🤡Funny Business

Main Cast

The main four of Funny Business! A webcomic about a bakery ran by clowns.

Tootie Pebbles

Adult . Jokester . Owner


Miss. Tootie Pebbles is the owner of the eccentric bakery The Whoop-Di-Doodle bakery! She's a sweet and fun loving clown who loves making treats!

Pogo Puddy

Young Adult . Jack . Caterer


Pogo Puddy is in charge of the catering at the Whoop-Di-Doodle! Though he's a little nervous, he loves fun as much as the next person and tries to bring smiles to everyone.

Frizzle Frazzle

Child . Jester . Designer


Frizzle Frazzle takes care of designing all outgoing cakes as well as promotional material. She's a bit on the rowdy side but is very talented in what she does!


Adult . Elephant . Transportation


Bertram is the main mode of transportation when it comes to goodie deliveries! He is like the voice of reason among the clowns that keeps them all together and gets them where they need to go!


Clowns that get their jolly from making others laugh


Adult . Bookstore owner


Alphabetty runs a local bookstore. Her current best seller is an autobiagraphy about her life and how her brother has been missing for many many years now, she's always in good spirits regardless happy to teach the wonders of reading!


Adult . Museum Guide


Ammo is the guide overseeing the Clambrian era in the museum. Ask them about their rock collection if you have 5 to 7 hours to spare!


Adult . Museum Guide




Adult . Produce store owner


Broggle sells the finest veggies on this side of Pandemonium...acording to them. they're especially renowned for their tomatoes used for throwing at bad perfermances. they are the splatiest!

Bubble Pop

Adult . Ghost


Bubble pop is a ghost by profession. She tries her best to scare other clowns but she in unfortunately really bad at this and on the off chance she does scare someone she feels really bad about it. She's mostly seen hanging out around the mall!

Cere Bellum

Adult . Drink Kiosk owner


Cere may now be able to speak but their brain juice smoothies speak for themselves. Despite them and their shop having a spooky appearance they're very kind and love making custom flavors when requested!


Adult . Conductor


ChooChoo is in charge of conducting The Express Entertainment Express, a train that’ll deliver you gaffs and goofs as long as you give them a whistle. She loves riding around with RazzleDazzle and leaving smiles behind them.


Adult . News Anchor


Drizzle works as the News Anchor at LOL Network!,,,And the sports anchor...and the weather forecaster...and the janitor! They work every single position at the network all so that they can bring a smile to your face!


Adult . Vacation Agency owner


Finagle offers many wonderful vacations at their agency. many islands they discovered themselves! an adventure is guaranteed, mostly because they will airdrop you on the remote island for a few weeks.


Elder . Gardener


Florence is a talented gardener who specializes in the unique flora of Pandemonium. He grows all the crops that Tootie uses in her treats. He loves to help local businesses and is known for his kind and generous nature.

Glitter Gloo

Elder . Flight Attendent


Glitter is Tootie’s dear mother! She works for a traveling agency that sends people across Pandemonium in the blink of an eye! She’s always out and about but makes sure to send post cards to her loved ones.


Adult . Radio Show Host


Jezebel was a radio host of a late night show called "Lovely Jezebel Loves Ya!". When she was alive, she would supply her listeners with all kinds of advice about all things love related! That was when she was alive though...


Young Adult . Bellhop


Nitwit was tired of being a part of society. Thus, he completely rejected it and works as a bellhop at the WildInn, a hotel in Pandemonium made for animals! He’s now found his calling working minimum wage! Wowie!

Rudy BigShooty

Adult . HOA Hero


In his youth, Rudy was once a valiant hero who would help those in need across the world. Now, he’s retired, but still committed to aiding his community! To do this, he’s become the head of the homeowner’s association battling wars of good, evil, and lawn flamingos.

Scary Gary

Adult . Actor


A very talented Thespian who can nail any role that's given to him! He’s incredibly friendly, well-spoken, and always wants to bring out the best in everyone. Despite this, he's always typecast into horror movie roles! He has no clue why.

Tata Tinfoil

Adult . Country Singer


Tata is an intergalactic country star. She travels across space singing until the alien cows come home. Clowns all over the world dawn their tin gallon hats and tune their satellites into her late night yodeling. YEEHAW!

Shelly Anning

Adult . Paleontologist


Shelly is a clown paleontologist noted for discovering many fossils of ancient Pandemonium creatures. She puts them on display in her museum and loves sharing archeology fun with all who come by.

Sprightly Scrivens

Young Adult . Auctioneer


Sprightly is a talented auctioneer who loves connecting treasured products with beloved owners! However, could he be too good?? Sprightly can’t stop selling EVERYTHING he comes into contact with!


Young Adult . Crocheter


Yarn is a sweet clown who works at the Plush Pet Store, a store that brings soft and cuddly pals to life! Though she is a little clumsy, she works very hard so that everyone has a sweet friend they can cherish forever.


Clowns that get jolly from making fun of others

Anansi Astaire

Adult . Trickster


Anansi may be a jack in a box, but he is a Jester through and through. He gets great joy out of making nasty little pranks on other people. Whenever he’s near, trouble is always close by for this Jester.

Archie Tact

Adult . Architect


Archie has an architextural company stationed in the mall. He makes wonderful houses and his home designs are very coveted. Even if he's known to slip in the occasional labyrith or trap door!


Adult . Cleric


A very mischievious Jester said to be from a magical realm. Armed with his Satirical Staff, he isn't afraid to conjure up a few giggles and laughs even if it is at the expense of others. Despite this, he's known to heal his victims up afterwards. Does he have a heart after all?


Adult . Mascot


The mascot for Chucklehead's Pizza Emporium, a fun family friendly entertainment center that is fun for all. While Chuckles seems to like attention, he doesn't seem to like people or children or even pizza for that matter. Why is he here??

Evie Seed

Child . -



Flim & Flam

Adults . Car Salesmen


$!%? YOU, PANDEMONIUM! These two are twin Jesters who operate a very legitimate cars sales business! Truly there is nothing here that is suspicious in the slightest! Now give them your credit card information! GUARANTEED

Georgie Jingles

Adult . Game Host


Georgie is a game show host! He’s entertaining but ridiculously snarky, not hesitating to mock someone for failing his games. However, he is a master of fun and never loses, meaning that playing against him makes for some great entertainment at the expense of others.


Adult . Head Carny


Guffaw is the Head of Chucklehead’s Pizza Emporium. With a grin full of sharp teeth and piercing eyes, he makes sure that the emporium operates as it’s suppose to. He doesn’t take rule breakers easily and will handle them with a firm handshake and a challenge of the century. Who doesn’t love a good challenge?

Hippity and Hoppity

Adult . Laundromat owner


Hippity and Hoppity make sure all your laundry is clean. safe it for the occasional missing sock! between the wash and dry it's unsure where the sock gets lost! truth is the feed lone socks to their laundry monster to appease it!


Adult . Puppet


JimJam is Tootie’s biological older brother. He’s a puppet.

Jungle Jim

Adult . Gym Owner


Jungle Jim owns The Jungle Gym, which is short for The Jungasium Gymnasium! He pushes people to their very limits so that they may become their best selves. While he has the best intentions, he’s still a Jester and gets a real kick out of people struggling to work out to the MAX.

KnickKnack McCrafts

Adult . Antiquestore owner


KnickKnack runs her own antique store. unfortunately none of her pieces ever get trough the door in one piece no matter how valuable or how careful she is with them, slapstick ensues.


Young Adult . Influencer


Kubrick is a student and influencer popular on the Pandemonium web. They make ridiculous art pieces and often end up destroying them at the end of their videos. They love visiting places to critique the Feng shui and create impromptu art pieces garnering great interest from their followers! for better or for worse...


Adult . Prize Carny


LOLouisa handles the carnival games in Chucklehead’s Emporium. The games are tough but fair. Winning one just takes a lot of time…and coins, of course. But if you’re successful? Well, then you’re guaranteed a fabulous prize from LOLouisa herself. There are no returns, though, so be careful what you choose.


Adult . Antiquestore owner




Adult . Casino owner




Adult . Boxer




Young adult . Student


Soup is a student and spends most her time bumming it at the mall. she's incredibly upset her older sibling made it big online and she didn't. regardless she tries to do her little fashion haul and art FlipFlops in an attempt to catch up.


Adult . Business Man


Succotash is a cat burglar legitimate businessman with very legitimate business practices. They offer a plethora of services for those looking for them. The only problem is finding them as they never stick around in the same place for long. Wonder why that is!

Sugar Honey Ice Tea

Adult . Super Villain


A very infamous supervillain who practices jests illegally! She seems to target precious, irreplaceable things just for the fun of it. Armed with razor-sharp, super heated fingers, she can prove to be a danger to even the most experienced clown. She's also Pogo's mom!

Valicity Raptorian

Adult . Museum guide


Velicity is the tour guide for the Cletaceous Era in the museum.they however have a different idea of what's educational, often hunting guests for sport to prove you would never survive the time of the Clinosaurs.


Clowns who make their own definitions of jolly


Adult . Professional snoozer


Bedbug owns a Matress store in the merry-go-mall. She spends most of her time sleeping while her customers jump all over the beds. however she's not opposed to jumping the beds herself to prove their excelent bounciness!

Bingo Bongo

Adult . Lawyer


The father to Drizzle and a very serious clown businessman who deals primarily in whines and gripes. His scowl is just as unending as his paperwork. While he is very short tempered(and short), there are a few things that get a little smile from him.


Elder . Painter


Bosh is an excentric painter. maybe even too excentric for the average clown... it doesn't help that all his paintings are cryptic doomsday interpretations. He avidly claims he was there to see the fabled dynamite trick but this is often brushed off as old coot gibberish.

Groovy Gus

Adult . Yoga Guru


Groovy Gus is in charge of Smooth Grooves, a section of the Jungle Gym that teaches clowns how to ascend and access their true clown. Unfortunately, Gus is a bit too good at this and has the habit of astral projecting at the worst of times.

Lemon Square

Young Adult . Poet


A lover of cultured literature, Lemon Square is a self declared "cultured" mime. She favors old school methods of comedy compared to what the kids laugh at today. She made a whole club named "Le Gaie" dedicated to embracing such cultured works. She doesn't have many friends.


Adult . Neon Light maker


Reggie owns a little shop where he makes custom neon lights and sells anything to do with lightbulbs!He's Alphabetty's father and can be found wander around the mall whenever his shop isn't open. A big fan of visiting the Jungle Gym to do yoga after being hunched over lamps all day.

Rocky Road

Adult . Clown Car Mechanic



Rodger Dodger

Timeless . Deity of the Moon


A clown that inhabits the moon. He was originally asleep since he was created, ensuring night and unconsciousness. However, he has recently been woken up and refuses to go back to sleep for his own reasons. Because of this, many clowns find themselves unable to sleep as well.

Sonny SideUp

Timeless . Deity of the Sun


A clown that inhabits the sun, ensuring morning and wakefulness. While the sun is associated with happiness and bright times, it can also make you go blind, which summarizes his personality very well. He takes his job very seriously and has been awake since his creation.

The Other One

Young Adult . Aspiring Actor


The Other One is the biological child of JimJam. They dream of being a big actor one day, and while they’ve mastered the big part, they’re still working hard to be the thespian everyone believes they could be.


Adult . ???


A very curious Mime who seemed to just appear one day. They find their jolly in the love and adoration they gain from others. They never stay in the same place for long and many disappear when they are around, as strange as that sounds.

Jack of all Trades

Clowns who have all of the combined qualities of Jokesters, Jesters, and Mimes

Agent Brownie

Adult . Super Agent


Brownie is Pogo’s father. Very monotonous and boring, one might be surprised to know he’s a Jack of all Trades. However, Brownie certainly is. He is also a top-secret agent who prevents the destruction of Pandemonium and life as we know it. Just your average Monday.


Adult . Mime Teacher



Cookie Crumbles

Adult . Mad Scientist


Cookie is Tootie’s girlfriend and an incredibly gifted scientist! She loves to experiment and help people with her inventions, though she sometimes gets carried away. While she is a Jack, she broke her funny bones years ago in an accident…

Elmer Gloo

Adult . College Headmaster


Elmer Gloo is the Headmaster of Clown College as well as Tootie's dear old dad! He is a very experienced Jack who excels in all forms of comedy and is dedicated to providing a place for other clowns to learn them as well! He used to have a bit of a problematic past, but has abandoned it years ago.


Adult . Jester Teacher


Esher teacher the jester course at the Clown College. He loves beaming his students into the infinite stairs dimension to just figure it out. putting lizards in their desks for practical jokes and this doesn't stay in his classroom as he loves to pester Chatterbox on the daily.

Mamma Mia

Adult . Daycare attendant


Mamma Mia is the Daycare attendant of the IttyBittyBooBoo daycare in the Merry-go-Mall. she mostly looks after the children of the people attending their stores for the day and takes great pride in looking after all the little precious undles of joy that come in her care.

Pinto beans

Adult . Jokester Teacher


Pinto is in charge of running the jokester course in the Clown College. She's filled to the brim with optimism and cheer and loves bringing her class on excursions to see the importance of being kind to others while collecting your daily jolly. She's an Ex-circus performer and loves flexing her acrobatics to the class!


Adult . Director


RazzleDazzle is Choo Choo’s mother and co-operator of The Express Entertainment Express. While her daughter gets them where they need to go, RazzleDazzle makes the magic happen to keep you on the edge of your seat.


Adult . Hair Stylist


Razzmatazz is a cheeky clown hair stylist known for her talent for clown hair. She is an expert stylist who likes to have fun whenever she can! Probably not the best thing to hear when someone is working on your hair, however...

Watermelon Seed

Young Adult . Fortune Teller


Watermelon Seed is an amateur fortune teller straight out of a 3 week online course. Though they're new to the profession, their readings always come true. Whether this is due to incredible intuition or because of their readings is unknown...

Whippi Crème Frosting

Young Adult . Cartoon Villain


Whippi is Frizzle's older sister! She is a very eccentric Jack who speaks exclusively in Clench and works as the villain on the Marella and Friends show. Those who don't know her can find her a tad hard to understand. However, she actually incredibly friendly and loves making friends.

FB Extras!

Funny Business Characters are do not traditionally fit in the typings/have more of a supporting role

Marella Mozzarella

Child . Cartoon Character


Marella is the star of the Marella and friend’s show! She’s a sweet little Jokester who loves making cookies and running around with her friends. She is always going on adventures and learning important lessons along the way.

Mc Boohoo

Adult . Musician




??? . ???


Who could this be?


??? . ???


Who could this be?


??? . ???


Who could this be?


??? . ???


Who could this be?


These are links to species guides for the clown types as well as the Funny Business Almalaugh, an almanac with useful information for the Funny Business verse as well as things to keep in mind if you are wanting to make your own oc!

Funny Business Webcomic


The official Webcomic of Funny Business.

Whoop-Di-Doodle Menu


A directory to all of the treats and ingredients you'll find on the Whoop-Di-Doodle Menu!

Jokesters Guide


A species guide for making Jokesters!

Jesters Guide


A species guide for making Jesters!

Mimes Guide


A species guide for making Mimes!

Jacks Guide


A species guide for making Jacks of all trades.



An almanac filled with a bunch of lore facts about the clowns of Funny Business.

Clown Demon Funny Business Toon Pink Jester Robot Blue Adopt Homunculus Ghost Purple Clowns Yellow Species UFS Adoptable Green Evil Puppet Up for Sale Persona Nightmare Villain Mime OTA Comfort Character Bee Vampire Alien Lotan Guide Monster Candy UFO Spirit Yokai Farmer Zombie Adoptables Offer to Adopt Adopts Yarn Mahou Wando Witch Succulent CC Undead Cat Goth Plant Ice Soda Baby Goat Rainbow Deity Spider Time Deity Hair Stylist Red Bunbat Skeleton White Kidcore YEEYEE Mochi Awooga Pollution humanoid Rapper Hero Night Satyr Poison Tengu Gorgon Main Character Princess Scientist Eldritch Horror Elemental Sleep Cherry Cartoon Gremlin Scarecrow Metal Pop Star slime Hone-onna gem purple Limp noodle clown bastard Grandpa NFS Angel Fruit Mobster Horrible Man Rock Star Jokester BUG Mushroom Artificial Intelligence News Anchor Mimes Boogieman Gacha Porcelain Doll Spooky boy Bear Shrimp Sin of Ignorance Get stickbugged lol ZZZ Novel Raps are lukewarm at best Sunshine Object Head Please sir a tuppence Spy Moon The Grand Marshal Nurse Brat Jellybean Commission Info Former Nightmare Friday Drawing Kitty YeeYee Jack of all Trades Clowncore My bELOVED Rockabilly Crystal Homonculi Newman Hotty Spooky Hubba Hubba OTA GHOUL ADOPT NO LITTLE GERMAN BOY Plastic OI OI OI Superstar Smoke Diver Dessert RP Did you guys hear about the moonlanding Singer Dynamite Yassification Awful 90s Gardener 1930s MUAHAHA Living Doll Sailor Dont Hug Me Im Scared Gold Fruit brute Casino Phantom Cookie Brown cute demon Grey zapron357 Joke OC clown invested one Literally so vile Elephant My fucking son bat steven universe unaligned Clown lady Dantalion Clownletto Summer DND wip Fuzzy Scene Cordycep Rockstar Hopeless Romantic BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOGIE Money Bag Butterscotch Fish Kid Medjed Sleep God Cupid Alpaca 1920 Art Deco Sun Weeb Record Babbus Science Guava Band Slime Hospital Plushy Sassy Child Apple Crotchet Bush Comms I made him when I was 12 Friday the 13th Pocket Monster Nekomata stars Announcer Magical Girl queen of my heart Pirate Fashion Lawyer Scary Kite Spider Ghoul Up for Adopt Dj Dirty Ocean dragon Sunday Gargoyle Kiss Fairy Resource think it was real Emoji Cosmic Elf Berry Art Honk Honk He needs love AU District Popcorn Corporate Pediophobia Werecat Water elemental Mouse bottle He asked for no PICKLES Poltergeist Mahou Wahou Camo Musician 80s monster Puple Tooth Fairy Anime Futuristic a GHOUL But she still cute yokai gemsona wife Duke goat gamer Middle Aged Woman Watermelon Sugar Felt Harlequin story vaporwaves Kero Snow Idiot Brain Fungus Femme Fatale YN Lovecore Shadow Its electric WHY I OUGHTA Naga Dog Cake Pop Pineapples SNORK MIMIMI Anthro Beemon Paper Ice Element Kagami Morning Sakura Vinyl Record Unblinking Explorer Mirror Needles Envelope Cupcake Country Boy Perfume Commissions Dolla Dolla Bill Yall Day of the Week vacation planner Moth Incubus Microphone 1950s Antagonist Space Mega Milk Knight Halloween Woman Dullahan Popstar Florida Man Moment Spraypaint Lip Strawberry RP Comfort Meme Multi-Color Silly Indigo Moon Poisons Gallery Enchanted. Gramophone Alternate Universe Retropolis Eldritch Capitalism Ships Gjinka Woah mama Frankenberry ota Dada Soul Push I am so sorry Pop Art pattern Gamer Girl Y2k Live Laugh Love Orange Robots mlp yokai oc blue su NFT alien Karencore Rat Luck Jesters Jawbreaker EVIL c Frog Newspaper AI Weather Reporter Will you be the one Doll Shark Burger Genuine Long Lad Snowman Sonny 1950 Sea Monster Victorian Child Cactus Marshal Artifact Chameleon Wrapper Visionary cyborg ghost Commission Scout Jokesters Comic Commentator Rocker Figment of Imagination Eye MANS Exterminator Centaur Pumpkin Up for Offer OFA Toy Constable Day of the Month Toxin Sea Food Sweet if i eated it no i disnt Idol Singing Sassy Stripes Newmans Werewolf Even if hes cringe vaporvvaves Metropolis EVIL CORPORATE We here at Brand Plush DHMIS Bat Creature of loop lagoon toon Phantasm Big Old Peepers Gingerbread CLAMERICAAAA FUCK YEAH Maestro retro Thot Gay as Hell Never ask me to draw her again Influencer