Metro 2033 Universe

“God, what a beautiful world we destroyed...”
Sins of Our Past is a fan-story created for the Metro 2033 universe. When VDNKh struggles with the Dark Ones, in Rizhskaya – the neighboring station – doctor Danila Fyodorov is trying to accept and get over his past, and mistakes he made years ago. However, the task isn't easy, especially when his old friend from the "SPARTA" Order is sent to the VDNKh Commonwealth stations after Artyom Chyornyj destroys the danger looming over the northern stations. Both of them are surprised to see each other after those years, although definitely not in a positive manner.
Now the question is... Is Rizhskaya truly safe? Is Danila going to resolve the conflict with his old ally? Is he going to accept what has happened years ago?

Fear the future.

human male historical female poland silesia history furry 20th century personification metro 2033 russia nonbinary metro papers please moscow 1920s doll miner warrior cats