moonclan (stars)











. intro

lore event

Welcome to Moonclan, home of the Moontouched, those blessed with strange abilities, uniquely in touch with nature and the elements of the world. The cats of Moonclan preside in a mountain valley, a dense pine forest with a large lake and river running through it, higher up in the mountain ridge than most of the surrounding groups of cats.

Moonclan is a rather mysterious clan, led by the powerful and regal Nightstar. They are neutral toward most of the neighboring clans, not trying to make any enemies or further their territory (at the moment), content to be left alone in their mountains and train and protect each other.

The cats of Moonclan all harbor strange powers, wielding the elements at their pawtips- it is not unusual to see Moonclan cats gliding through the air on gusts of wind, carving their claws through stone or shaking the earth around them, swimming like fish in the lake and frosting the ground at their paws, or warming themselves by a fire made from nothing but their mind, figures dancing in the flames. Moonclan calls these affinities, with six elements- Windwalkers, Stoneshapers, Waterweavers, and Firestarters are the main four, with the remaining two being the much rarer Lifebringers and Starseers.

. territory

moonclan's territory map

moonclan makes its home in a small pine-forested valley in the mountains, next to a lake and surrounding rivers. moonclan's camp itself is found up against the base of a mountain, a cave entrance hidden by trees and rocks and undergrowth. the cave might have once been the home of a larger animal, or several- it's a natural cave, with several smaller tunnels leading off into separate chambers. the cave is warm in the winter and cool in the summer, with a steadily dripping pool of rock water off to one side of the main chamber.

the forest is full of mainly pine trees, although a few other kinds of trees pepper the land as well. the land is far from flat- it's in the mountains, after all, and the plants and grass and undergrowth live inbetween rocks and hills. the lake itself is rather large, with a river that cuts through the mountains running through it and several smaller streams running from the mountains down into the lake. in the middle of the lake is a crescent-moon shaped island, with three large pine trees growing from it. the pool in the middle of the island is where the moonclan cats go to commune with starclan- using the large boulders spotting the lake to get to it. moonclan cats are usually rather good swimmers, and fishers, as the lake is so close and prominent.

past the little forest valley, in the mountains, are many cave systems and homes to all sorts of predators and prey. far past the mountains is a medium-sized little human town, with a few permanent residents and many seasonal ones, who stop by the town and then continue on into the forest, sleeping in strange tents and making fires. they dont usually get too close to moonclan's territory, but they have seen the occasional twoleg hiking through there before.

. history

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.




apprentice | healer


warrior | hunter


warrior | hunter


warrior | hunter


warrior | hunter


warrior | hunter


warrior | hunter


warrior | hunter


warrior | guardian


warrior | guardian


warrior | guardian


warrior | guardian


warrior | guardian


warrior | guardian


apprentice | hunter


apprentice | guardian


apprentice | hunter



[ Prey ]

  • 1 FP | scraps, worms, bugs
  • 2 FP | small rodents, small fish, snails
  • 3 FP | medium fish, squirrels, small snakes, frogs, small birds
  • 4 FP | big fish, birds, owls, rabbits
  • 5 FP | hawks, eagles


bears, wolves, foxes, badgers, bobcats, lynxes, large/venomous snakes, large birds of prey

  • write some extra notes here
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate.


Most of Moonclan's ranks are typical of the traditional clan system- leader, deputy, warriors, apprentices, etc. However, the "medicine cat" is called a Healer, and warriors in moonclans are typically broken up into two groups.

  • LEADER | the leader of moonclan, currently Nightstar, is given the suffix of "star" upon the beginning of their leadership. Leaders are given nine lives by the Stars, to allow them to lead their clan for longer and better, and to show that they were approved and chosen by the Stars.

  • DEPUTY | the deputy of moonclan is the leader's right hand man, their second in authority and the enxt in line to take over the clan should something happen to the leader. they are in charge of things while the leader is away or busy.

  • HEALER | the healer of moonclan has two roles- heal the clan, make medicines and know how to use herbs to help the injured or sick; as well as communicate with the Stars and recieve visions. salem is a bit of an unconventional healer, but, they know what theyre doing, and definitely have an undenyable connection with the spirits (whether that be starclan or, something else, no one is quite sure).

  • WARRIOR-HUNTERS | often called just hunters, these are adult cats who specialize in hunting and gathering food. whether it be hunting rodents in the forest, fishing in the river or lake, or even catching birds right out of the trees, hunters are in charge of making sure moonclan is fed.

  • WARRIOR-GUARDS | often called just guards or guardians, the are adult cats who specialize in fighting or protecting moonclan from intruders and enemies. they take patrols and protect moonclan's borders, as well as guard the cave and the cave-bound cats from any predators that may want a snack.

  • APPRENTICES | apprentices are kits older than 6 moons who are training to become warriors. when a kit becomes an apprentice, they are given the suffix "paw." they are allowed to choose whether theyd like to become hunters or guardians, and will be given a mentor (one of the warriors) who is in charge of training them. whether due to the apprentices decision changing or the mentor deciding theyd do better as the other type of warrior, apprentices can change specialization as seen fit.

  • QUEENS | queens are cats who are in charge of keeping the nursery and taking care of the kits. not all of them are mollies, and not all of them have kits of their own- often they are cats who prefer not to fight or hunt, or maybe aren't able to, and would rather spend their time caring for the kits of moonclan. if a parent cannot care for their own kits or has other duties to attend to, the queens are more than happy to help out.

  • KITS | young kittens! kits are bound to the nursery and the caves (with supervision so they don't fall off a high rock or into the pool), and are taken care of by the queens. many kits are rased rather communally. kits have the suffix "kit."

  • ELDERS | elders are old and retired cats who tend to stay within the camp. some of them are forced to retire their warriorship early due to injury, and some of them are just ancient and unable to continue as a warrior any longer. they are cared for by the other members of moonclan (often apprentices have the duty of bringing them food or new bedding).





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