
. All Characters

for those who want to experience the madness of my directory without the pretty graphics and thesaurus sourced words. i have no idea why you would want to do that to yourself honestly. godspeed you glorious bastard.

Tags: all characters, all stories, mixed


. Unjust

the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. time and time again the wildcards have faced off against the gods wishing to tip the delicate balance that is held between earth and the heavens; but sins can never go unpunished.

Tags: multiple arcs, mystery, horror/adventure


. Sundial

thousands of years ago humans and beasts warred alongside their respective gods for control of the continent of phexiont. now, thousands of years after the bitter stalemate, a small band of humans and beasts must stop the end of times.

Tags: shapeshifters, war/action, gods v. mortals


. Requieum

following a failed coup, the bastard son of the heads of heaven and hell has his memory wiped and form changed, and the "new" man barely esscapes with his life. he's been on the run for years, its time to finish the fucking job.

Tags: gods, creatures and beasties, divine politics


. Cryptimania

usually its the cryptid hunters with crazy cults when depicted in media, but what if i told you its different here? crazy religious cults are the ones hunting down the creatures known as cryptids, leaving the lesser known to fight back.

Tags: mystery/horror, cryptids, cults


. Indefinite

gods are insufferable, the beings who do not bend to their whims think this especially true. after punishing them all and leaving without a trace, the sole survivor of the wipeout is left to pick up the pieces of his broken, troubled family.

Tags: growth, space pirates, no happy ending


. Pantomime

in the deserts of mexico, an oasis paradise hides a city of cats. parasio was blessed by the sun and the sands many moons ago, but the blessing seems to have ceased after the city's matriarch is murdered in broad daylight.

Tags: musical, politics, high tension


. Fragmented

solstice was long ago bestowed with the patrons- beings who harnessed the powers of the gods and kept balance in the world. however, they begin to fall apart after one of the patron's students is killed and she is pinned for the crime.

Tags: internal conflict, found family, angst


. Acquired

dinosaurs never went extinct in this timeline- instead they are used to advance science and better the world we live in, coexisting with humans near perfectly. but two brothers get caught up on the wrong side of the genetic code.

Tags: science, dinosaurs, thriller


. Whiteout

sister spring, mother summer, brother fall, and father winter. the seasons keep the tundra forever in balance, a cycle that repeats from the start of time until the end. however winter hasn't ended, and the tundra is slowly dying.

Tags: coming of age, adventure, supernatural


. Azure Tides

after the destruction of the sacred tower, lugia fled and secluded itself in the deepest depths of the whirl islands- rarely, if ever, being seen again. a young girl found it's feather the day her journey started, and now she fears the worst.

Tags: pokemon, nuzelocke, coming of age


. Succession

the tribes of pyrrhia have been at peace for many years- but that doesn't mean inner conflict has ceased. after an attempted murder and an usurping of the throne by her brother- frostbite is left to seek aid from unlikely places.

Tags: wings of fire, found family, adventure


. DND, RPGs and More

a folder for the characters that belong to dnd campaigns, RPG games, or worlds that belong to my friends. from medieval times, to the 1980s, into a world of magic, and deep into the expanse of space- this has it all.

Tags: dnd, rp, mixed bag


. Sonas

the characters that represent me, myself, and i. any characters that fit under the sona, kinsona, or self insert category will be stored into this folder should they not be applied elsewhere.

Tags: sonas, self-insert, kinsona

OC FC Persona 5 fc persona 5 Oc oc Fire Emblem Engage Next Gen the unjust New Thieves SUNDIAL next gen Fire Emblem OC Unjust original story FE OC god fan character Persona