the park has a wide variety of trimmed and well-kept trails. A dock and boat-landing, as well as naturalesque gazebos, outhouses, and benches have also been added while keeping the nature, itself, virtually untouched. Enjoy the long walks through the woods or the pristine, still waters of Lock Lake. Find comfort in the sounds of nature. Don't be afraid to explore! Welcome to adventure.

"Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time."

HTML byEggy

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