Empire Revolution


Empire Revolution arc
Empire Revolution arc
Arc Info
Chapters ? - ?
Arc Guide

The Empire Revolution arc is the (unofficial) second story arc of the series and follows Junwei and his family as they fight for their throne in their country.

Departure to Jappon

A few days prior to Junwei's return to the Shu Empire, Jianlong embarked on a diplomatic mission to Jappon, aiming to secure essential trade agreements between the two nations. However, no successful agreements were made. With a sense of disappointment, Jianlong prepared for his return to the Shu Empire.

As he journeyed back, Jianlong's path intersected with a group of bandits who, unaware of his Nen abilities, recklessly attempted to rob him. These bandits soon find themselves confronting the unyielding power of his Nen. His combat skills proved formidable, and he swiftly subdued the attackers, bringing an end to their assault.

During this encounter, Itsuki Hayabusa stumbled upon the confrontation. Her presence catches Jianlong's attention, and he proceeds to approach her, his Nen shrouded by Zetsu. This sudden, stealthy approach takes Itsuki off guard and puts her on edge, her instincts signaling a shift in the atmosphere.

In a turn of events, Jianlong extends his hand, holding out Itsuki's Hunter License. His words carry a disconcerting message. He questions Itsuki's worthiness as a Hunter, suggesting that she has yet to overcome the "true" Hunter Exam.

This declaration left Itsuki baffled and bewildered, as she is confident in her Hunter status and the legitimacy of her previous achievements. The tension in the air escalated as Jianlong proceeded to unveil his Ren. The display of his Ren had an immediate impact on Itsuki, causing her to jump back and brace for battle in response to the sudden and overwhelming transformation of the atmosphere surrounding Jianlong.

However, Jianlong observed Itsuki's reaction closely and was intrigued by her response. He acknowledged her courage in the face of his Ren, noting that her instinctual reaction was not to flee from the challenge. Recognizing her potential, Jianlong made the decision to take Itsuki under his wing and teach the knowledge and techniques of Nen to her.

Arrival at the Shu Empire

Upon his return to the Shu Empire, Junwei was warmly welcomed by his younger sister, Xuemei. His curiosity piqued by the aura cast by their mother's En, he inquired about the absence of their father. Xuemei offered an explanation, assuring Junwei that their father would be returning home shortly. Junwei dismissed this information and reluctantly followed his mother's demand to change back into his imperial attire.

The news of Junwei's return quickly reached Bolong's ears, and he wasted no time in seeking a favor from Junwei. Bolong had long yearned to access the Hunters' Website and find out more information about the game Greed Island, an opportunity that had been denied by Jianlong. Confronted with Bolong's unwavering persistence, Junwei ultimately gave in and granted his cousin's request, allowing him to research Greed Island.

Start of a Revolution

Deep-seated tensions were brewing within the Shu Empire. The royal family's lavish and extravagant lifestyle sharply contrasted with the harsh and poor lifestyle faced by the common people. It was a strong divide that had persisted for far too long.

The catalyst for change emerged from a charismatic revolutionary leader named Zheng. With his passionate speeches and a compelling vision for a better future, Zheng ignited the spark of revolution. The oppressed citizens, yearning for a brighter future, found hope in his words and rallied behind his cause. The movement swiftly gained momentum as a groundswell of support surged.

On a fateful day, the 7th of February in 1999, protests erupted. A sea of citizens gathered in front of the opulent palace. The guards stationed at the palace gates, wary of the growing unrest, managed to keep the protestors at bay.

Word of this revolution quickly crossed the empire's borders, even reaching Jappon. It was urgent enough for Jianlong to return to the Shu Empire. Sensing the gravity of the situation, he made the choice to go back to his homeland, accompanied by his apprentice, Itsuki.

The Spiders Appear

On February 27th, 1999, a trio of formidable figures appeared before the grand palace of the Shu Empire. Feitan Portor, Franklin Bordeau, and Nobunaga Hazama, members of the Phantom Troupe. Their presence cast an intimidating aura which made the crowd tense up.

Junwei sensed their overwhelming presence intruding upon his En circle. Panic welled up within him, and his instincts kicked into overdrive. Without a moment's thought, he swiftly made his way to the palace's front gate, ready for combat. However, his relief washed over him like a soothing wave when he detected the arrival of his father entering his En range.

But there was no time to celebrate as Feitan swiftly seized the opportunity. He launched an assault, taking Junwei by surprise. It didn't take long before other members of the royal family, including his siblings and cousins, arrived at the chaotic scene to provide backup.

To tackle this fight, they organized themselves into groups to face the treacherous Phantom Troupe. Junwei, along with his cousin Bolong, faced off against the skilled swordsman Nobunaga. However, Bolong quickly fell prey to Nobunaga's blinding speed, leaving Junwei to confront the adversary alone.

In a desperate attempt to hold his ground, Junwei employed projectiles, unleashing a flurry of attacks aimed at driving Nobunaga back. As his supply of steel nails slowly ran out, Junwei drew his sword, determined to defend himself and Bolong. It was apparent, though, that there was a huge difference in their swordsmanship skills. Despite Junwei's best efforts, he found it impossible to land a successful attack with his blade.

Junwei, purely out of annoyance, turned his own sword into a projectile, catching Nobunaga off guard. This unexpected tactic allowed Junwei to pick up Bolong and retreat from the unwinnable confrontation.

In a different part of the battle, Huayue and Weixuan faced Feitan. Their inexperience and limited abilities made it incredibly challenging to keep pace with a member of the Phantom Troupe. However, Weixuan's quick thinking resulted in a small but significant wound against Feitan. The battle took a fortunate turn when Hualin, their mother, joined the battle. Exploiting the minor injury that Weixuan had inflicted earlier, Hualin skillfully manipulated Feitan's blood, causing him to suffer from blood loss. The combination of Huayue and Weixuan's coverage, along with the effects of Hualin's blood manipulation, forced the Troupe member to withdraw temporarily and recover his strength.

Meanwhile, Xuemei and Naoqi faced Franklin. They quickly realized that Xuemei's commands through her Great Catalog were ineffective against him. The two adapted their strategy, with Naoqi using her Warp Gate to cover themselves against Franklin's potent Nen bullets. Xuemei's Great Catalog was used to conjure firearms, which were then channeled into Naoqi's Warp Gate. The plan was to unleash a barrage of bullets upon Franklin from various directions. To provide additional support, Jianlong used one of his abilities to manipulate Franklin, causing him to retreat.

Soon thereafter, they found themselves under assault by Nobunaga, who had just concluded his battle with Junwei. Jianlong entered a head-to-head confrontation with Nobunaga until Naoqi activated her teleportation abilities, removing him from the battlefield. Naoqi voiced her concerns about Bolong and Junwei, who had been engaged in combat with Nobunaga. It wasn't long before Junwei appeared with Bolong on his back, their states showcasing the physical toll of their struggle.


Recognizing the dire circumstances and unfavorable odds, Jianlong made the difficult decision to initiate a tactical retreat. He took charge of the situation, giving orders to his family members. Xuemei was tasked with creating lifelike duplicates of the royal family. Jianlong manipulated these clones with his TV remote, issuing simple commands that allowed the clones to be killed. The purpose of this ruse was to deceive the Phantom Troupe, making them believe they had achieved their objective. Junwei was selected to relay the order to retreat to the rest of the family. Junwei protested against this idea, but quickly complied after receiving a stern look from his father.

After escaping the country, Junwei's protest against this strategy was vocal and intense, driven by his frustration and anger at the, in his opinion, cowardice displayed by his father, an Emperor he held to high standards. Fueled by his sense of pride and honor, Junwei attempted to strike his father with his sword, his emotions spiraling out of control. However, his impulsive aggression was swiftly met with an overpowering force that brought Junwei to his knees. His sword was disarmed and cast aside, leaving defeated on the ground.

With the chaos of the revolution behind them, the Shu family embarked on a journey to find a new home. It took considerable time, but they eventually settled in the Mimbo Republic. Here, Jianlong continued Itsuki's Nen training. Under his watchful guidance, she honed her skills to the point where she successfully passed the Secret Hunter Exam.

As time passed, Leorio approached the Shu Clan to become an intern. His intention was to study medicine and provide essential care for the Shu Clan. Over time, Junwei and Leorio formed a bond similar to that of brothers.

Off to the Auction

With their immediate responsibilities resolved and little to keep them occupied, Junwei, Bolong and Leorio set their course for Yorknew City, driven by their shared curiosity of Greed Island. Meanwhile, Itsuki's journey led her back to Jappon.

Notable Characters

Major Fights
Story Impact
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